Chapter 13

1140 Words

"What the hell Katy? Why are with him and when they hell did you get a tattoo? Is your belly button pierced?" He looked at me shocked anger still playing on his face. I snarled and ripped my arm away. "I can be with who ever I want! My life's not your business anymore you made that your decision years ago so don't think you can just walk back in and play the big brother. Leave me alone Eric its what your best at anyways" I spat feeling my anger shining in my eyes. He flinched back as if I'd hit him but I didn't care. Maybe he'd feel what I felt when i begged him to not leave. I'd been so lost on what to do. I had just been a little kid. I remembered what he said to me. He'd left because of me. It was my fault. I felt tears burning in my eyes but forced them away. I woundn't waste tears

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