Chap 23: The last test

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Galen stepped out of the stage in front of the speechless crowd. Meanwhile, there was a person who looked him from the observation tower through the glass floor – the place supposedly to be exclusive for the noble of the kingdom. “Gerald Barrister…” That person has a particularly deep voice tone of a male teenager. He leaned on the glass window and observed everything that happened. His crimson sapphire-colored eyes look kept sticking on Galen with a cold glance… To be able to break the magic orb, that Gerald guy seemed to not be a casual human, he thought.   Suddenly, his mind had been stopped when he saw the door being opened. The shadow of a little girl entered, she was wearing her own iconic gothic costumes, had cyan double braided hair and a pair of cat ears. Her heels knocked on the crystalized floor, causing a satisfying sound clanking on the ground. “How is my taste? Meow hehe... about that boy.” It was Rosalyn. Compared to that person with her, they seemed to not have any difference. Same as her, he also had short cyan hair and cat ears as well.   “I heard that you reported supporting the transferred students from another country. And it seemed he is the person that you mentioned. Am I right… …big sister? Who is he actually? And why did you suddenly become his backup?” “You will like him if you meet him once, believe me. Meow hehe!!” Rosalyn and that teenager together witnessed the Aura test still keep going “I bring him here for my own entertaining purpose.” “Tsk, you are as weird as ever, big sister. Or your succubus side is turning you in heat again?” The teenager clicked his tongue and looked at Rosalyn with disgusted eyes. Looking at how Rosalyn stared at Galen, he already knew what she was meaning. “Oh ya? I’m not as dirty as your mind. I’m a professor after all, how can I do that to my student, meow? But…”   Bang!! In a split second, the teenager didn’t have time to react got pushed down by an invisible power that urged him to lie on the glass floor. The aura around Rosalyn slowly changed, spread the murderous aura and looked at him like a psychopath. Her heel stepped on the teenager’s head, while she pointed the tips of her closed umbrella in front of his nervous eyes. “Be careful, dear my little brother. I don’t care what you are going to do once you enter this academy. But if you dare touch my toy’s hair, just a piece only, I’ll kill you and tear you apart. Understand, meow…?”   Yes… Rosalyn has two sides of personalities like that, only that teenager knew it very well since he is her little brother. However, he felt bad for that guy named Gerald. It seemed Gerald didn’t know that he was involved in very big trouble with Rosalyn now.   ***   Eventually, the time for the third round: Duel Test began. In this last part of the entrance test, there would be two sessions. The first session would be the tournament between the non-noble contestants. Each of the contestants would be arranged to pair with another one and they were placed at a unique separated arena. Their objective would be pushing the opponent outside of the arena’s range. The winner would enter the higher rank as they win more of the fights. As the quantity of the contestants was very high, around 500 contestants. So everyone was guided to a super large square as big as a stadium, enough to contain 50 arenas at the same time. The contestants would be grouped into fives boards. Each board contained 100 contestants to fit 50 arenas. At round one, 30 fastest contestants in a 1vs1 duel would be chosen to enter session two. The faster they can finish the fight, the higher their score and their rank are. In total, there would be 150 contestants who would enter the second session.   Next, the second session would be held when the judges announced the 150 winning contestants from the first session. This time, they would duel against the elite-ranked contestants such as noble members and weredragon. However, there was a unique rule in this stage: Each noble member would be paired randomly with one opponent among 150 winning contestants from the first session. Those pairs would duel each other to get the slot entering the academy. At this moment, their performance would be scored by the judges to decide to score for the Duel test. This is a luck-based session. Since there would be many people who can pass the Duel test without being picked to fight with the elite contestants. Even! There was a pretty funny situation where the elite contestants could even lose against a non-noble contestant as well. In this case, their noble ranks would be scored down in the social, in the worst-case their nobility could be taken away by the queen’s order and become a normal civilian. That’s why the noble family in this kingdom forced their children to practice dueling a lot, so they wouldn’t shame their family against the non-noble contestants.   Thinking about that, Galen felt itchy at his heart. Why did he feel so familiar when a prince like him was lost against Kris in the competition one year ago?   Of course, he would never let it happen again. In this strange Mothien Kingdom, he would conquer anyone by his own hand.   Currently, Galen and Liana were separated into different sessions so they couldn’t be together for now. Standing among the crowd to check the matching board, Galen found his name at Board A and he could even know who his opponent would be. “Wow…” Frank sat on Galen’s shoulder and looked at the giant board “This is going to be a tough test.” “Yeah, and it even excites me more.” Galen smiled “I can’t wait to fight against the strong opponent.” “Hehe! That’s my kid!” Frank messed Galen’s platinum hair “You know, one year ago, you would supposedly say that you can never do that!!” “Ah yes I remember hahaha.” How could Galen forget that moment? Before fighting Kris, he was so scared and completely lost his will to fight. He could be himself being improved by comparing his past and his present. Now, Galen was ready to stand against anyone trying to stop him. “Told you, I swear I will become the greatest king of Tredia.” “You are near to that goal, Galen. Good luck to you.” Frank and Galen showed their punch and touched each other.   ***   The first session of Duel test - Board A - round 1! Frank left Galen and followed Liana. Sitting at the audience seat, they went excited when she found Galen walking to the arena at the corner of the stadium! “Come on! You can do it!!” They cheered for Galen, who was preparing for the duel at the first round.   Standing in front of Galen, there was a boy whose body was two times bigger than him. Seeing Galen’s girly face but having six packs body, totally not matching each other, the boy laughed at him. “Nyahahaha!! Look at you, I can send you to fly in just one hit. Before that, I hope you can entertain me!!” “As you wish. I hope you can give me some fun as well.”   The duel began with the sound of the horn. Galen’s opponent opened the combat first. He emerged himself with his own fire magic like a living torch and rushed toward. Meanwhile to Galen, this is the same technics as Kris did to him too. Now he had already known how to counter it…   BAM! Galen didn’t avoid that attack as extreme as a heat hurricane. He intentionally let himself get hit directly, in front of the shocked face of the judges. The dust splatted everywhere at Galen’s arena after that ground-shaking impact. Until they were gone… “What??!!!” “Wait! Is this possible??!!!!” While the entire crowd put their attention on Galen’s arena, Liana and Frank gave him a cheerful scream. Seeing it, they even cheered for Galen more.   Galen received the opponent’s rushing attack and stopped it… …with his own single hand only!! Despite Galen being severely injured from that attack earlier, his emerald eyes still looked at his opponent with confidence. In the second where his opponent was shocked and stunned that his body was unmovable, a flow of wind gently appeared from the ground where Galen was standing and blew his smooth platinum hair up. The seed of Galadriel was like synchronizing with his soul, glowing a beautiful green ray of light right at his heart.   “I, once, used to be afraid of this skill since it was used by a friend of mine from Tredia. Now, let me counter back by one of my easiest spells… …Counter Barrier! FIRE!!!” At that moment, everyone didn’t dare to breathe and look at Galen. Because, they felt like they were seeing the illusion of a goddess, standing next to Galen and shouting the magic spell together along with him. BOOM!! The air between them exploded and instantly knocked his opponent back flying and falling outside of the arena.   That was how… …Galen, under the fake name Gerald, had passed Session One with the record: 7 seconds, fastest kill Board A and got Rank 1.
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