Chapter 3: A Gift From An Asshole

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Millie's P.O.V. ************************************** The next two weeks went by totally smooth. Just like I planned. There was only one more incident with my locker. That time someone wrote 'Happy Birthday Fat Wh.ore', on my birthday. Which is today. It's Friday and my locker was the first thing I saw this morning. I rolled my eyes when I saw it, and pulled out a white eraser sharpie I had bought. I wrote 'Thanks A Ton!' back, and then did not report it. What was the point? Honestly, I was feeling good. Words are words. It was the actions and words from the two people I loved that hurt the most. Since I don't love them anymore, I was feeling less affected. And I have no idea who is even leaving these little love notes for me. After I grabbed my stuff, I headed to my first class, and took the same seat I had since the first day. Mr. Douglas was sitting behind his desk staring down at some papers in front of him. He has grown to be one of my favorite teachers. He's very kind and helpful. "Good morning Millie and happy birthday." Mr. Douglas told me. "Thanks." I said as I beamed at him. "Teachers pet." Mumbled a female voice. Why is she so early for class? Mr. Douglas frowned, but I gave him a reassuring smile. Thankfully, he let it go, and I took my seat. Mr. Douglas said that he had to grab something from the teachers' lounge and would be right back. That was when Milinda decided to change her normal seat, and sit next to me. "Heard it was your birthday today, wh.ore." She said. I ignored her. "Oof, should I have said fat wh.ore?" She asked with a giggle. I turned my head to her. Milinda's platinum blonde hair was pulled back into a high ponytail that hung straight down her back. Black winged eyeliner adorned her blue eyes. She's in her cheerleading uniform since there is a game tonight. "Was that you that left me that lovely message on my locker?" I asked her sweetly. Milinda seemed taken aback for a moment. After all, I have never given them sass back before. I would always cry or run away. This year I will not be so weak. They want a fight, a fight they'll get. "Lovely huh? Being called fat isn't what I would call lovely." She said. I only shrugged at her, and turned back to my notebook. "So, not sure if you heard, but James and I are dating now." Milinda told me. "Congratulations." I mumbled without looking at her. "Thanks. I just wanted to let you know, so there were no hard feelings between us." She said, sounding bored. I snorted as I continued to write. "Believe me, there are hard feelings between us, Milinda." Then I looked up to meet her blue eyes. "But it has nothing to do with James. I hope you guys are happy together, truly." Then I sat back in my chair. "Although, it does make me question what kind of friend you are." I said as I scrutinized her with my gaze. Milinda's face turned into a sneer. "What the hell is that supposed to mean?" She asked. I shrugged. "I doubt that Vanessa is pleased with your new boyfriend," I stated. Milinda rolled her eyes. "Because you didn't do that same thing." She, accused. I didn't, but okay. "And look what happened to me." I said, and then smiled when her face paled. Before Milinda could say anything else, Mr. Douglas was back and started class. Milinda was forced to sit in the seat she moved to for the rest of class. I had zero problem paying attention, but it was clear that the cheerleader was struggling. She had tried to pass me notes several times and every time I tossed them into the trash can that was right in front of me. I would like to say that it didn't satisfy me to make Milinda squirm, but it did. It really, really did. Though I would not keep it up. I'm not a bully like they are. I wouldn't have even said anything had Milinda left me alone. So, when the bell rang and the cheerleader tried to stop and talk to me, I ignored her and rushed to my next class. "Happy birthday Millie!" Mrs. Gibbson practically shouted when I walked through the door. I looked up at two birthday balloons, and a cute little teddy bear sitting on my usual spot. A wide grin spread across my face when I saw it. I walked over to the gifts and snuggled the teddy bear. "Thank you so much, this was very sweet of you." I told Mrs. Gibbson, and gave her a quick hug. "Do you want to pop the balloons before anyone gets here?" She asked. I gave her a strange look. "Why would I want to do that?" I asked. Mrs. Gibbson gave me a small shrug. "I know how cruel teenagers can be. I didn't want anyone teasing you." She said. I gave her a bored look. "You saw my locker this morning, I take it?" I asked her as I sat down on the stool. "I talked to the janitor about removing it and then the principal." She told me. I pulled my book out from my backpack, and set it on my desk. "And how did that go for you?" I asked her. Mrs. Gibbson huffed in annoyance. "Does he even care? When I told him about it, he didn't seem the least bit interested." She told me. I nodded. Principal Melrose is James's grandfather. Not one time did he care about the bullying. I didn't tell my parents or complain directly to him, so he brushed everything off. Caleb calls him useless and I agree. There was really no point in seeking out his help. "He's probably just used to it," I said. "That doesn't make it right Millie." Mrs. Gibbson replied. I looked up from my book to see her angry expression. "Well, one thing it did was make me stronger," I said, and then looked back at my notebook. "I couldn't care less if any of these kids make fun of me for the gifts. It makes me happy that you remembered, and I am thankful for that." I told her with a bright smile. I meant it too. What would they say that they haven't already? Besides, maybe they should just get a life. It's two balloons and a teddy bear, is it