The Aftermath

1398 Words
Greer Never had I wanted anything like I wanted Jackson last night. The memory of the fire inside me was the first thing I thought of when I woke. But something changed once he slept with me. I picked up the change in his attitude but also something changed within me. It was as though I was full of static energy. Once again I didn’t know what this meant. When he wouldn’t meet my eyes I waited for him to make some excuse to leave and I cursed myself for being so stupid. That was until he pulled me into his chest and the rhythm of his heart lulled me into a deep sleep. My thoughts too scattered to understand until his safe embrace chased them all away. Waking alone the next morning I cursed my stupid heart for being disappointed that he was gone. The same energy I felt last night buzzed under the surface as I shook of my disappointment and faced the day. I jumped from bed and I winced at the ache between my legs. I needed to go for a run to burn this energy, I didn’t fancy training today. If I managed avoid Jackson for a while all the better as I had a feeing he would be regretting his actions last night. I didn’t know where that put me or us. Did I get want an us? Last night I certainly did and I flushed red with embarrassment with the memories of the shower. It was single handedlay the best night of my life. I already I knew it was destined to live in a memory locked away never to be considered again. Intercepted by my favourite people on way Coral and Lachlan begged me to take them for a walk instead. We had a fun morning in the garden. It wa amazing how refreshed you could feel with these two. It was like they replaced all your negative energy with good. I was in a much better mood when we went for lunch. Jackson was sat at the table waiting for us a troubled look on his face. He held my gaze briefly before chatting to his pups. “I’m going to learn guitar later Daddy.” Lachlan proudly told him. “Good for you buddy.” Jackson said. “Sounds much more fun than the meeting I’m about to have.” I looked up, interested so he explained. “Kora and Ara had returned, I don’t think the search is going well.” “Do you want me to come ?” I felt a little responsible that they were on this quest as I found her wolf. They would have been blissfully unaware if not for me. It was a silly really that I should shoulder the blame but years of my life being so had meant I just learnt just to accept it. Unlike Jackson who clearly let guilt eat up at him. We “Probably better I go alone.” Jackson couldn’t look me in the eye and I realised that he had been cheating on Ara with me last night. She was his girlfriend wasn’t she. I suddenly felt sick, all my anger at Jacob and Aurelia came back with a vengeance on me. I was no better than them. I hadn’t thought about her at all. Jackson was before me while I was realising this. He must have know what I was thinking as he surprised me once more by pulling me into a hug. One I couldn’t reciprocate. “I know this is complicated right now but don’t dare think you have done anything wrong.” At the exact moment Ara walked into the kitchen and saw me in his arms. I froze and jumped away from him, so quickly I shocked him in the process. “Sorry I thought you were regretting…questioning what we did. I didn’t mean to overstep.” He was thankfully linking me as the twins were still here so miraculously Ara didn’t hear our conversation, as he rubbed his elbow. His eyes narrowed at the look of horror on my face and he backed away, straight into Ara. “Ara ?” He said in surprise when he turned around. Seeing me staring at her he did the math himself. “I was just coming to see you. Do you want to see Greer as well.” “She looks rather… busy. I’ll wait in your office for when you have the time to see me.” Jackson Ara took one look at Greer and she stormed out, which I was glad of as it meant to could address Greer. It hurt more than I expected to see regret in her beautiful eyes. Moving back towards her I resisted the urge to take her back in my arms. She had physically recoiled from me when I mentioned Ara. “I need to go see them. Are you okay?.” I asked quietly, gently caressing the bare skin of her arm. She pulled it from my grasp and nodded. Her eyes told me she wasn’t and I could only blame myself. If anyone had done anything wrong it was me, but I didn’t feel like I had. “We will talk about this later.” I almost pleaded but she remained mute. “You know you are blowing it?.” “I know buddy.” Sometimes I hate you Jackson.” Sometimes I did too. Ara was waiting in my office with an unhappy look in her face. “I’m glad you could tear yourself way.” I didn’t rise to the bait. “You are back sooner then we expected. I assume all went well ?” I knew she had hunted for her coven years ago I remembered how sad she was when she struggled to find it. “We ran into a problem. We found a witch from our original coven, she remembered our mother. She is a powerful witch and she freaked out when we explained what had happened. She kept taking about hidden wolves and the tailsman of doom. Kora freaked out and was too scared to try and unbind her wolf and she now thinks that she it.” “She is what?” Ara looked at me like I wasn’t listening to her, which I was I was just trying to remember where I had heard that phrase before. Annoyance crossed her features. “The tailsman of doom. A wolf too powerful to control. The bringer of destruction. The witch had a few names and Kora is now worried it’s her.” “And you are not?” There was something she want telling me. “I think it’s Greer.” “What makes you say that?” I was shocked to say the least. I couldn’t think of a less likely wolf for it to be. Other than the power thing. Onyx could feel the power from her wolf, and Greer did have a powerful aura, but so did many alpha females like Iris. I wouldn’t expect a witch to pick up that though. “The fact that the witch for jumpy when I mentioned Crimson Pack, or the fact that you are all convinced that she is some all powerful wolf. Come on Jackson, are you so blinded by her pretty face that you have overlooked the fact that she could well be a plant here. A spy for your enemy.” I knew in all honesty from the moment I met her I never considered that option. I didn’t consider it now, but I wasn’t letting Ara know this. The only person I wanted to talk to right now was Greer. I suspected that was my hormones thinking. Despite sneaking out early while she was still asleep so I wouldnt have to face her my thoughts were still consumed by her. Now I had had her it was only worse. From her reaction just now I was in an even worse position than before. The only thing that stopped me ruining to find her right now was how she might react. I needed to buy her some time to work out how to activate her powers. Iris, I knew would go running to the witches for answers, without thinking or planning. I had no idea what Greer would do.
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