Chap 21: Mothien Academy

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“Mothien Academy…?” Galen understood that there was a crucial detail that he missed when gathering information. According to what Rosalyn told him, the highest building of this capital with the crystal dome that he saw at the first time entering was actually Mothien Academy. And the dome at the top of the academy was the central cathedral of Saganite religion, also the place where the queen of Mothien Kingdom resides at. Every civilian within Mothien Capital would have to pass four years of their childhood in the academy as the mandatory process. At there, their class would also decide their rank in this kingdom’s social as well.   Rosalyn was an amazing person… she could remember all faces of her students in this capital. So, when she saw Galen and Liana, she already knew they weren’t from this kingdom. “Are you sure?” Galen asked Rosalyn “You are going to let the spy of your kingdom enter the most sacred place of your own homeland. You can be committed as a national traitor if you do that.” “Don’t worry about me, meow hehe! I do that, because I need you to do something for me as well, fair trade right? Also, I’m confident to say that… …if you dare to touch Our Highness, I can instantly make you vaporized from this world.” “Reee!!!!” Rosalyn showed her creepy smiley face toward Galen. Frank next to him panicked when seeing her face and hid behind Galen. To Galen, he just swallowed his saliva and looked at her with a cautious glance.   “I begin liking you now, meow hehe! Not only smart, but also very brave!!” Rosalyn laughed like madness. Compared with her young look and behavior, they totally didn’t match each other. But to Galen, he had even met another person even crazier than her – that old weredragon at Frelanna island he meant… So, to sum it up, despite knowing Galen as the kingdom’s threat, the reason Rosalyn wanted him to enter the academy was for her personal request only? Rosalyn said she would tell him what her request would be once he enter the academy. Considering all the solutions, he thought that following her might be the best choice. Having her as his ally to do this mission, would be better than acting alone with full of enemies in this unknown country.   “I got it. I will enter Mothien Academy.” Galen’s speech also got the agreement from Liana and Frank as well.   “Oh, about that weredragon girl over there…” At this moment, Rosalyn noticed Liana lying on Galen’s back. Liana was surprised when Rosalyn stared from her face to her legs. “You are so pretty, little one. Do you want to join the consort team of Our Highness? With your rare odd-eyes color and your noble race, I’m sure she will be very content to have a cute weredragon like you.”   Hearing that, Galen reacted immediately and hid Liana from Rosalyn’s sight. “No thanks, Alice will be with me.” “Meow hehe, got you! She is your girlfriend right?” “She is my best friend. The way you see your queen, is also the same as the I see her.” “Hehe so it doesn’t matter. Alice, right? Which side do you choose?” “I will follow Gerald instead.” Liana answered, “Thank you for your invitation but I want you to respect my choice anyway.” “Very well. But, Alice, I have to warn you, you must not let your weredragon identity be revealed once you decided to follow your friend. Inside the academy, if everyone knows you are werederagon, even your boyfriend won’t be able to protect you, understand?” “He is not my boyfriend!” Liana and Galen blushed when Rosalyn kept shipping two of them together. “Got it, welcome to Mothien Academy!!” Rosalyn swung her index finger in the air “Now you both, hold your Faerin pet too and follow me.” “Hey, I’m not their pet!!!!”   *** Liana’s POV ***   Our hand touched on Rosalyn’s, immediately the scenery around us got shattered away like a fragment of the glasses. Then, those image fragments miraculously gathered again, showed Galen, Frank and me another unknown scenery. But I had to admit, this place is magically beautiful! We were all teleported to the middle of a large garden. The flower petals flew everywhere, brought the comfortable scent and easy my nervousness away, as if I had been drunk by the colorful flower’s gorgeous look and the atmosphere that they gave us. Standing next to me, Galen and Frank were immobilized and kept looking around too. From afar, we could see a large stone building look like a cathedral with the dragon symbol being craved on the entrance, look like the symbol of Saganite religion on the coat of the troublemakers we encountered earlier. The giant double doors were made by sparkling glasses, like a giant diamond being inlaid on the wall of this elegant and magnificent monument.   “Where are we?” Frank asked with sparkling eyes. “We are on the fourth floor of Mothien Academy. And the building you are saying is the central cathedral of Mothien” Rosalyn said “Beautiful right? Both Our Highness and I love this place so we place our teleport point here.” I then noticed the giant glass dome up above them. And the building from afar was the castle inside the dome… This is amazingly beautiful! How can people in this kingdom create such complicating yet fascinating building like this?   “This is the entrance is only used by academy professors and the noble members of this kingdom only. Even S rank students wouldn’t have a chance to witness this place. So, you three shall feel honored when seeing this heaven, even before knowing your social rank, meow hehe!” Rosalyn laughed with satisfaction in front of us. “Okay, since we are inside the academy’s area now…” I saw Galen asking Rosalyn “What are we going to do next?” “I will report your case to Our Highness as the transferred students.” Rosalyn answered “However, even if you are transferred students, there is no exception that you can pass the entrance test. Before entering this academy, you need to pass the classification test in order to decide which rank you are.” “When will the entrance test be held?” “Lucky for you, next week.”   So we only have one week to prepare for the exam, I understand. Will Rosalyn inform us what the test would be or not? “Rosalyn.” I asked her “Can we know the plan of our test?” “Of course! Sorry I almost forgot mentioning about it, meow hehe!”   Rosalyn cast her magic spell, opened another space dimension and put her hand inside. She took from there two paper scrolls, and threw them to each of us. Galen and I received a scroll from her. When we opened the seal, it showed the plan of the entrance test for next week and how the rank is decided by our test. It is mentioned with details… But I could summarize: The entrance test of Mothien Academy is also considered as the classification test. We will have to pass all three tests, if we missed one of them, we would be disqualified and wait for next year. First is IQ test, in order to test our intelligence. The second is Aura test, in order to test our aura energy. The third is Duel test, in order to test our combat ability. There are in total three contents to be tested like this and they would be applied for every student. In the case, if there are any students with disabilities, the content could be changed following each individual’s capacity. For example, magic-chaired students just need to pass the IQ and Aura test since their legs were malfunctioned and couldn't walk, neither run. The score would be between 1 and 10, so there will be 30 points as the maximum classification test score. However, the score didn’t matter much. Because the classification would be result by this rule: The top 10 students with the highest score would be classed as S Rank. From rank 11 to rank 30, the students would be classed as A Rank. From rank 31 to rank 50, the students would be classed as B Rank. From rank 51 to rank 100, the students would be classed as C Rank. And the rest would be classed as D Rank.   Since Mothien Academy was only for the students from Mothien Kingdom only but compared to the total population and area of this country… How many students would enter the entrance test every year? “The number of contestants varied depending on years, sometimes when in the wartime, there were fewer students. But in this such peaceful timeline like this, including the students from both capital and provinces, there will be total of 500 students to join this test.” What?! 500 contestants?! And only choose 50 students to be classed at least B rank. This academy didn’t think about allowing more students to join a higher-ranked class? “There is a reason that Our Highness wanted to keep this quantity I think. This rule hasn’t been changed after 20 years. As a professor, I just can follow her order.” Rosalyn said “But at the beginning of every academic year, the students would have a re-class test to make a fair environment for the students.” “And which moment will decide their social rank?” “After the last year’s graduation test, the rank would follow them for the entirety of their life.”   This is crazy… yet explainable, I thought.   “And as S rank students, you will have more chance to be honorably meet our Highness and see The Core of Iresthea. Very convenient for you right, Gerald?”   I understood what Rosalyn meant. To get our objective, we must be S Rank students. I looked at Galen, he was looking at the paper plan very carefully and didn’t say anything. Was he thinking about something else…?   “Sure, we will try our best to be S Rank class.” I then decided to replace Galen to answer Rosalyn. “Nice, very nice! Meow hehe!!! Now, let’s go to the academy library on the first floor to prepare for you some knowledge before the test.”   I felt a little confused. In the test plan, there wasn’t any content talking about testing the knowledge, then why should we go to the academy’s library? “It’s for learning some basic magic spell for the Duel test,” Rosalyn said. I then heard Galen patting my shoulder. He then whispered beside my ear. “Liana, do as she told. At the library, I have something need to tell you too, privately… …about what we are gonna do to deal with this entrance test.”
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