Chapter 2: More Explanation

2234 Words
Millie's P.O.V. ******************************************** Honestly, the whole situation was just silly. I didn't do anything in the first place. I was betrayed by my best friend and my boyfriend, the two people I thought loved me more than anyone. Aside from family, of course. Yet, this was my life. Vanessa and James had started dating, they flaunted their relationship everywhere and to everyone. Annoying I know. If I was ever caught in the cafeteria, I was bullied, had food thrown at me or at me, or my lunch stolen. Eventually, I had moved outside under a tree to be by myself. Unfortunately, that didn't stop everyone. It wasn't until Caleb started to eat with me that I would be left alone. Everyone else was too afraid to be my friend. I think that they were afraid of getting bullied along with me. How could I blame them? Caleb started to pick up on the change at school even though we were two grades apart. After one particularly bad day, he cornered me at home, and made me tell him everything. Caleb got into a lot of fights with the other guys after that. It got to a point where I had to have a talk with him before he got expelled. Thankfully, my little brother settled for spending lunch with me. I stopped telling Caleb the details of my bullying, and by the end of the year, things were good. Well, good enough I guess. Caleb was no longer getting into fights, and most days I could avoid the populars. This year will be different though. I hadn't heard a thing from anyone all summer long. Even working at the only movie theater in town, I managed to avoid them all. When one of my bullies saw me they would settle for an eye roll and a snarky comment. I could deal with those. At least they weren't cornering me anymore. So, they must have forgotten about everything then, right? My walk to school wasn't bad at all. I was feeling pretty good, actually. Even when the dull school came into view I was feeling confident. This year I will just stay focused on school. No one even cares about what happened last year. I mean, why would they? Surely they were over it now. I walked through the doors of the school with my schedule in hand. My locker is number 367, and close to all my classes but one. I kept my head down as I rushed to my locker. So far so good. Nobody has even noticed me. Just how I want it to be. I was putting my things in my locker when two girls started walking towards me. My body froze. Then one opened up the locker two down from mine. I breathed out a sigh of relief. They aren't part of the popular crowd that hates me with a burning passion, but I do remember the two of them making comments to me. Pretty sure the blonde one tripped me one time. "Did you hear?" The blonde says to her friend. "Hear what?" Her friend asked. "James and Vanessa broke up." The blonde squealed. "Like for real this time. Not like all the other times." Her friend rolled her eyes and picked at her nails. "Sure they did." She said sarcastically. The blonde huffed. "They really did. Like a month into summer vacation." She whined out. "Do you think it has anything to do with that ex of his?" Her friend asked, and I froze again. "Ya know, that one that used to be friends with Vanessa?" "Oh please." The blonde said with an eye roll. "You heard about how desperate that girl was for James. And he could have anyone, he would never go back to her. First, she's plain, and a total goth. Don't you remember how she started dressing at the end of the year?" The blonde visibly shuddered. Okay rude. I wasn't dressed that badly. "No, he is moving on to better things a.k.a. me." She said proudly. "Oh okay." Her friend snorted. "Like James Melrose would be interested in a nobody like you." Ouch. What a friend. The blonde slammed her locker shut, and turned to her friend. "Jealousy is a very ugly color on you Harp." She stated before stomping away. Unfortunately, because the blonde left, I was caught looking. Her friend 'Harp' and I connected eyes. My face flushed as the girl stared at me with amusement. Her brown eyes trailed down my outfit and back to my eyes. "Glad to see you aren't a goth anymore." She said with a smile. "Thanks." I mumbled as she walked away. As weird as that was, I'm taking this as a win. Only one person noticed me so far, and she wasn't even mean. This year is going to be totally normal. Just me and the library. I have a college essay to write and AP classes to keep up on. I gathered some supplies, and headed to my first class, AP English. The teacher is here sitting behind his desk. I walked to the furthest seat from the door in the first row and sat down. Class starts in ten minutes, but I didn't mind being early. It gives me time to work on what my essay will be about. Shortly after I started to write out topics to choose from, the classroom started to fill. I was hoping that, because all of my classes are AP, that none of the popular kids would be here. So I frowned when Milinda, Vanessa's BFF, walked in. We connected eyes, and she glared at me before taking her seat in the back corner, far from me. Oh no, I hope that's all I get from her. I can take dirty looks and snarky comments. What I don't want, is to be bullied so badly I go back into hiding. I don't want to hide anymore. I don't want to get beat up or trash thrown on me. I just want to be left alone. It's slightly amazing how cruel teenage girls can be. When class was over, I stayed back to talk with the teacher. Mr. Douglas is a nice guy, and I asked him if he would mind reading over my essay when I finished before I turn it in. He was all smiles when he agreed. I get the feeling that most students here aren't as concerned with school as I am. After talking with Mr. Douglas I rushed to my next class, which was AP