Change of Plans

1865 Words
"What the---" "It's me" I couldn't stop my heart from processing. He is in here? I flipped around to meet his head. Our foreheads collided, causing much distress. "Yah!', I shot out to him but his laugh made it difficult to fight. "Still so naughty, so cheeky.....and cute", the last word brought his fingers to my cheeks, squeezing it softly. My fingers didn't move. They were accelerating with confusion, infatuation, and nervousness. I couldn't stop him, even when long nails grazed my cheeks, to my chin, down to my neck. Wet neck. It was when I pushed him off, his back flying to the door of the bathroom. "..We are on a train. God alone knows where cameras tend to be" My eyes didn't meet him. They were depressed by what I did, which I wasn't meaning to show others. "What did happen?" "Why act weird?" I didn't know, my brains weren't quite processing so I failed to answer his question. He lurched forward. "Is everything alright, Emma~~?" It was soft, gathering but so shriveling. "Yeah...It's better if you don't ask" My mind didn't seem to understand why I was like this, making it altogether hard. "...I am sad.." It's what I said when he engulfed my body in an embrace. Soft, soothing, beautiful yet dangerous. The danger didn't await anything. "..Is it me?" I nodded, showing him how little he knew. Those flashes. The blinking of a pair of eyes. The fright of being caught. "..Then, I will make sure to keep you happy" Don't! But he had brought my face to his, leaning forehead to forehead. I noticed a glance, all sweaty but as red as a potpie, his cheeks looked flushed, his jacket a thick mass, and those eyebrows of a sharp cut underneath the golden hair, brought all those missing pieces of charm. To be frank, my opening to a world of him was interesting but scary. I felt as if it didn't feel precious, now cameras would tend to poke. "Please understand...Yolo" "Don't call me that!', he growled. I flinched, but he held me closer. My scent inhaled in. In the running train, those desires for lust and love, and our hard breathing got submerged in the roars of the rattling vehicle. "Off and about!" We moved away to the railway station, bustling in typical crowds. They arrived too, and my eyes were all upon them but Maria would say this or that, to grab my attention. To be frank, I felt like slapping her because she kept enquiring about cash, something she had told in the first place would be her concern. "Shan't we just walk?" 'FINE!' I stormed off to the sidewalk. Looking around, the green yards surrounded trees, bushes cleanly cut and marked, fences confining farmhouses, and some far off cow going, 'Moo!'. The fresh air, without a wink of pollution, streamed in, making heaven seem just a step away, and I proceeded my walk, a bit more lively than before. "You seem upset.." "I am not." Period. It is the only exchange we had. Together, it was a lovely walk. Did we stroll for long? Taking two curves, losing sight of the five boys and a lousy manager, I managed to take Maria's hand so my vision didn't divert. A tractor full of leaves, a clumsy bicycle rider, and another bunch of kids playing in the mud; the most beautiful sight existing so far. It was when they pulled across us. I hadn't noticed. My eyes were busy devouring fresh ripened mangos dripping yellow savory of its contents from the huge tree, as its green leaves are shown in the noon light. I licked my lips in the effect, which didn't go unnoticed. "Ahem!' A tug in the arm. I looked at Maria, who was practically resenting whatever she had seen behind. My back turned to just meet the face of an anonymous fellow. On a second glance, I recognized him. "..Yes sir?" "Want a lift? We can afford some space.." This might sound strange, but when a famous phenomenon of an idol group's brandished car invites a normal girl like me for a ride, it would have to be fishy. So, I shook my head. Maria squeezed my fingers. "..Okay fine.' He didn't say any more. But the window of the backseat said. The fog as it held a white translucent screen, emerged and a finger made out a heart. Inside the perfect creation, stood a car. The car. My lips quivered. I hoped, my mind just zoomed out. My eyes diverted from everywhere to everywhere. "...Where are you actually of to?" Maria failed to reply because I had spoken. "Haneun village, northern street, Yuan villa" There came no sound from inside, as the glass pane closed. Maria was whispering, "..Can we trust them?.. Why don't we just walk?.. You can see the views too from up there...Yeah..yeah...Oh No!" The glass rolled down again. The same man, thick mustache but with shades. " Looks like its a long ride" He sighed, which showed how less he had wanted this. "Bang on!", came out trying to tell us, or convince how much he was being forced. I knew who was persuading. But it didn't help. I pulled Maria by the fingers and barged into the backseats. There remained darkness, but four shining figures of a cliche. And I pulled myself in. Right next to him. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Where are the photos?" It was exchanged in swift positions. "Did our spy pass it on, in time?" A sneer of victory. "Let's do this!" