It Hurts?

1168 Words
Danes pov I can’t believe I thought driving to get some Oreos was a good idea! Somehow I had thought it was logical to drive after all the shots. So many shots in fact I had lost count. After a while I got the munchies and none of my favorite snacks were to be found. I guess it made sense, because Chloe used to make sure I had specific snacks stocked whenever I visited during college breaks. I had trained her well, but everything went down the drain. It’s all her fault! Dwelling on it all at the moment didn’t help. So I brought my focus back to finding cheese nips, fruit snacks or Oreos. Nothing but healthy snacks! What the hell is a rice cake? Who the fvck eats oat milk ice cream? No wonder dad was eager to eat my fries earlier. Everywhere I looked I kept coming up short. My search ended with disappointment, so I made my way toward the front door. I needed snacks and needed them now! I grabbed car keys, and made my way out of the house and into the car. Halfway to the nearest 7-11, I began to feel a bit drowsy, and something was standing in the middle of the road. I swerved off the road and into a tree when a deer was stood in the road. When I gained consciousness I was leaning against the steering wheel with the horn blaring there was someone standing near the car talking on his phone. “Please help me, I don’t know if I can move. please call my mom.” I asked the stranger. Well I screwed up the plan, and got into a real car accident. I guess I don’t have to wait until tomorrow to act pathetic, now it’s real. At some point I lost consciousness again and found myself being wheeled into the hospital on a gurney. I shut my eyes because the lights on the ceiling were too bright and the pain in my stomach was unbearable. At some point I had fallen asleep and when I woke up I had an IV in one arm with the other arm in a cast. Oh great how was I supposed to go back to school like this? My mother was sitting next to my bed holding my hand, “Honey you’re awake. We were so worried. How are you feeling?” She asked. “My head hurts a bit, what happened? Is Chloe here? I need her here by my side.” Mom spoke after sighing, “You were in a car accident and suffered a concussion. You broke your arm and a few ribs, but the doctor says your body is already showing signs of healing. Chloe is in the waiting room with her family and new boyfriend. With the head injury from the accident, I’m not sure what you remember. You’ve been mostly unconscious for five days. Dad went to grab food and should be back soon. He will be relieved to see you are awake.” “Chloe dumped me? What happened? Why would the love of my life leave me?” I asked and began to cry, “I love her so much, I don’t understand what’s going on.” I didn’t have amnesia, but I figured in my state I could definitely win favor. “I know it’s a lot to absorb, but Chloe has moved on, and I don’t really think it’s okay to remind you in your vulnerable state of why Chloe is no longer your girlfriend okay honey? Loretta stated. “I need to know, please mom, it will put my mind at ease. If she dumped me because I am not good enough for her, then maybe I can change her mind. I love her and I know we are meant to be together.” I spoke urging my mother to show sympathy at my words. “Well honey I will only tell you a bit and wait until you are recovered when I share the rest, but hopefully by that time your memories will return.” She looked to me for confirmation that I understood and I nodded my head, “Dane you left Chloe after you told her you were cheating on her. That is all I will say.” “That doesn’t sound like me. I don’t believe I would ruin our relationship. I need to see her to verify. Please can you ask her to speak with me. We need to talk. I’m hurting thinking about how I betrayed Chloe and I can’t even remember.” “I will ask her, but you need to rest and recover. Maybe it would be a good idea to wait a day or two sweetie.” “She is in the waiting room, there’s no reason to put it off, if I did what you said, I must make amends and ask for forgiveness.” I knew it was a long shot, but I hoped Chloe would listen to my words, and let her heart long for the good times we used to share. At that moment my dad walked into the room. “Son, it’s good to see you are awake. We had no idea when you would wake up. I was really worried. How are you feeling.” “I’m okay just a headache. Dad I want to see Chloe. Mother says Chloe is here at the hospital with her family and new boyfriend. Mom said I cheated on Chloe and dumped her. Please dad I just need to see her to apologize and try to repair our broken relationship.” “Son, usually I would say this is a really bad idea, but maybe a bit of closure is due. I do think you should wait a couple of days, before you see her. You obviously suffered some kind of brain injury from the accident, if you are having memory issues.” Stan stated. “If it’s okay, I would like to make amends. I will forever regret losing Chloe even if I’m the one who destroyed our relationship. I pray for her forgiveness. Please ask her to come and see me?.” I asked with tears streaming down my face as I looked back and forth between my parents. My mother took out her phone and began to type. “I am asking her to come to your room.” A moment later there was a ping. “She said she is bringing her family and boyfriend along for support.” To that I replied with a nod. I had already figured out that Chloe would not want to be alone with me. So it made sense that she would bring her family, but the boyfriend was just adding insult to injury. However, I would accept the intrusion as he was going to have to watch, as I flipped the script through empathy and compassion. While winning Chloe’s heart once again.
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