Biology. My favorite class, the one I am looking forward to the most. The teacher, Mrs. Gibbson is a really nice lady in her mid 40s. She beamed at me as I entered the class. "Good morning Millie, I was looking forward to seeing you today." She greeted me. "Good morning Mrs. Gibbson." I greeted back with my own bright smile. Mrs. Gibbson found out that I wanted to be a marine biologist last year and took me under her wing. I would come in after school, and she would teach me all sorts of things. She told me what colleges had the best programs for the profession I wanted. Mrs. Gibbson even offered to write me a letter of recommendation, and said she would put in a good word for me at the college she and her husband attended. Her husband is a zoologist too. I walked to the farthest seat from the door in the front, and opened my notebook. For the next few minutes, I doodled more notes for my essay and then the bell rang. When I looked up from my notebook, I saw that the class was full. Two seats to every desk, but mine. I was alone. Mrs. Gibbson's eyes looked at my desk. Something resembling pity flickered in her eyes before she shook it off. Even though I never told Mrs. Gibbson about what happened, I think she knew. I mean, any teacher with ears probably knew. She never asked me about it though, so I never told her. We were always preoccupied with better conversations, and that was fine by me. Although, there were times that she told me things always get better, and to keep my head up. The class went by fast, and I was disappointed when the bell rang. Mrs. Gibbson waved goodbye to me as I walked out the door. My next class is AP calculus, the class I am most nervous about. I was never bad at math, but it was not my favorite subject. This class I played it the same as my first two. Front far corner seat, notebook out ignoring everybody, and I kept my head down. The rest of the school day went the same. When the lunch bell rang, I found my little brother waiting by my locker. I ran up to him with a smile on my face. "Wait, how did you know this was my locker?" I asked when I got to him. Caleb gave me a look that told me I wasn't going to like what he was going to say. "I have the janitor coming to clean it off. The principal said he would have it gone by the time lunch is over." Caleb told me. "Move." I ordered. "Why don't you just take your stuff to lunch with us? I can carry it if you want." Caleb suggested. I stomped my foot like a child, and glared at my over-protective little brother. He towers over my small 5'3 frame, which is completely unfair. He's my little brother. Caleb crossed his arms like he was prepared to argue with me. Sucks for him because so am I. After seeing that I wasn't backing down, Caleb sighed heavily, and moved to the side. A small gasp left my lips as I took in the white writing across the navy blue locker. It reads 'Fat Pig'. Tears filled my eyes. It's only the first day. No one even said anything to me. Shaking my head, I blinked the tears back before they could fall. Then I opened my locker, shoved my belongings inside, and turned to my brother with a smile. "Ready for lunch?" I asked, and then started walking away before he could answer. "It's okay if you want to skip, and go to the library or something," Caleb offered. We used to do that when things got too hard. I would run away, and my little brother would come with me. But this year is different. I'm done running away, and I am done letting these people bully me into silence. "Nope, that's totally not going to happen." I said. I could see Caleb smile out of the corner of my eye. "This really is a new year, new you, huh?" He teased as he bumped me with his shoulder. That's right. New year. New me. The rest of the day went by smoothly. I'm honestly surprised. I thought for sure after seeing my locker that comments would be made. Yet, it seemed like no one even knew about it. I wonder if that has something to do with Caleb. Did he find out before anyone could see it? My AP classes were smooth as well, but it is only the first day. The only one I had to worry about so far was calculus. I'd give it some time before transferring out of it though. I can do this. All AP classes for me looks good on a college application. I would not give up easily. My second to last hour is a chosen class. Most people pick choir or band, but this school offers an extra course that allows you to help your underclassmen. You can only take it if you are a junior or senior though. I was in it last year, but no one wanted me to help them. It ended up being a silent hour for me to catch up on my studies. I was a little sad about it, but oh well. This year I was determined to be different, and it was already working out for me. I spent the whole class preparing a few freshman girls what to expect for their science class. They thanked me when the bell rang, and I told them I would be here for them anytime they needed. The last hour of school is a silent hour. At least for me. That meant I had the whole hour to do what I wanted. Most seniors have an hour like this, but none of them except a select few have it as their last hour. Probably because they would just leave, and not use it how it is meant to be used. Oh, well, not me. I went straight to the library, and opened my notebook. When the last bell rang, I stayed in the library for a while working on my essay. At about 4:30 I decided that was enough for one day. When I reached my locker there were no more words. The halls were quiet as I slipped my books into the locker, and grabbed my backpack. Sticking my airpods into my ears, I smiled. Today was definitely a good start to a new year. Nothing was going to be thrown at me that I couldn't handle.
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