Bursting Bubbles!

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As soon as Chloe and Reggie got into the waiting vehicle Chloe stated, “Before we go to lunch, I would like to make a stop at a police station to file a complaint, and get an order of protection. It’s not something I want to continue to put on the back burner. You don’t need to come with me and I can meet you wherever you like afterwards.” Reggie replied, “I would like to be present as I witnessed the assault. You don’t need to send me away, I would like to continue supporting you through this matter. At least until you’ve had enough of me!” He smiled after his last few words. Chloe grabbed Reggie’s hand before she explained, “Oh Goddess, you can’t even understand how much of a rock you’ve been to me today. I feel I have taken complete advantage of you, and I won’t apologize, because I need you by my side.” She sighed, but continued, “You have seen me through some of my worst moments in the last 24 hours, and I’m not sure how to convey my gratitude!” “We are still on for lunch afterwards yes?” Reggie asked and Chloe nodded her head to confirm. “Well this will be the first way of saying thank you, not that you need to thank me.” Reggie stated before telling his driver, Billy to take us to the police station. After filing a complaint of stalking and assault, I received an order of protection. Which legally limited the interactions I would have with Dane in the future. It was perfect! We departed the police station within 20 minutes and Billy drove us to a mansion. I was surprised and confused when the car stopped in the entryway. I looked at Reggie for an explanation before asking, “I thought we were going to lunch?” “My apologies for not explaining the location we would dine and why. I just thought I could introduce you to my mother. She requested my presence today, but I wanted to be with you. So I hope you don’t mind sharing lunch with my mother too?” “I mean I’m a bit shocked and hope I’m presentable. I wasn’t expecting to meet your mother so soon. Is there anything I need to know or anything I should avoid when I meet her?” “Please just be yourself.” Reggie escorted Chloe out of the car and into the mansion. “Mr. Williams welcome home.” The butler bowed slightly as he greeted Reggie. “Anthony I have said it many times, please call me Reg or Reggie, we have known each other long enough that you may address me by my first name. By the way this is my friend Chloe. She is my lunch guest.” Reggie explained. “Young sir it is out of respect that I greet you by your given name. I am much more comfortable greeting you as such.” He continued, “Your mother and her guests are in the dining room awaiting your arrival. It is lovely to meet you Ms. Chloe.” He said bowing his head, “I do hope you enjoy your stay.” Reggie seemed to be struggling with something internally as he lead the way to the dining room. Chloe lightly squeezed his hand for reassurance and Reggie pulled Chloe into his side. Before they entered the extravagantly decorated dining room. “Reggie!” a lady looking no older than 30, stood up and greeted with a smile, from her seat at the head of her table. She walked over to embrace Reggie as he stood with his arm around my waist and he didn’t let me go even as he wrapped an arm around his mother. “Hello mother. You look lovely today. I wasn’t aware we would have guests over for lunch. I brought a guest of my own. I would like you to meet Chloe. She is my guest of honor.” Reggie looked toward Chloe before saying, “Chloe, I would like to introduce you to my mother, Bella.” “It is lovely to meet you Mrs. Williams.” Chloe stated and reached out to shake Bella’s hand. “It’s nice to meet you as well Chloe we hug here, please call me Bella. Being called Mrs. Williams from such a young beautiful woman makes me feel old!” Bella stated as she embraced Chloe. After the brief introduction Bella announced that lunch was ready to be served and had Chloe seated to the right of Reggie and another young lady sat to Reggie’s left. To Chloe’s other side was Bella seated once again at the head of the table. Within a few minutes Bella began to ask how Chloe and Reggie came to know each other, where they met, what their intentions were for each other. There was a list of other questions, almost like an interrogation, before Reggie interjected stating that he didn’t want to make his guest of honor feel uncomfortable. Especially with this being the first time she met his mother. “Honey, I’m just surprised as you’ve never brought a young lady home to meet me, but I will save my questions for another time. Let’s enjoy the rest of our lunch and guests!” Bella said. Lunch went well. After lunch Reggie gave me a tour of his home and we ended up spending time in his garden. It began to get dark and crickets started chirping. So we said our goodbyes to Reggie’s family and guests. Reggie pulled me into a hug the moment we were outside. “I’m sorry, I didn’t know what to expect. My mother mentioned finding a suitable match for me soon. It’s something she always threatens, but she usually doesn’t follow through with her threats. I explained to her each time that I would not accept such an arrangement. Anyways, my apologies for walking us into that trap. I hope you will forgive me?” I blushed, “It is nice to meet your mother. She does seem to have your best interests in mind. I can’t blame her for wanting the best for you. However, next time please be more forthcoming with plans or reservations. I feel like I should’ve been warned we were meeting your mother today when you asked me to lunch.” I sighed, “We could have talked about everything before we got here, and I know we were a bit busy, but I would have been less nervous walking into a situation I had prepared for.” “I promise to share necessary details moving forward.” He said as he pulled me in closer and kissed my forehead.” As I looked into his eyes, my thoughts were interrupted by a phone call. I silenced the call, but another call came directly after. It was my parents. “I need to take this.” I said as I stepped away from Reggie. “Oh honey, we have been trying to reach you for sometime! Dane has been in a terrible car accident and his parents are having him transferred to Mercy Medical.”
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