The Next Few Days part 1

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Chloes pov My family, Reggie and I spent a few hours a day at the hospital in the waiting room over the next few days. We were waiting for Dane to become conscious. Things were looking good according to Dane’s parents. The doctor told them some of his wounds were healing and he should wake up soon. I felt relieved that he was still alive and would soon be awake for his parents sake. I didn’t want to see him, but I knew that he would eventually request to see me. I would be ready too, but until that time I was determined to get to know Reggie better, and in doing so let him into my world too. The first day we stayed until my parents had fallen asleep. Dane was kind enough to drop us at home and pick us up the next day. Upon arriving we found his father and Tessa in the waiting room. Tessa had tears streaming down her face as she hugged Stan only releasing him when she saw me. Tessa was someone I used to considered to be my best friend, but she didn’t know how to be a friend or how to give selflessly. Every goal, achievement, aspiration I had she wanted. She did her best to take things away from me or did them first. I think she got some kind of thrill out of having my firsts, my ideas and ambitions be completed by her, so she could brag and say she did them first. She released Stan and ran up to embrace me. Reggie was standing beside me with his hand wrapped around my waist through the embrace. Either she didn’t notice or didn’t care. As I said her name. She whispered, “I’m so sorry for what Dane and his family are going through. You must be absolutely devastated.” Tessa pulled away and continued speaking this time loud enough that everyone could hear her speech, “I can’t imagine how I would feel in your situation. I’m breaking down now and he isn’t even my partner. Goddess only knows how you are handling this reality.” She paused midway through speech with fake crocodile tears. I couldn’t help but think she was a freaking leech! Someone who had zero interest in actually being helpful, she was only here for clout. She had no real empathy or concern. Tessa would use the information she obtained today to tell the world of how she had been affected or oppressed in one way or another. It was in that moment she noticed Reggie holding me. “Who is this?” Tessa inquired, with a sh!t eating grin. “Hi, I’m Reggie, Chloe's boyfriend. Pleasure to meet another one of Chloe’s friends.” Reggie stated. “The pleasure is all mine Reggie. My name is Tessa by the way. I had no idea Dane and Chloe were no longer together, but I guess long distance relationships are difficult to maintain. So how long have you two been dating?” Tessa pried enviously. I couldn’t hold back any longer, “Tessa for privacy reasons I would like to keep my relationship status confidential. Where and when I met Reggie shouldn’t be the topic anyways. You should be focused on Dane’s health and recovery. As I’m sure the reason you are here is to console Stan and Loretta in their time of need. Perhaps we could meet at another time and a better place to discuss my relationship, but for now please bring your attention to the issue of Dane.” Tessa's face reddened with what I assumed was a mixture of embarrassment and fury before she spoke, “You are right, hopefully we can arrange something sometime after our visit here today. I hope Dane wakes up soon. I will go check in with Stan to see when I can visit Dane and talk to Loretta. If you will excuse me. I am looking forward to meeting you for coffee later.” As Tessa retreated I couldn’t help but recollect the rumors from high school about her in Dane towards the end of his senior year. I questioned Dane extensively. He had denied at that time and called everyone jealous. I asked Tessa if the rumors were true , and she asked who I believe my best friend or strangers who owe me nothing. At the time I brushed it off, but now I know she never answered the question. She only deflected and asked her own question. I realized now those rumors were not rumors and everything I heard was true. She had spent god knows how much time betraying me. Smiling in my face and laughing behind my back. But shortly after I asked her if she and Dane were having secs the rumors started to die. I knew she wanted what I had, I just didn’t realize how far it extended. She must’ve been truly confident knowing she slept with him before I did. It must’ve given her some kind of high to betray me in such a disgusting way. I felt my phone vibrate a few moments after she left. Tessa had invited me to a nearby Starbucks in 3 hours. I confirmed the time and place before silencing my phone. I told Reggie about the coffee invitation and explained I needed to catch up with her, but that I did not want him to go anywhere near her. While I trusted Reggie to be the perfect gentleman. I wouldn’t trust Tessa with a rock. I explained that she was one of the ladies who slept with Dane, and that she has always had some kind of obsession with taking anything she could from me. Not just men, but things like Disney World, colleges, etc. Reggie seemed to get triggered by the audacity of Tessa and he understood why I felt the need to keep her distant where he was concerned. But he did his best to reassure me that he wasn’t the sleazebag my ex is. I told him I didn’t think he was, the fact remained that I wanted her to have zero interactions with Reggie. I would do my best to prevent them being in the same space as one another, and would only allow interactions if I’m present. Fool me once shame on me. Fool me twice shame on you. After that can’t be fooled again. The first time she fooled me by taking my goals and achievements to make them hers. The second was sleeping with Dane. I wasn’t going to let the cycle continue.
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