Chapter 7-3

1947 Words

“Ellwood. Do you still have the video you took this morning when this all happened?” I asked, and bit my lower lip waiting for him to respond. “Yep.” He was tapping away at his keys. “You didn't by any chance share it with anyone, did you?” “No. I was afraid I'd get into trouble. But my finger wanted to push SEND to about a dozen people on Facebook.” “Good that you didn't, because you might get into trouble for it,” I said. Not only that, it would be so horrible people would think him the lowest form of human. “I'd like to see it again, if I could, please?” Ellwood's gaze went off me to Brett and back to me. He couldn't hide his surprise. “I should charge you.” I made a scathing sound and whacked his thick shoulder. “Sure. Here.” He moved his finger on his laptop. “I can bring it u

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