Brown Guilty Eyes

1889 Words
Thea Jackson called us with witches news from Silver Oak. Well he called Luke for advice but it was so big that Luke told him we would be on our way immediately. “I think we should take Flora and Marty.” Luke said thoughtfully. “Iris and Oliver ?” “Are already on their way.” Luke thought of everything. “What do you think is going on ?” I asked him. He always had some sort of insight into these things. “Not something good.” He rubbed his face. “Worst case it’s a plot to get us to reveal Greer or Kora if one is wolf you have been looking for and the witches are in on it. Although if it was Kora why would the witches let her leave. If they bound her wolf as baby and it’s that bad surely they would have been better to kill her.” “Luke.” I was horrified. “You can’t just kill a pup.” “I know . I know. Maybe you should get Ashton to meet us there with Felicity. Didn’t you say your powers were stronger together. Maybe between you, you can help Greer find hers without her mate…Thea, I think we need to find out more about her past.” “Don’t you trust her ?” I asked. “I do, but I don’t know why and it unnerves me. It’s also bugging me is why Ara automatically thought of her.” I didn’t tell Luke that I thought I knew why. If the energy between Jackson and Greer hadn’t lessened any then I suspected Ara was jealous. But I still didn’t think she would lie so we needed to act anyway. Even if Greer wasn’t the wolf they were looking for we needed to help that one too. Greer After Jackson left I felt even worse. Being near him again confined it, I wanted him like I needed him to breathe. I felt energised around him. I hoped against hope that after my birthday I might find my mate and this would go away. I was told that nothing compared to s** with your mate but after last night I honestly couldn’t imagine it would be better. Any inroads I made with Ara were well and truly squashed now. Even if as a witch her nose didn’t pick up the mixing of out scents then seeing me in his arms definitely saw a return of her hostility. I felt like an awful person. Hadn’t I just told her I wouldn’t be coming between her and Jackson. Now I wanted to go into his office and…f… I didn’t even know what I wanted to do. Finding the common room empty, I decided I could play piano again. Remembering songs that I had heard but never really taking stock of the words until now. I stared to sing. One sad sound merged into another as I voiced my despair. “Brown guilty eyes, all the little white lies. I played dumb but I always knew… That you talked to her, maybe did even worse. You’ve betrayed me….” I tried to kid myself that I was thinking of Jacob and Aurelia but the only brown eyes that had ever touched my soul were Jackson’s. Now we were no better than them. Musics that usually soothed me wasn’t helping this time. I just decided to head to bed early but as got to my room to find Jackson hadn’t returned. My thoughts immediately became consumed by him, nestled in his office with his girlfriend. I put up my blocks and went for a run. Running until the pain in my lungs was stabbed sharper than the pain in my heart. Stopping by a lake I had discovered on the pack lands I sat by the side gazing at the island in the middle. “What’s wrong with me Zorina, why do I feel like this?” “I don’t know Greer. Maybe because you ran way like a crazy person instead of waiting to talk.“ “Funny wolf, I’m a mess and you question my reactions? What was I meant to do ? Smile sweetly and play share the alpha? “ “We won’t be sharing. Anyway he clearly feels something too. Maybe you could try taking to him . I know his wolf likes you.” “You talk to his wolf?” “Not really I don’t reveal myself much. Not yet. I feel him reaching out though. Soon you will see how strong you are and you won’t need him to shine.” “I know it’s wrong to want this though he has a girlfriend, but last night …” “I know I felt it too“ “What do I do Zorina, help me because I am floundering here.” “I don’t know Greer maybe we will tomorrow.” I didn’t like to think of my birthday. Who celebrates the loss of their parent. I didn’t get many cakes or presents growing up unless Ashley made me something. Everyone away wished me a happy birthday but the happy bit was usually missing. As I grew older I stopped expecting. Aurelia and Jacob would usually spend the day with me, doing something with me that kept my mind of the day. I didn’t know how I would cope tomorrow with no one to lean on. I might hate them but right now I would have given nothing for my bed at Crimson Pack. At least I wouldn’t need to pretend it wasn’t my birthday tomorrow. No one mentioned anything today so it didn’t seem like anyone knew or if they did no one