really that big of a deal? No, it's not. "It won't hurt my feelings if you want to hide them." She said quietly as the first few students came strolling in and looking in our direction. "No, thank you." I whispered back. Thankfully, Mrs. Gibbson let it go after that. A few kids did make remarks about being a teachers' pet, but I ignored them. Mrs. Gibbson managed to hold her tongue at the other students, and I was thankful. A couple of the students even offered me a polite happy birthday. See, things are already better than last year. I wasn't holding out hope that I would have friends, but at least people were being decent. By lunchtime, my locker was completely forgotten about. By me, anyway. Caleb was still fuming over it. We are sitting outside under the tree that I love, eating our gross cardboard pizza. "Will you stop sulking already?" I whined out in irritation. "It happened to me, and I'm not even as upset as you are." "It doesn't you off in the slightest? The they said about you isn't even true. So what, you gave your virginity to a total a.sshat? And your best friend had betrayed you in the worst way? Wasn't that enough? Can't they leave you alone?" He rambled out in an angry voice. I blinked at him. "Were you purposely trying to bring it up?" I asked him with a shake of my head. "Sorry." He mumbled. "But doesn't it piss you off?" I shrugged as I bit into my greasy pizza. "I think I skipped over being mad. I spent too much time crying over everything last year. I want this year to be different. Even if they keep up their, I want to ignore it. I want to have a good senior year. Well, the best I can have anyway," I said. Caleb smiled at me. "I envy your ability to not care," he said while shaking his head. I smiled brightly. "So tell me, how is football going?" I asked him. "Big game tonight." "Yeah, my first game on varsity," he said with a slightly nervous tone. I patted his leg. "You'll kick out there. You're too good not to." I said reassuringly. Caleb nodded, and gave me an arrogant smile. " You're right. I am good. Hella good." He said. I laughed. "That's right." I said, amused. "There's this new guy on the team now. It's a bit annoying. I'm not sure that I'll even get to play because of him," Caleb told me. I frowned. "What makes you say that? I didn't even know there was anyone new here." I asked. Caleb shrugged. "He hasn't started yet. They just arrived a couple of days ago. He's going to be starting Monday, but... He's a senior, and apparently really good. I mean... At practice, he's dumb good." Caleb told me. I patted his shoulder. "I think you'll get the chance to play still." I told him. "I hope so." He said. "So, are you going to come out tonight?" "Do you want me to?" I asked. Caleb gave me a shy smile, and rubbed the back of his neck. "Mom and Dad are coming. I would like it if you came to see my first game, but you don't have to. I understand if you don't want to be there." He rushed out. James is the quarterback. And the cheerleaders hate me. My ex-best friend is the captain of the cheer team. I haven't been to a football game since everything happened. But, new year, new me. "Oh, I'm coming." I said confidently. No more hiding for me. ******************************************** The rest of the day wasn't as smooth as my start though. Apparently, James is in my AP history class. I don't think he was there before, but I'm not completely sure. It's not like I seek him out, or that I even look around the classrooms for him. Nobody here was new and nobody was my friend. So, when James sat down next to me, I was a bit shocked. At first, I ignored him, but I could feel his eyes on me. "Happy birthday Millie Bear." He said, and my body went rigid. " off James." I said without looking up from my notebook. "Awhh, is that any way to talk to someone who bought you a present?" He asked. A present? I looked up at James confused. What the hell does he mean a present? What's wrong with him? "It's a braclet. I got it as an apology," James said with a hopeful smile. "Oh James," I said sweetly, and his smile grew. "You can take your apology present and shove it up your ass." I said while keeping the sweetness in my tone. James frowned. "Come on Mil, what do I have to do for you to forgive me?" He asked. I gave James an incredulous look. Forgive him? What does he have to do? The audacity. He hasn't even apologized, and I'm supposed to accept an apology? Is he serious? "Ya know what, James? I forgive you." I said, and then turned back to my notebook. I don't have the time or patience for this. It's better to just ignore him. Besides, I deserve to forgive James. So, he's forgiven. Now we can both move on. "Great! So, I'll pick you up after the game tonight?" James asked. "Mhmm." I hummed. Wait, what? "Wait, no." I said as I looked at James. "Just because I forgave you does not mean I'm going out with you." I told him, almost laughing. "Why not? We were good together, and you know you've always been my good luck charm." He said with a sweet smile. I gagged. Literally. James looked displeased. "Gross. I just ate lunch, so if you could go easy on me, so I don't have to taste it coming back up, that would be great." I said. "Don't be a bi.tch, Millie. I'm trying to be nice." James gritted out. I looked up at him with raised eyebrows. "Ya know who would love you to be nice to them?" I asked, and he just stared at me. "Literally anybody but me. Especially Milinda. I hear you're dating her now." Then I turned back to my notebook. If James was going to say anything else, I wouldn't know because the bell rang, and the teacher came into the classroom. The class seemed to drag on and on. When the bell finally rang, I practically booked it out of there. I could hear James calling after me, but I ignored him. What a fu.cking jerk.
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