Chapter 3

1360 Words
"We have a problem here?” I jumped startled as Rob one of the bouncers spoke behind us. I quickly jerked away from Eric and hastily grabbed my mask slipping it back on. Without saying another word I ran to the back room and slipped in our private bathroom unable to stop the tears from spilling from my eyes. Of all the places why was he here? I could have gone the rest of my life without seeing him again but I did and it was the worst possible situation ever. Oh my god I'd been giving him a lap dance. Dying in this bathroom in humiliation was very likely right now. An hour later I gathered all the money I had earned and changed into a black tank top and some tight jeans. I pulled my hair into a tight pony tail and grabbed my things after pulling my leather jacket on. I walked out the back door tears still in my eyes which none of the other girls commented on it which I was thankful for. I sniffled and headed toward my car which had been a gift from my old Alpha. I was unlocking the door when a hand grasped my arm and spun me around. I gasped as I was pushed against my car sending panic rushing through me. The sight of Eric and his friend didn't completly stop my panic. "W-What do you want?" I whispered slightly scared. I mean this wasn't the same boy I knew four years ago. I could see it in his eyes. He'd changed. "I want to know why you’re not back home! I want to know what you’re doing working at a strip club! I want to know what happened to my baby sister!" My heart clenched. So he still thought of me as a sister? Then why hadn't he tried to contact me? I felt tears slide down my cheeks as I laughed humorlessly suddenly angry. "Her big brother left to fend for her self and her mother died ....that’s what happened to your baby sister!" I spat jerking my car door open. I quickly locked the doors and turned the car on ignoring him as he banged on my window. I speed out the parking lot unable to stop these stupid tears. God why did it hurt so much to see him? I'd been fully prepared to not see him for the rest of my life but seeing him tonight hurt so much. He'd left me behind and seemed to move on so easily. He had friends an ex-girlfriend, a whole life I wasn't even remotely part of. It felt as if my heart was breaking. Taking a deep breath I headed home. Ten minutes later I arrived home at my apartment, which I share with my two other roommates. I dragged myself up the stairs and into the living room falling onto the black leather couch that was cool to the touch. I shivered and pulled the blanket off the back of it and curled up beneath it pressing my wet cheek against the leather knowing my skin was probably going to stick to the couch but I didn't care. Both my roommates were guys. The one I was closest to was Andy. He was a player and a complete jokester. He was pretty good looking with his blonde locks and surfer looks. He would flirt with me all the time, but we both knew he never really meant it. The idea of being with Andy in a way that wasn't platonic was completely gross to me. He was my best friend, the one person I talked to when things got crappy. Unfortunately I knew he was at some party right now and I could have really used his company at the moment. Adrain my other roommate was.....very private. His dark looks portrayed him as a bad boy and well he pulled it off really well but in a scary way. I admit I was scared he would kill me in my sleep the first week I lived here. I knew Adrain was a wolf though; he had no clue I was one too. I figured that was why he was so secretive. I never really got any alone time with him since Andy was always near so I never was able to explain I was like him. Truthfully I was terrified of my 18 birthday. I didn't want to have my first shift alone. I had always planned to have Eric help me but.....well you know. God just seeing him tonight made me heart ache. He looked so different; at least I knew he was alive. I felt a sob escape my lips. Had I really not been worth it to stay behind? Had he even thought about maybe bringing me with him? I'd been giving him a lap dance for god sake! He must think I'm a slut. It didn't matter I probably wouldn't ever see him again. He was probably going to disown me now anyways. I gasped startled when I felt someone’s hand on my arm. I looked up to see Adrain's concerned face. It was really weird seeing another emotion on his face instead of his trademark scowl. "Katy what’s wrong? He asked sitting down beside me making the couch dip. Doing a very unKaty move I buried my face in his chest and cried like a whiny baby letting his warmth comfort me. After I finally calmed down I pulled away red faced. "I'm sorry you had to deal with that,” I whispered embarrassed. Great now he was going to act even weirder around me. He smirked at me and ruffled my hair. "Don’t worry about it short stuff. You want to talk about it?" I blushed again and quickly shook my head "’s nothing I can’t handle." I mumbled mortified. He frowned. "I know I don't act like it, but I care about you and well you can come to me with anything alright?" He said awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck. "Your like a little sister to me." His face was slightly pink shocking me to the core. Adrain hadn't spoken more than a sentence to me since I moved in and now he was blushing? Calling me his little sister? Not knowing what to say I nodded "thank you." I whispered. He smiled and stood up, but I grasped his arm halting him. "I wanted to ask you something.” He sat back down frowning slightly, his guard back up. "I wanted you to know that I know you’re a werewolf," I started, but gasped as he suddenly stood up his eyes black. "Did the hunters send you?" he growled claws springing from his fingers as he digged them into my arm . I shook my head quickly not wanting to set his wolf off. "No! I’m a wolf too!" He paused then sniffed the air confused. I blushed realizing I'd have to tell him I lied about my age. "My 18th birthday is in two months." His eyes widen and barked out a laugh shocking me. I’d never seen him laugh before. "Ahhh I knew you smelt too innocent to be 19," he grinned. I blushed again "I was wondering if you would help me through my first shift?" I whispered afraid of his answer. It was silent for a long pause and I couldn't take it anymore. I looked to see him staring at me oddly. "Katy....shouldn't your family or mate be there. The first shift is really intense and its really a private thing. I mean I'm just a loner I don't know...." he trailed off. "My family's dead and I...haven't met my mate. I don't want to do it alone Adrain please," I whispered. A long pause followed. Then I felt him grab my chin and lift my face up "I’d be honored Katy," he smirked. "Woah! I leave for a couple hours and come home to find this! I thought I could trust you!" I rolled my eyes as Andy stepped in the living room and grasped his chest dramatically.
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