Chap 15: My life mission is...

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“All the sensations had been frozen, only witnessing the visible peace with a maiden’s lullaby sung from the heaven, bringing the salvation and purifying the abandoned souls…” It was how Galen would describe the current scenery in front of his eyes. The purified Dark Faerins were kneeling under his foot, as if he was the king of this dead land. By his body’s own instinct, Galen didn’t understand why he could feel his heartbeat clearer and clearer. A blow of wind gently blew up from the center of his heart and unleashed powerful aura energy. A ray of light sparkled from his chest, flashed the comfortable green light, pulsing and following his heartbeat, like the greenery of the most beautiful nature. “Please step out for a while, my child. I will take care of this.” It was the last sentence Galen heard before he lost control his body. It was a voice of a woman, her hand touched on his shoulder, gently and warmly as if a goddess. Galen could see by his own eyes, she was very beautiful… with long wavy blond hair, emerald eyes same as his eye color. Anywhere her barefoot stepped on, the soil rapidly recovered and spread the grass. Her soul passed by Galen’s body, stepped forward to the crowd of pure Faerins.   ***   Meanwhile in the real world, Saeza, Liana and Frank could see Galen’s emerald eyes were shining and had a strange moving pattern on his irises, looked at the Faerins with sincerity… …No! Liana could feel Galen’s aura energy was changing. She was sure it wasn’t Galen. Inside Galen, existed another person.   “This green aura energy… No, it can’t be.” Saeza in dragon form stepped back. That light was slowly eating his dragon scale and burnt his body that urged him to turn back into human form immediately.   Hearing Saeza’s voice, Galen slowly turned his face to Saeza. “Long time no see… Saeza, it’s your current name right? My deep apology for this inconvenience to see you in this form. For now, I cannot neutralize my power yet. You have been doing well?” This talking way… it was no doubt from the person that he thought he could never hear again.   Liana was confused when seeing Saeza also kneeling down. Meanwhile, Frank also followed him and bowed in front of Galen as well, as if something powerful was being spread from Galen that urged them to lower themselves in front of this person. With just a single mistake, that power could vanish their existence away. “We have been doing well, Your Majesty.” Saeza and Frank spoke at the same time. The person inside Galen didn’t respond, just gave them a gentle smile.   Possessing Galen’s body, that woman spoke in front of the crowd with his voice. “I’m glad to see you again, everyone. I deeply apologize for letting you suffer for so long time because of me.” “We have been waiting for you to come back, Almighty Galadriel.” The Faerins responded to her speech. “Thank you, everyone. However, I’m very sad to tell you too… This would be the only time we can talk properly to each other like today. That’s why, I’ll use this precious chance of mine to send everyone my message.”   Hearing that, the Faerins went chaotic in panic. But Galadriel was patient enough to wait for them to stay silent back and listen to what she was going to say. “We are now in the chaos due to the anger of Sephylim, one of my children who is also the Princess of the Dragons. Thanks to the miraculous chance from the God, I could revive in this boy’s body, I’ve witnessed countless innocent lives being taken away from her. But it doesn’t mean that we cannot stop her. I’ll tell everyone my guidance on how to not only save Frelanna Forest, we can also ease Sephylim’s anger and save this world from her destruction. If all of you follow me, please listen to my following speech.”   Everything was so quiet. It meant they all agreed to Galadriel. “If any of you remember, this place where we are standing now, is the Tree of Life, also my true form. But now, my soul unexpectedly belongs to this boy temporarily after the catastrophe 200 years ago. So in order to save the world, we need to resurrect Tree of Life – also me. If you can do that, you will also reset this world to our initial state and we can save everyone. But, the requirement to resurrect the Tree of Life, you need to gather my three children together to this place: Iresthea, Cirion and Sephylim. Just a few seconds ago, I have tried to contact my other children Iresthea and Cirion. But they didn’t respond to my call, it meant they also have been killed and been lost somewhere within this world. In summary, our mission will not only find resurrect Iresthea and Cirion, but also ease the anger of the third guardian – Sephylim. This is going to be a tough and long mission, so I’ll also accompany to support the journey of everyone, in this boy’s body. By a chance, we both have a chance to merge our souls with each other, so please consider, his existence is also my existence.”   