The Plan - Part Two

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Jackson After Thea identified the wolf was dead we moved down the corridor. Familiar cages lined the walls but they were empty. We knew this was the correct room, but something was up, everyone was now even more on guard. “She must be down the other one.” “No this is the room from the vision, unless they moved her.” “And killed her guard. Come on. Someone has either got to her first or she has escaped.” I honestly couldn’t fathom which of these was more likely but I wanted Greer out of this dungeon now. “We still need to check the other side.” Luke linked reluctantly. It was the same for all of us, we were only here for our mates. I would leave this wolf behind if it meant saving Greer. While the girls, or certainly Iris and Thea felt a duty and kinship with these wolves. Greer I didn’t know about. I had wasted so much time I could have been getting to really know her. I stole at glance her her, she was worriedly chewing her lip. I had to fight the urge to touch it. As thought she felt my eyes on her she met my gaze. Her eyes unreadable as her mask was perfectly back in place. A mask I was going to sure as hell get rid of when I got her home. I wanted to see every emotion she felt in those beautiful eyes. Following Luke down the corridor and out the door we heading down the other side. Hearing voices inside I tried to work how how many wolves we were about to encounter. I guessed three which was doable. Luke was once again in front. He held up three fingers agreeing with my estimation. With the noise the last door made opening I let Greer move forward to melt this lock. The moment the door was open Luke sprang in, pouncing on the nearest wolf. Snapping his neck instantly, Oliver had to move further to get to his wolf, disarming him with equal ease while I led the girls on. There was only one wolf here. She looked nothing like the wolf called Allegra. “Who are you , why are you here and where is the other shewolf?” She lifted her tear streaked face. “I’m Alice I’m an omega and yesterday I met my mate but he is a high ranked warrior and doesn’t want me. His girlfriend said I attacked her and they threw me in here. There hasn’t been anyone else here.” “Two wolves to guard an omega and one on Allegra. Looks like she could had escaped. Let’s get out of here.” Iris had found the key. “We won’t hurt you, we can try and get you out but it might be dangerous. If you want to stay that’s fine but we can offer you sanctuary at a pack called Wise Water if you ever want it. The girl looked apprehensively at them. “I don’t know if it’s silly, I should probably go but I can’t leave my mate yet.” Alice said, bursting into tears. “I get it, if he is sensible he will see you were chosen for him for a reason and accept you.” Iris opened the door and let the shewolf choose. “Good luck.” She said making no effort to follow us. “We need to move .” Luke linked. Falling out of the dungeon we could hear commotion coming our way. “Looks like we lost the element of surprise. Time to retreat.” Luke instructed us. “But what about Allegra.” Iris replied. “Unless you know where she is time is up.” Luke insisted. Racing back the way we came we ran into a group of wolves. Iris threw a shockwave knocking most of their feet and Oliver and Luke had handled most of rest before Greer and I got there. “Clear, move.” We now were at the most dangerous but of the exit. The packhouse were warriors were likely to come out looking for us. Warriors were running towards us and then an explosion sounded beside us. Iris got a shield up but Luke and Thea were sent flying across the yard. I saw Luke helping her to her feet and as Greer’s lightning balls started to rain down on the attacking force sending them for cover. With a momentarily respite, we regrouped and headed slightly away from our exit route but into a more sheltered area. Neither Luke or Thea looked badly hurt but as Greer’s balls stopped I could hear the attackers approaching again. This time some had shifted and we were severely outnumbered. As the attacking force was too many for Iris and Greer to deal with alone so I shifted and started fighting alongside Artemis and Jett. Ripping through wolves with ease I was caught unaware by one sneaking in from the side as I kept an eye of Greer constantly ensuring I was between her and any other wolves. The wolf was blasted away by Greer and I saw a look concern on her face, before she turned back to her task of keeping the wolves at bay. I could see beads of sweat forming on her forehead already and the number of wolves wasn’t slowing. Suddenly there was a blast at my side and burning sensation appeared. Like my body was on fire but I could see no flames. Forcing myself to ignore the pain I linked the others. “We need to move, there is a clearing up ahead, try and get there then we can work out how to get back.” Greer sent a another lightening bolt this time it raced through a line of wolves in our path, then Iris followed up with a shock wave that cleared the rest of the path and we ran out. Oliver was also bleeding badly, so Thea ran to heal him while I didn’t dare look at my side and the pain hadn’t eased. Moments later a shewolf appeared in the clearing. “Allegra?” Iris asked. “How did you get out ?” Another wolf appeared beside her, snarling at us. The shewolf looked at us, Luke shifted back but I didn’t as I was struggling to heal my side so I was safer not to. Allegra stood before us, looking happily surprised. “It’s ok Dave. They are here to help.” I could tell her friend didn’t quite believe us but he clearly trusted her as he shifted back. “You don’t have long. You need to move now. Can you get her to safety?” “What about you?” Allegra asked, a note of desperation in her voice. “I can’t leave Chloe, Aly. God knows what they would do to her if I left and you know she would never leave. Besides we are out of time. Go and be safe.” “You helped her?” Luke asked. He nodded, obviously still unsure whether to trust us. “I’m the beta here. But I promised I would look after her, but with what they are planning she isn’t safe here. You have to go they are coming.” We could hear wolves closing in. Greer struck him with a lightning bolt and Allegra screamed. “Why did you hurt him?” “So they don’t think he helped. He should live.” She looked a little apologetic which I would have found endearing if I wasn’t dealing with a wound that was growing not healing. Moments later more explosions occurred around us. One hit Thea, almost knocking her out. Then more followed, all of which were directed at the girls. There was a blood curdling scream as one hit Jett, as he threw himself in front of Iris. I knew it was bad when he shifted back immediately. Thea crawled to heal him again and I saw him stop her, when another hit Iris. She went flying through the air but got a shield up before she crashed to the ground, Oliver already dragging himself to her. Allegra cowered on the floor, until Iris screamed at her to get up and get behind her. Iris started to crawl closer to Oliver and with Allegra finally behind her she covered them both in her shield. Leaving Luke and I to defend Greer and Thea while Oliver got ready to move. Greer was taking out more wolves that anyone bar Iris. She had worked out how to direct her light so that she could take out a row of wolves with frightening efficiently. However suddenly she was hit from with something, it knocked her forward and then the vines it touched on the floor started to grown and weaved their way over to her. Snatching at her legs while she fought to keep herself out her reach. When they had almost reached her I threw myself in front of her so the vines came into contact with me instead. Another blast of something hit my good side, causing the same sensation on my skin but further up this time. I could taste the metallic sting of blood but worryingly it didn’t hurt as much this time. The vines weaved around me their trails biting into my skin as they pulled tight. I was barely aware of Greer screaming for Thea and saw sparks hitting the vines breaking me free from their grip. I heard a scream and turned to see Greer has been hit again and this time was bleeding heavily from her shoulder. As she had continued to fight back, the vines cleared enough so that Thea could get to me. The ones she hit stopped moving and growing. Blood was still pouring from her shoulder so she was having to fight one handed. Thea appeared beside me. But I could see Greer near, still pouring blood, trying to fight. “Heal Greer.” I insisted through gritted teeth the pain forcing my mind to concentrate on the one thing that mattered.
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