Chapter 44

873 Words

Father P.O.V I watched from the doorway as she cradled her daugther in her arms. I would give her time with her child before I had to take her. I wasn't completly cold hearted. The child would be raised up with everything she needed but she'd be under better care then her mother. I grimaced as that nagging voice whispered in my head again. "She's better off with her mother....your daughter.." The darker part of me quickly shut it up and thought of all the things the dark lord promised us. All in good time I would have everything. Katy was just a casualty her daughter a pawn. It was to bad they'd both eventually be killed, sooner rather then later. Katy P.O.V "You know I never heard the story of how you two found each other again" My mother smiled. The water I'd been drinking spewe

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