cared. Back in my room I went to pick up my guitar but my phone beeped. Happy birthday for tomorrow Greer. I miss you Your favourite sista.” Aurelia alway wished me happy birthday the night before. It was her tradition. She said it was because I always woke up sad as a child. I was touched she remembered. It didn’t make her a less s**** cousin but it was something. I deep down I knew I still loved her like a sister. I didn’t think anything would ever change that. I lay in bed, scenes from last night replaying over and over in my head. Even if it was wrong I wished for nothing more than for Jackson to come back through that door and give me more. His scent still lingered on the pillow, a memory there to tease me even more. Jackson I left Ara, my head spinning. Mainly because I had no doubt over Greer. I knew I trusted her implicitly, not quite understanding why. I also knew she wants going to be feeling bad about Ara and I had done nothing right now to ensure that Ara knew we were over. After last night I knew I could never be with Ara again. Nothing would compare to Greer. My heart sank at the thought of letting her go if she met her mate. Everyone was coming, it made me think they were taking what Ara found seriously. Fear for Greer was growing in my chest. I cared more for her than I was ready to admit. I knew I couldn’t keep this from her. Even if this reference was about her I didn’t think she knew about it. “Jackson, rogues at the border. I’ve sent a team.” “Good work Patrick.” Rogue attacks is had been increasing in frequent again. They were just small attacks, easily dealt with but the age old worry that it was actually a pack testing our security for a real attack meant we took every one seriously. “Are you with the luna. She isn’t responding to my block. I’ve asked the team to look out for her.” I tried to reach her, repeatedly, each time being met with a block. My heart stared to race as I gave Oynx control and raced towards the border. “Patrick have you found her?” I had asked Patrick to watch Greer when I wasn’t with her. Onyx has only agreed to speak with Ara if I did. “No alpha, the team have engaged the rogues though, she isn’t there, I assume she is still safe inside.” “Assume nothing. Every warrior to battle stations.” I sent a mass link, every warrior wound now link Patrick for orders and he would sweep the pack for her. When Patrick linked me to say she was at a the lake, I could breath again. He said she was heading back to the packhouse and they had caught two rogues alive, one male and one female. Leaving Patrick to deal with them I went for another scout around the borders, anything to keep away from her a little longer now I knew she was safe. My self control was precarious around her at the best of times I needed to get myself under control. I knew I was also delaying going to bed because I wasn’t ready to have a conversation that I knew we needed to. She never responded to my question about if she could take what I had to offer. After last night I hoped it was a yes but after her reaction today I wasn’t so sure. I needed to get my head straight so I didn’t continue to hurt her with my guilt. As I arrived at my room I heard whimpering coming from her room. All thoughts of keeping away gone as I sought to comfort her. In the dark of her room it looked like she was having a nightmare. She quietened slightly as I entered but her face remained tight with tension. Bathed in the rays of moonlight that filtered in she seemed to glow in the darkness, her golden hair spilled over the pillow. Even though I wasn’t needed I couldn’t bring myself to leave and once her whimpering started again I used the excuse to slide beside her and wrap her up in my arms. Her scent enveloping me like a cocoon. A feeling of calmness washed over me and I had to fight my eyelids not to close instantly. Greer’s body relaxed into my arms and I heard my name on her lips as she murmured sleepily. My couldn’t stop the happy feeling it gave me to hear it. I planned to comfort her until she was in a deep sleep then I would go back to bed. As I lay with her I kept thinking how right she felt in my arms. I could do more to help her settle in. Maybe if I could let the past go, we could really make this work. There was obviously s****l chemistry between us, more than I had ever felt before. While I had planned to take a luna only in name my eyes were constantly flicking to her marking spot, making me think that we could make her ours, in every sense. Her honey scent was growing stronger the longer she lay in my arms. I found myself reluctant to leave. My eyes became heavy and before I knew it I was drifting of to sleep.
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