Galadriel lifted Galen’s shirt, revealed the origin of the magnificent green light. At the skin where his heart was located, appeared something looking like a green crystal having a size of a thumb, beautifully crafted into a shape of the water drop. The green crystal was directly inlaid on Galen’s skin. Around it, the blood veins were visible as if they were nourishing the crystal’s life.   “I know this is brutal. Even my heart was painfully squeezed to see this, but we don’t have another choice… Galen was born while bearing my seed. It explains why his health would be weaker than anyone, since his body has to nourish and keep me alive. But trading back, he inherited my power to heal any living being, even able to resurrect my children. That’s why… Seaza, Liana, Frank.” “Yes, Your Majesty.” Liana, Frank and Saeza were ready to receive Galadriel’s order. “I wish you can help us complete this life mission…” “We will do.” “I’m grateful to hear that. I can feel between Galen and you a deep bond of friendship and partner, especially you, Liana.”   Liana got startled when Galadriel mentioned her name. Her heart beat faster and faster due to nervousness. “This is my last speech before giving back this body to Galen. I hope that we can do reunite in the near future…”   After finishing her line, Galen’s body stopped glowing and he also fell to the ground. Luckily, Liana rushed at time and lifted Galen up. Galen was sleeping for a few seconds later, when he opened his eyes and got his consciousness back, he realized that Liana was carrying him.   “Thanks Liana.” Galen smiled “Without you, my head maybe hit on the ground again.” “Hahaha it was nothing!”   ***   “So… to sum it up, can you explain everything to me, Frank?” Galen was sitting in front of Frank and interrogated him. Galen was sure that Frank was Faerin, who inherited the memory of all Faerins from the past until this present, so he might know something more but trying to hide from Galen. It hadn’t counted the fact, as Faerin, Frank might be older than Galen and would know something in the past.   The reason Galen wanted to interrogate Frank, was to answer how can a human like Galen be born while bearing the power of Galadriel. There were many other people who is probably stronger, more deserving than him to handle this life mission. But why did the goddess choose him instead? “It’s a long story, also as Almighty Galadriel said, it was out of her calculation either. But we can say that your existence is already a lucky blessing…” “Answer my question please, Frank.”   “Where shall I begin hmm… At the moment I met you for the first time, you weren’t born yet.” Galen listened to Frank with attention. “I found a tiny plant, nourished by the drop of Galadriel’s soul fragment after she was killed.” Frank answered “At first, I didn’t know it had the power of Galadriel, I just knew it as the most ideal supply of food since it had rich aura energy to keep me surviving. That plant was tiny, but it was enough powerful to help me living in this dead forest for 100 years (In chapter 4), until your real mother – Queen Milena of Frelanna Kingdom and I encountered.”   Galen never knew his real mother was Queen Milena – the last queen of Frelanna Kingdom. “Frank, this is an important matter and why did you never tell me?” “I don’t want you to suffer the tragedy from the past, so I let the history keep going as it is and be your companion.” Galen could see Frank’s face showing a slight sadness “I just never thought that we would come home… and you found out about this so soon like this.”   Galen inhaled and gave a sigh, couldn’t believe what he just heard. After all, Galen understood that Frank just wanted everything good for him so he couldn’t blame Frank. The past is now the past, the only way to do right now is to accept it. Not only that, what Frank said was even more useful for Galen to confirm his question: The memory about his father being killed by King Anderton and he was kidnapped by that man, was also the truth.   “And then, what happened next, Frank?” Galen asked. “Queen Milena saved my life and protected me inside Frelanna Castle with many food resources from the rare herbals. So, trading, I paid back what she had done to me, by giving her that plant as the medicine when she was pregnant.”   