Chapter 12

1065 Words

Lucia POV "Gavin? Is that you?" I heard rustling in the bushes. It was still dark out but close to dawn. My hand subconsciously went to my pocket where I kept the black book, when I didn't feel it I started to panic. My chest started to feel heavy. "No,no,no." I uttered under my breath. I had no idea what that book could do and now it was gone. When I fell asleep Gavin was right here. Now he was gone, I hope something bad didn't happen to him. "Gavin! Where are you?!" I started to search for him but tripped over something and hit my head. "Ah!" That did not feel like a log or a rock it was too... My heart started to race one I saw it was Bane I had tripped over. He had blood dripping down his forehead. He looked pale, I rushed to his side shaking him. "Bane?! Get up! GET UP!" I screame

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