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "So the news headlines wouldn't keep screaming how less annoying every day is!" The man was going well with Maria, which sounded good for us back here. In order to have a good conversation, they had shifted to the front of the Rolls Royce, on the three beautiful seats, while the chauffeur tried to drive keeping aside the fact their conversations were distracting him. While I was busy. The three of them were too friendly but Yolo wasn't. He was just too close. Too close. The slight shift as he shifted more intimate, was ignored hoping this wasn't another of his silly jokes. But no, he was just making a move at the very wrong time! Those slender fingers that once grazed my chin, was now upon my backpack in a second, down to my legs. I flinched, holding my breath like it was a gas cylinder about to burst. Feelings rose through my body, making it difficult to push it away or make it stay there. The boys were immersed in talking, that they didn't notice what was going on behind the bushy baggage. His hands made their way into my hand. The fingers intertwined as they perfectly held each other. Our first night at the dorm came running by, destroying my innocence. I stared at him hard, as he smiled softly to show how shameless he was. The ride went on until we were dropped off at the railway crossing, which according had to be to avoid an opinion argument between the two political guys at the front. He waved while making out the words. "..I will be back for you.." Was it true or not, I failed to know even when the Rolls Royce sprinted to my back. My voice choked. I had wanted to know whether he was paying a glance at my direction. But my fists just held my heart, practically booming in the clingy touch. Yet I didn't know what danger was awaiting my arrival. The rusted pages of a book were going to change my life. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Granny!' My scream echoed the wide hall room, kept clean for someone who wasn't there and sighed. I was as bored as a turtle and kept roaming around digging different substrates out of nowhere much to Yuri's annoyance. I, however, was in no mood to pay attention to her when she was even worse by shedding her hair at times. The poodle didn't quite get me, though we shared common interests like taking a good walk through the ten yards of Mr. Gerard, our neighbor, and feeding whatever garbage we got into our tummies. "Why did either of us be so same, and different?" Maria was outside thankfully because otherwise, she would have yelled at Yuri's whines. She was her favorite, and that jealousy did get on my nerves. But granny did make up for it. She was her blood mother, or not, that I was unaware of but she truly was a gem in cooking, hairdressing, and even bathing! So I often keenly waited for her to arrive from her evening walks, sometimes even morning ones which would be out of the blue, so she could dip my blossoming figure into the tub for a warm water roll. However, today my mind was elsewhere. So was Yuri, who was busy thinking over the meat bones left in the garage. "Yuri, want some flesh" A second he was snoring, another minute he was yapping. So, I grabbed him by the black collar and strode off inside. To the kitchen. The fridge usually had all supplies. Meat, green vegetables, fresh ham, some lemonade, fresh fruits smelling great, and apple sauce, my favorite savory. Apart from that, it held Granny's insulin injections, Maria's tablets, and some other chocolates, that kids often who visited Gran passed on to her. Not by love, but by gratitude for her stories. "You owe me big, Yuri", saying I dropped down some ham to his head and took out a choco bar for me. We settled down on the couch and switched on the TV for time-pass. To this day, I don't recall whoever watched news channels in the household, but it seemed my stars weren't right that day. "Funny right?" I remarked. I knew I shouldn't have. Because the news headlines echoed in the dining hall. "Spectacular 5, the biggest phenomenon, and living boy band.." What do you mean by living?! "Has been caught traveling in a local train with local passengers on Monday morning, at 6 am Intercity Express. The world has been keenly watching for their concert after the tickets got sold out in 24 hours when they gave off the sudden notice that it would be on hang due to their personal tour." "Fans were more than happy to hear their boys were getting a lucky break, however, they didn't expect a sudden twist of plans" "The holiday tours as per the Company notice marked a seven day to Australia, while the boys were caught in the train to Haenun city, one of the smallest slums beside the city itself" "It's indeed astonishing for Sparkles who waited at the Canberra Airport for their idols to walk out, to leave disappointed and hurt. Only to see the next day, video footage of the four on a dirty train, sitting and laughing with the old aged" "Now, the rumors from last year has been even worse. Will these boys bring more problems to their amazing success this year? Stay tuned to National Television for more" My choco was dripping ice to my frock. No way!
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