The Plan - Stage One

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Jackson Greer was standing near me, which was a start. Her honey scent was like a balm. I wished I had let Onyx mark her and then I would be able to get a better read on her feelings. I could pick them up when she let her guard down but for the most part whatever was going on in behind those golden orbs was a mystery to me. I tried to remain unaffected when she placed her hand on my chest but it I found myself mesmerised by her eyes. There was a steely glint in her eyes, like she was bracing for battle. I didn’t disagree with Ara about getting to the bottom of Kora and Greer, but only because I felt this had significance for Greer. I certainly wasn’t letting either of them near her in the state of mind they were both in right now. I didn’t like the way Ara was staring at Greer’s hand on my chest,Onyx was even more unhappy but before I could say anything Luke arrived. “Ok this is the plan. It’s pretty rough as I’ve had all of about 10 minutes to get a read on the place.” He ran a hand through his, looking the most flustered I had seen him in a long time. “The dungeons are here.” He pointed to an area in the middle of the pack. “We best enter the pack through there, stashing the cars down here. It’s risky but between us we can surely carry one wolf.” It was quite a trek in and out but the clearest route home for if we needed a quick getaway. Luke continued. “Stealth is our friend but if or more probably when we meet trouble we are just going to hope we can fight our way out. We don’t have enough of the scent potion left so Kora thinks if I sprinkle what I have left over us then it will at least dull our scents down. I don’t think the girls should shift unless they really have to. They will probably suspect who they are but let’s not confirm it for them too easily. I’d say not to use your powers but if we are stopped you might have to. We might get lucky and they could think you are just witches.” That was probably wishful thinking, but we could hope. “Is it worth have a team nearby if we need back up?” I asked him. He had a pained look in his face. “I thought of that but we can’t do risk any of the others and Felicity is pregnant. “ In the event of something happening to any one of us, the betas would take our alphas positions as none of the pups were old enough yet. It was now time to leave I found myself dissatisfied but not surprised that Greer chose to travel in the other car. Not long into the drive I did however, swerve when I heard her voice in my head. “Jackson?” “Uhuh?” “Sorry I didn’t mean to startle you.” “It’s fine… are you okay? Do you need something?” “No, I wanted …it doesn’t matter just now.” I wished she was in my car so I could see her face. “Greer… I wish you were with me right now.” I knew the link was still open but she didn’t reply until eventually I heard. “Me too.” This made me feel better than I could imagine. I needed to talk to her properly, once this was over she needed to know I was all in. Once we were back I was going to sort my s*** out and make her understand. All I had to do now was keep her alive, so I could get that chance. “No pressure Jackson, but if anything happens to them I’ll kill you myself. I didn’t need Onyx’s threats, I was going to make sure nothing did, I knew he would would be on his game too. Greer With Luke driving one car and Jackson the other I elected to go with Thea and Luke. Twenty questions might be preferable to the desire I was struggling to contain around him. It was like all my emotions were heightened. Little sparks of what I previously felt were magnified and now left like they wanted to explode from me. I felt my powers crackling under skin desperate to release. I wanted to be with him but the thought of sitting beside him and not touching him too much. I’d rather go into battle. “I’m not going to ask how you are doing because I can only imagine, I got the mate I wanted and even that wasn’t plain sailing, but it does get easier to forget their past.” Luke looked uncomfortable when she said this. Was there something imperfect about the perfect couple? I felt hope started to grow inside me, like a little spark, that I had wanted to snuff out before I could be disappointed. Now it was a raging fire and there was no point lying to myself. I wanted Jackson, the bond, it all. Looks like I was going to have to start fighting for it. The bubble of excitement grew. What was the worst that could happen, he changed his mind. I fall apart and pull myself back together somehow. Really was that going to be any worse that trying to deny what I felt for him. I was just going to have to make sure he had no reason to change his mind. My thoughts straighter now I had a plan and a