Chapter 16

700 Words

"So why do you call Katy Sunny?" Andy asked. Max smiled at me and I answered for him. "He said i was like the sun I brought light into his life everyday" Me and Max smiled at each other suddenly remembering all the times we had with each other. Andy made a noise and glared at me once again a jelouse glint in his eye. Max sighed and kissed Andy's cheek. "She may be my sun but your my world Andy quit being so insecure" He whispered softly rubbing Andy's leg. I awed as Adrain made a gagging sound behind me making me hit his thigh which apprently was to close to his man junk and made him go all wacko on me. I was about to hit him there for real when we all heard there was a knock on the door and we all turned to looked at it. "Go get the door" "you go get the door" "your closer" "Am n

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