If that, Galen eventually understood everything! Queen Milena had consumed that plant and…   “Yeah, after eating that plant, Queen Milena was miraculously like you, had a supreme healing ability power. Not only that, she also saved countless civilians too.” Frank said with pride and admiration. But his face slowly changed when telling Galen the next part “But everything changed afterward.” “…” “Queen Milena had to nourish both Galadriel’s seed and you inside her body at the same time. When she gave birth to you, you couldn't survive due to your weak health. That’s why in order to keep you living, implanting Galadriel’s seed into your body was the only choice of your mother. And she consumed her own aura energy to complete that implanting process.”   Ah, that explained everything why he is now having the power of Galadriel… Galen thought. At the same time, he could feel the pain from his chest after hearing Frank’s story. Speaking of which, perhaps this is his fated life mission. If that, he would use Galadriel’s power to save this world. He wanted to get back the greenery for this island, for his homeland, he also wanted his friends and himself to live in peace with a better future, without the threat of Sephylim and her dragons. If this is what he had to do, he would too!   “Guys.” Galen called Liana, Saeza and Frank “Please train me into a stronger person like you guys! I will resurrect Galadriel and save this world!!” “Nice said, Galen hahaha!” “Sure, we will help you!” Saeza laughed “But warning you first, you would live in regret for your whole life if I was your teacher, okay?” “My pleasure!!”   ***   After the day of knowing his life mission, Galen decided to stay at Frelanna Island and trained himself for the preparation. “Heal!” “Again, Galen!”   Saeza yelled with his naturally deep voice tone. Currently, he was sitting in front of Galen with topless body. He destroyed his own body to the point where his half body got frozen and caused himself caseation. Saeza had gone so far like this, for Galen’s training only! “Today you have to be able to heal me within TWO seconds.” “HEAL!!!”   Another day… “10 rounds more, Galen.” “WHAT?! But I have run 10 rounds?!” “No argue back, your physical strength is still weak! Super super super weak!” Saeza said “Liana told me all, do you remember how many times you have lost your consciousness?”   Galen even couldn’t remember. The first time was when he fell from the cliff from Balony Kingdom war, the second time was when he was attacked by the wolves… the third time, maybe he lost coma due to the toxicity of the miasma cloud? Also, his durability was so disappointing that he just could fight properly when on the horseback, not by his foot.   “You will barely be capable to handle this mission with your current strength, so you need to be stronger!” Saeza said “So, 10 rounds more!” “I got it! I got it!!! You sadist dragon!!!”   Another day… Saeza guided Galen to an empty space. In his hands, there was a small box. “This is the magic devise that I just newly created, for your training only.” “What is that?” “It’s the simulator of miasma cloud. Once I open this, the miasma cloud would be generated and spread outside. You have to train yourself to keep staying your sanity in this miasma as long as possible.” Hearing that, Galen dropped his mouth, he was sure Saeza would be going to kill him! “You will face a lot of Dark Faerins during your life mission. How can you survive when you already fainted in less than one minute?” Saeza roasted Galen “Ready? I open it now.” “Wait, Saeza, I need to take the air first… WHOAA!!!” “No need to take the air first. You have to practice breathing inside the miasma cloud too.” Saeza said. But since when... he had already equipped for himself a gas mask, but not for Galen. However, it was too soon for him to give up! Meanwhile, Liana and Frank were terrified. They just could witness from afar how hellish Saeza trained and enhanced Galen’s healing skill.   Another day… Saeza gave both Liana and Galen a mountain of books. “You two, read them all for me within today. Then tomorrow we will train in the practical battlefield.” “Wait, why me too, Saeza?” “You need to know how to use magic in human form too, Liana. Also, having you, Galen would be more motivated to study right?” Hearing that, Galen blushed and his face turned red like a tomato. “I don’t need you to do that!” “Hehe I was joking. Well, the more the merrier right?” To a nerd like Galen, it wasn’t his problem to read the magic book for the whole day. But to Liana, it was like t*****e for her. Within five minutes, she had already fallen asleep on the working desk. Seeing her snoring, Galen giggled, he took out his coat and covered Liana’s back to keep her warm next to him. “Yare yare, see? Frank?” Saeza and Frank took a peek from afar “That boy… spoke and acted like a virgin.” “Yes haha I knew it!” Frank and Saeza high-fived.   Quickly, Galen didn’t notice, a year for him had been passed…
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