Chap 8: First time on the sky

2108 Words
“Wow… This is beautiful.” Galen opened his eyes widely, his emerald eyes kept looking at this beautiful scene without blinking as if he had been hypnotized. Galen completely got fascinated by the current view in front of him. Liana and he were flying in the sky, so this is his first time to see the dark-colored sky, being shined by the sun which was slowly ascending from the horizon. The wind was so refreshing and blew his platinum hair away, bringing him a comfortable feeling that refresh his mind… It was Galen’s first time as well to see the cloud being so close like this. His hands rose to the side of Liana, tried to touch them. Her speed was so fast so as his hand touched it, the cloud got splatted and passed by his face like foam. That foam was so cold, that awakened Galen from being sleepy.   “Aye Galen, you like it?” In dragon form, Liana couldn’t speak the human language so she spoke to him with her aura energy. Her voice appeared in his mind as if she was whispering inside his head, really like the first moment he and she met each other “I bet this is your first time flying so high like this right?” “Yeah…” Galen smiled. He stretched his body forward so his face could be closest to Liana’s dragon head as possible “Liana, you are very amazing and I’m jealous of you.” “Eh? Aye, why is it?” Liana’s voice echoed in Galen’s head. Her dragon dead didn’t look at him, but she seemed to be surprised why what he said “In the palace you cannot be free??” “Yeah, Liana. As a prince or a princess, we will be the future king or the queen, so we have to keep the image of the kingdom. It explained why my freedom was limited a lot back then.” Galen answered “Since my childhood, I have only Frank as my best friend because all the children same as my age would avoid being close with me.” “Finally, you remember me, stupid Galen!!”   Bang! Frank knocked Galen’s head that he had to cover his head to endure the pain. “Ouch, ouch… Yeah, I’m sorry for forgetting you.” Galen felt guilty for almost leaving Frank behind at Tredia forest earlier. “Aye hehe, you two seem to be so close to each other. That’s what I’m jealous of you because I don’t have any friends as well.”   Hearing that, both Galen and Frank were surprised. They thought with an adorable person like Liana, she would have many friends and people would love her. Perhaps… they were afraid of her because she was a weredragon? “Yes, I’m so lonely!! Hic hic…” Liana screamed in Galen’s head while sniffing like a spoiled little girl. If anyone could listen to her voice right now, their heart would be melted by her overloaded cuteness. “As a weredragon, I don’t belong to the world of humans nor the dragons. They would hate me and kick me from their society whenever I lurk around their territory. That’s why I just can adventure alone around the world with the hope that I can find someone to be my friend.” Liana said “I’m happy when you and Frank are my first friends.” “Oh…” Galen’s heart melted by listening to her story “I’m happy to befriend with you too, Liana. From now on, we will be together forever.” “This is our promise?” “Yes, I promise you.” “YAYYYY!!!”   Suddenly, Galen felt something hot right at his butt. He then noticed her Dragna crystal being glowing a ruby-colored light at her nape. Liana was too happy that she could not control her elemental power again! At this rate, he could be grilled by her dragon body and die just right at the beginning of the adventure. “Liana! Control yourself!!” Frank and Galen panicky patted Liana to call her “Fire! You are burning us Liana!!!” “Ehhh Ehhhh!!! I’M SO SORRY!!!” “Ahh! Wait Liana, please calm down!! It’s hot!!!” But the result ended up… Galen just panicked her more and the heat from her Dragna power accelerated worse and worse. … As the result, Liana couldn’t remember how many times she said sorry to Galen, who currently had to lie down on her back. Frank stayed behind him and was blowing Galen’s butt, which was being burnt by Liana’s uncontrollable power. “Galen, are you okay? I’m so sorry…” “Don’t worry… Liana… I’m fine…” Saying to be fine with a smile and thumbs-up, but Galen was trying to hold his tear from the pain. After all, he knew it wasn’t her fault. But if he decided to stay with her, he guessed he would need to buy a saddle whenever riding her.   “That’s a nice idea!” Frank said, he then called Liana “Liana, how about we fly to a nearby town to buy a horse saddle for Galen and you?” “But Frank.” Galen stopped Frank “But we don’t have any money…” “He he he!! Don’t worry!!!” Frank laughed with confidence “I have it!!!” “Wait! You have, where did you get it???” “Ta-da!!”   Frank showed Galen a small bag from nowhere on his body. Galen opened it with curiosity, it had twenty coins of gold inside, which was enough to live in luxury life in a month!! Galen had to say thanks to Frank for being his lifesaver. But when he asked where that money came from, Frank said while turning away and scratching his chubby kitten cheek. “Ah.. uhm… I stole from your money when you were still the prince at Tredia Palace.” “No wonder…” Galen’s face went darkened “So you have your own black money without telling me…” “Now say thanks to me already, stupid Galen! This black money will save your butt from Liana, right??”   Galen went speechless as he didn’t know how to argue with Frank anymore. Among that silence, Galen’s stomach grumbled an embarrassing sound, Liana was listening to their conversation and giggled. “Alright, Frank, Galen. We will find the nearest town around here to buy a saddle. At the same time, let’s find something to eat the breakfast for the three of us.” “Sure!”   ***   Roar! All of a sudden, there was an unexpected thing intervening in their conversation. The sound echoed from very far away, like a cry of a monster. Galen was stunned when he realized that the cry was so familiar. Behind Galen and Liana, there was a group of dragons were flying behind them. “Oh no!!! Those Sabatorus!!!” Liana’s voice spoke in Galen’s head while panicking. “Liana! Calm down!!”   Basically, Sabatorus – the wind dragons had faster flying speed than Flamerus – the fire dragons so it was impossible to escape their hunt, especially on air! Galen thought another way, Liana and he had to cut their queue by flying inside the cloud and blind their vision. “Liana, can I ask?” Galen asked “Even you are afraid of the dragons as well?” “Yeah Galen.” Liana answered “Although I’m a weredragon, I also have the human bloodline so they chased me as well.” At this moment, Galen couldn’t imagine how Liana could survive alone outside human society through her 14 years of life… From the decision to save himself, Galen changed to ‘save Liana as well’!   The roar of the Sabatorus was coming closer and closer, after thinking for few seconds, Galen thought about an idea. “Liana, fly lower to the cloud!” Without hesitation, Liana listened to Galen, dragged him and Frank to fly into the cloud. The cloud area was so thick that even blurred Galen’s vision. But to him, this was super good news. Galen remembered when he used to encounter one of them when he was hiding behind the tree to avoid their hunt yesterday. They couldn’t see him, so he guessed they must detect the prey’s location by their vision. If what Galen thought was correct, escaping them by flying through the clouds would be the most effective way. “Now, Liana.” Galen patted her dragon neck “Fly to the opposite direction and cut their queue.”   That’s it! Galen thought when hearing the roar of the dragons being distanced from his ears further and further. That was an easy game to him. “Ga… Galen!” Liana called him “I don’t think this is a good idea…”   Suddenly, in the blind cloud, Galen found something very huge flying directly toward them. It was one of those Sabatoruses earlier!! “GYAAAAHHH!!!” Galen and Frank were jump-scared by the dragon’s sudden appearance inside the cloud. “Turn back, turn back, turn back!!!”   Frank was freaking out when the dragon was going to open its jaw full of the sharp tooth, going to bite Liana’s tail. Luckily, she turned back in time and escaped the deadly hit. “HOW THE HELL DO THEY KNOW US HERE??” Galen couldn’t believe by himself. He thought his theory was correct. “They cannot see us. But it seems they have intelligence which allows them to teamwork very well.” Frank guessed “Maybe they surrounded us in the cloud while we didn’t know.” “Yeah Frank is right!!” Liana agreed “That’s how they are known as the best predator on the sky.” “Damn this is bad!!” “Galen, Frank, hold me. I’ll try to cut their queue by myself!”   Galen and Frank hugged Liana’s dragon body tightly and closed their eyes. By a flap of wings, Liana suddenly fall herself, dragged everyone on her back and flew beneath the cloud floor. The dragons were also chasing her behind, roaring a horrible cry that Galen could feel his ears going to be broken by them. Those scary predators behind were casting the wind attack from their mouth and shot to Liana. Liana swiftly avoided them, turned to left, and right. The dragon from the sky summoned multiple of typhoons and rampaged as if they were the true lords of the sky. At this moment, Liana went terrified when notice they were flying through the sea area. So, the typhoon dragged the water up to the sky, causing the aqua tornadoes. Not only that, with their magic, the thunder began cracking on the sky and caused the storm. The combination of two of them already was at the disastrous level that turned the sky into chaos, and their power could blow anything on their way.   Against those aqua typhoons, as a fire elemental dragon, it didn’t mean Liana was scared of her weakness element. She roared. At her mouth, concentrated her own aura energy and shot a fireball. Boom!!! Fire and water impacted each other and exploded, splatted the water by meters away, and wet Galen’s outfit as well. Galen opened his eyes after getting used to Liana’s speed. He was stunned when the sky became as black as the infinity darkness, the wind began stronger and stronger. He had to hold Frank and hug Liana. Otherwise, the storm could blow him away from her.   “ROAR!! ROARRRR!!!” “Watch out!!”   Liana dodged the Sabatoruses’s attack and tried to fly as fast as possible. Though 14 years in her life, he used to encounter countless of their attack before. But this time, she was scared. The life of her friends now totally depended on her. She reminded herself to not cause any mistake. She needed to find anywhere to hide. If she found out a land nearby, she would fly there to avoid the hunt of those crazy predators! There it is!! Liana found an island!! She maximized her speed and flew there as fast as possible!   Just 150 meters left… …100 meters left… …50 meters left!   BANG! All of a sudden, Liana’s body got critically hit by something in the sky. A dragon used a wing attack to crash her into the sky that causing her to lose balance. That impact also flipped Galen out of Liana’s back, and freedom fell from 50 meters in height. “AHHHHHH!!!!!” “ROARR!!! (GALEN!!!)”
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