Chapter 13

1481 Words

Bane POV She trembled in my arms. The last thing I remembered was seeing her asleep then someone hit me over the head. How did I not sense them near me.? "Why would she do that?" Ferrah asked, her eyes wide staring at Lucia. "You said she saved us?" "Yes." I sighed heavily. She was sweating profusely now. Her eyes were pinched shut. Whatever she did to save us was causing her immense pain. CAW! The Raven she called Burnard landed in front of me. He had something in his beak that shimmered. He dropped it on the ground. CAW! CAW! "What? I don't speak bird Burnard." He hopped up to me then pecked my hand. "Hey. Knock it off." CAW! He flapped his wings then feather fell out. He c****d his head at me. "Maybe we should just ate him." Ferrah said, I leered at her. "What?" "We're no

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