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After a long and warm ride the car finally comes to a halt and everyone yawns and sighs in tiredness. “Oh Please, you guys didn’t drive the whole way.” Tess states but everyone ignores her and climbs out of the car. “You okay?” Elizabeth asks and I nod.  I don’t feel like talking so I just follow them as they walk up towards a big brown house.  It is next to other houses looking, which doesn’t make it so deserted like the other places I have been to. Everyone is quiet as we walk on the pathway towards the front door and Elizabeth opens the door with a key she found inside a pot plant. “Home sweet home.” She opens the door and a homey smell engulfs my nose. We all push ourselves through the door as if one of us could be locked outside. “Is that your house?” I ask Elizabeth. “My parents.” Everything on this house is made out of wood and I smile one day wanting the same effect in my house. “My dear.” an old woman appears her arms held wide, for Elizabeth to fall into her embrace and hug her tightly.  I look down feeling uncomfortable. “Who are all these beautiful young ladies?”   “Just friends.” Elizabeth mutters and I can see that she doesn’t want her mom to know the truth.  The woman picks Sarah up and kisses her numerous times on the cheek. “Hello grandma.” Sarah says through a sweet smile.  Grandma.  I look at Elizabeth who’s looking at me with a guilty expression. So Sarah is her child.  I purse my lips and go sit on a couch in the open plan living room.  All that I want now is a bed and calming thoughts. “Would you guys like something to drink?” the old woman asks and I look at her enchanting blue eyes, the same as Elizabeth’s. No one answers and I look at their weary expressions. “Mom, I think we all just want to rest.” I can see her mo wanting to ask questions but Elizabeth gives her a knowing look. “I need a shower.” Tess comments, who’s laying with her head on a fluffy yellow.   “Well make yourself at home girls.”  I feel bad that we didn’t even introduce ourselves to Elizabeth’s mom and that we’re just crashing here.  Lilly stands awkwardly, letting her fingers slide over the wooden table, probably thinking the same thing I am. “Thanks,” she raised her eyebrows at Elizabeth’s mom, emphasising for her to tell her name. “Oh, I'm Margaret.” she puts her hand on her heart as if she feels thankful that she could’ve said her name.  “What about you guys.” She looks at me and we stare at each other for a while before I speak up. “I’m Riley.” “Tess.” “Lilly.” “Olive.” We all answer as she moves her eyes towards each one of us. She nods, “Nice to meet you girls.” And walks out. “Okay the bathroom is down the hall, to the right.”she gestures towards the passage,”Whoever wants to go showercan go, I’ll start making beds.” “I’m going to shower.” Tess says. “I’m coming with.” Olive mumble and together they walk towards the bathroom. “Okay,” Elizabeth says, rummaging through a alone standing wooden closet. “So two of us can sleep on those two couches.” She points at the two long couches standing against either side of the mostert colored walls. “And then I’ll pump up this air mattress.” she takes out a dusty heavy looking material and throws in the ground. “You sure it’s okay forus to be here?” Lilly asks, swaying with her hips as if she’s in an uncomfortable position. “Yeah it’s all good.'' She takes out a hand pump and starts to blow up the air mattress. “I’ll do it.” I say even through my weariness. “You sure?” “Yeah.” I take over the hand pump and start to push up and down. “Okay, I’m going to go.” Elizabeth says wiping a few strands of hair out of her face.  “Use the other bathroom.” She walks out with a sway in her hips and I look at Lilly who watches me with weary eyes. “You tired?” she asks. “No, I can go till the end.” I say smiling at her. “What happened to your wrist?” “Hockey.” I say not wanting to elaborate.  When I’m finished pumping I close the thing where the wind goes in. “You play hockey?” “Well, I did.” I sit on the air  and look at her as she nods  at me knowingly. “What about you.” I ask. “What do you do for a living?” “I just finished school.” Finished school.  She seems uncomfortable so I just reply with a simple ‘nice.’ We sit for a few minutes in silence until Tess and Olive come out of the room, the smell of soap drifting with them. I ignore their conversation and tell Lilly that she can go first, knowing that we aren’t as comfortable with each other like Tess and Olive.  Lilly walks with quick and small steps towards the bathroom and I immediately feel uncomfortable being alone with Tess and Olive.  Out of all the women here, they are the most bitchy.  I mind my own business by putting on the Tv that’s on the wall in front of us.  They keep on chatting and I don’t even bother to listen or even watch Tv as everything about me is too tired. “Riley.” I hear Tess call and I jerk myself out of my foggy mind. “Yeah?” “You okay?” I nod seeing their stupid grins. “We’re just asking, cause you look a little bit.” her hand hovers in front of her face.  I grit my teeth and feel thankful when Lilly arrives, so I quickly pull myself from the bed and go to the bathroom. When I enter I’m engulfed with warm steam and I see an open container containing pills.  It looks the same as the ones they gave me earlier.  I quickly let my eyes scan the jar seeing the word “Movick.” I frown. “Sorry, sorry.” Lilly appears.  “I forgot this.” She takes the container and holds it with dear life. This is my opportunity to get answers.  
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