4 - Night and Vampires

1020 Words
Elaine arrived at the river in the south and began to observe the place. She walked beside the river and traced the rocky path. The water was not deep and could only reach the ankle of her feet. Without caring if here sneakers get wet she crossed the river to get to the other side while her eyes were still inspecting the place and her senses heightened to it's limit. Unlike a normal person, Elaine's senses were like that of a predator. She can hear even the most silent rustling of leaves and breaking twigs. She can see things clearly even if it's fifty meters away from her. She can feel the slightest touch of the wind. All of that without getting her guard up, but now that she was alert to anything that might endanger her or attack her. As she reached the middle of the river, a human jumped at her from above. At first look, any other human would think that it was a person. Bug not Elaine because she have seen a lot of them in her whole life and killed lots of them, too. Even though she knew that a vampire was about to attack her she continued walking until the vampire was about to swing his sharp nails at her nape. She turned as she gripped the sword tight and unsheathing and did not hesitate to cut the vampire's head off. Elaine's predator reacted fast and was about to evade her counterattack. After he jumped back and landed on the water. A booming laugh came out of his mouth as he widened his eyes on Elaine like a psychopath. "How did you knew I was gonna attack you?!" He asked grinning from ear to ear as if he found the situation interesting. "Once a prey showed its back the predator will attack. It's a basic knowledge that I learned from hunting." She answered in a monotone voice. "HAHAHA! No one has ever been survived my sneak attack before," he laughed hard, but his tone changed when he said those words, his head bowed and his eyes stared at the ground, "just who are you? Even with that knowledge of your a normal person can't react as fast as you did." His was low informing Elaine that he was mad. "Vampires are not the only one to have supernatural speed." She simply said still haven't moved from her position. "Don't f**k with me and just die already!!! I can smell your blood even though I am kilometers away from you and I can tell that your blood is the most sweetest scent I have ever smelled before. I wonder if it tastes sweet, too?" The vampire shouted. It was obvious that he was hungry and the smell of her blood made him hungrier for his saliva was dripping while he's talking. "Then come and get me, that is if you don't die before before you could taste my sweet blood." Elaine provoked pulling the collar of her white tee down to show her neck to the vampire. He shivered upon seeing her porcelain skin and salivated more. He made a creepy sound as he leapt to her with hands reaching out to her. Elaine saw how his nails grew longer and sharper. She positioned herself and acted as if she was going to block any of his attacks. "HAHAHA! You won't be able to block my next attack! Oh, sweet prey of mine!" He shouted his eyes wide as the pupils of his eyes turned into slits. Elaine smirked because her plan worked. His slitted pupils like a cats eye returned into normal after seeing her smirk. "I know, but you know what? I wasn't planning to block it from the first place." She whispered as she closed the distance between them faster than how she evaded his first attack. Before he could react he found himself slowing down and a few seconds later his four limbs were severed by Elaine's sword. His body and limbs dropped in the water with plop. "A--. AAAHHH!!!" He yelled from the excruciating pain coming from his severed limbs. Elaine leisurely walked to him as she knew that he can not run away anymore. "No! Don't come near me! STAY AWAY!!!" He shouted more as he wiggled his body trying his best to back away from her. "Say, how many humans have you killed?" She asked looking down at him. Her eyes felt hot for a moment, but was immediately gone. After the vampire, gazed up at her his eyes trembled as they widened even more, terror reflected in them. "N-no, no. D-don't ki-kill m-me." He stuttered as shivers went down his spine. She took a step closer because he wiggled his body again. "I won't kill you if you answered my questions," she lied, "how many humans have you killed?" She repeated. The vampire gulped and took him a few seconds to answer. "I-I d-do-don't r-rem-remember." He stuttered more. Elaine's trembled for second as she stared at the terrified vampire. No one spoke for a while, only the gushing of winds and calming sound of water flowing down the stream can be heard. She breath heavily and spoke. "The prey you've set your target on was actually the predator that you can't afford to take on." She remarked. "You won't be able to block my next attack. Oh, sweet prey of mine." She imitated what he said earlier as she raised her sword and sliced his head off. Elaine saw how despair fell to his face as he heard her mocked him and the next thing he knew his head was not connected to his neck anymore and fell on water with a splash. Elaine didn't notice the vampire's blood splattered on her, but she didn't bother to wash it off in the river. She got out of the water, but before she could enter the forest she turned back on dead body of the vampire. She felt her eyes sting like it was being burned for a second as she laid her eyes on the vampires blood.
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