challenge. Dad I could forget about for now. But as for Jackson, it was game on. Thea We had arrived at the spot we were leaving the cars. “This isn’t going to be easy. Thea can’t defend herself like Iris and Greer so you all need to look out for her. Especially if she is healing anyone.” Luke told the others, I could tell from his voice he was nervous. I let him pull me close and take some deep breaths before he sprinkled us with the potion. “You stay close to me. I mean it. I don’t know what I would do if I let anything happen to you.” He spoke into my hair. I instantly felt safe and knew he would do everything in his power to keep me that way. We had to hang around the area we needed to penetrate while Luke worked out when we could sneak in. Darkness was falling and I looked to see how Greer was coping. She was as close to Jackson as she could be without touching him. Her energy sparking every time she got too close. The longer we waited the brighter the glow from her seemed to get. When Jackson could obviously take no more he pulled her into his arms so he was embracing her from behind. Whatever he was murmuring to her was working as the sparks seemed to settle. Rupa was in awe of her wolf and it’s power. It had been amazing how quickly Greer seemed to get a handle on her powers. It was like Allura finally had a wolf to help her. At last Luke gave the signal we were to move. Shifting was a last resort, especially for the girls. We didn’t want to be revealing our silver wolves or scents. Stage one was to get through the border undetected. I followed Luke closely as he lead the way having memorised the plans of the pack. He suddenly halted. “S***. This wasn’t on the plans.” We had reached a wing that extended out from the packhouse. It looked new and was blocking the path we intended to take to the dungeon, which involved sneaking through the gardens of the packhouse. Risky as it increases our chances of meeting wolf out for a random stroll but should keep us out of patrols sight who tend to stick to patrolling the boundaries. “We have to go wide. Slow down to keep quiet and keep your eyes peeled.” We literally turned a corner to head away from the garden and Luke walked straight into a shewolf. Before she could even think I grabbed her arm and I felt her go limp. Gently letting her fall to the floor, I felt like I gathered a little of her energy as well as her emotions. “She wasn’t patrol, she was full of … happy I think she was going back to bed.” I felt the collective sign of relief from the groups as we moved on. Managing to reach the doors to the dungeon without any further mishaps, I could hear voices from the new building we had had to skirt around. One sounded too familiar but I was rubbish at things like that. “We should go soon, it won’t be long before she is with them and too hard to get.” “Luke do you hear that voice.” “Yes but ignore it, priority is to get the wolf. Christian is a bonus. Iris is aware.” I dared like over my shoulder where I could see Iris had stopped. Her head looking in the direction of the voices. Oliver tugged on her hand and she reluctantly fell into step behind him. We had now arrived at the entrance to the dungeon. I was surprised they didn’t have anyone standing guard but Luke clearly wasn’t as he immediately tried the door which was locked. Greer and Jackson arrived and I saw her concentrate as she formed a beam of lightning that she aimed at the lock. It wasn’t long before it stared to glow and melt. “Now the gloves are off.” Any wolf we met now was to be taken out without hesitation. Once we encountered one, the clock would be ticking and against us to locate her and get out. This was the tricky bit. We didn’t know where she was. Thankfully we had an idea of what she looked like thanks to Felicity. We silently descended the steps and immediately had a problem . There were two corridors one leading and one went right. Sensibly we should split up. “We stay together. I smell more wolves down the right so I say we go left?” No-one wanted to argue with Oliver so we crept down the left corridor. Reaching another door, Greer stepped forward before Luke pointed at a key hanging beside it. He used it to open the door, the creaks reverberating in the silence. He pocketed the key and we entered an what initially appeared to be an empty room. Like one we had been in previously this had an array of torture instruments, but to our surprise and wolf was sat at the table, his head resting on the table. Assuming him to be asleep I snuck up as quietly as I could to knock him. Rupa whined in my head as I touched him and so I jumped back immediately. He was dead. I looked at Luke, seeing confusion on his face at this development.
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