Chapter 10

694 Words

I looked to my left and saw him. He did look horrible, nothing like the Eric I knew. He had dark circles under his eyes his skin pale and sickly. He also appeared to have lost some weight. He stared at me as if he'd seen a ghost. "K-Katy?" He choked out stepping forward. I stood frozen my body refusing to move. God I had missed him so much over the years. I'd prayed for him to come back...for him to find me. Then I'd given up hope and deemed him dead as our parents. He left me. Left me to deal with the grief of our parents alone. I'd gone into a deep depression because of him. I'd been so hopeless so ready to leave a world where I felt all alone. But then I snapped out of it. I'd moved and met Andy...met Adrain. I had a family again people to love. People who cared if I made it home or

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