You Will Pay for This!

957 Words
Dane Nelson’s pov Dane couldn’t believe the words coming out of Chloe’s mouth! How dare she show up in the hospital to snitch on him! He had spent years trying to break her. Mocking Chloe anytime she went above and beyond, or anytime she made herself look stunning to take her down a few notches. Cheating on her, lying to her, manipulating her to make her believe, and only rely on him and his words. He wanted her to only trust him. To believe in him and he tried his best to snuff out any kind of positive self respect and feelings she had. He did his best to ruin her self esteem and lower the value she reserved for herself. Yet, here she stood telling her truths without an inkling of fear and remorse. Where on earth had she found the audacity, the wit and the courage to stand against him? How had she managed so well without his say so? Where the fvck did she get off having a mind and feelings of her own? He came to the conclusion that this was all his fault. If he had chosen a college closer to home he could’ve kept a tighter leash on Chloe. But the reason he decided to leave the state was to put distance between himself and Chloe. So he could party and sleep around at college, and have less of chance of being caught due to the distance. A portion of his plan had worked. He just hadn’t calculated that Chloe would out grow him. But she’d grown into her own person without his supervision. Originally he’d thought visiting during the holidays and breaks would be enough to keep her in check and under his thumb. But looking back he realized he had over estimated his ability to control her, and underestimated any and everything related to Chloe. He looked at Chloe and Reggie's retreating backs as they were exiting his father’s hospital room. Chloe turned and looked Dane in the eyes, “One last thing Dane. Please don’t come near me again. I will be filing a complaint with the police to make things official.” She stated as she held on to Reggie’s hand before vacating the room. Dane was on his feet, and was ready to follow them out of the hospital. Unfortunately his father, Stan stood blocking the exit. “Son she has had enough of you. There is no reason to pursue her, especially since she intends to get a restraining order against you!” Stan shouted. This brought Dane’s thoughts back to his current situation. He paused for a moment scrambling internally for the right words to soothe the distressed charged space that was ready to ignite with the wrong words. “Dad, mom I only meant to apologize to her and ask for forgiveness. I don’t want her or my own parents to see me as a monster. I was just upset with how I’ve reacted. I felt ambushed, exposed and embarrassed. My reaction to the circumstances didn’t go over well. I owe her the deepest apologies. I’m so sorry I have let you and mom down and I hope you will find it in your hearts to forgive me.” Dane stated thinking his parents would surely try to monitor him moving forward. Which was something he wanted to avoid. If they knew how the “extra tuition fees” were being allocated they would definitely demand receipt, invoices and such before cutting off their support when they found out the truth. Dane’s mother, Loretta moved to stand beside Stan, “Dane I’m not sure about your apology, it lacks sincerity and emotion. We think it best you keep your distance from Chloe moving forward.” Loretta took a deep breath, “Also because some information has been exposed during your visit we will be making sure things are what you say they are. We want to see how you have been spending the money we send you for extra college fees. We want to see the new laptop you purchased, etc.” “You lied about your uncle being sick to Chloe, you lied about us, you lied about a great deal of things. There’s no telling how far the lies extend. We want answers and we will be looking into matters with the school if you do not provide detailed accounts.” Dane's face paled at his mothers words. He knew there wasn’t anyway to recover from his situation, but it didn’t stop him from thinking up a plan. Some kind of bandaid, a minor fix for his major problems. It felt as though his mother was looking into his soul and for a moment he wondered if his mother was reading his mind. “No problem mom. I will get everything you need I just need to go back to my dorm to retrieve everything. Would it be okay to try to enjoy the rest of this break with you and dad? I know it was a mild case of food poisoning, but I just want to spend some quality time with you and dad to make sure we all get home safely. That way I can lay my worries to rest.” Dane asked hoping to throw them off his trail and intentions. “You’re right son.” Stan stated. Dane immediately let out a breath of air he hadn’t realized he was holding. “In the morning you will fly back to your dorm. Not to worry son we will arrange everything.” Stan finished. In that moment Dane couldn’t help but think… This is all her fvcking fault. “Mark my words Chloe…You will pay for this!”
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