Chapter 19: Art

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If he hadn't taken the initiative to strike up a conversation with this girl, Charles even thought that it was a hidden camera. Of course, he knew Tagore, but at this moment, hearing this sentence from Troian who was standing on the parapet, he only got goosebumps.   Wasn't this girl going to commit suicide because of being dumped by her boyfriend?   "Hey! What are you going to do?" Charles wanted to rush forward but was afraid that she would jump down.   Troian turned to face the empty night, slowly spreading her arms, like a bird about to wave its wings and fly into the distance.   "Listen to me, you can talk to me if you like," Charles thought he had won a big surprise, but unexpectedly encountered suicide. If she wanted to really jump out in front of him, he would have a nightmare for a lifetime.   What a treacherous girl! Charles didn't want to step on s**t without getting any benefit.   "Tagore also said that life is as splendid as summer flowers, and death is as quiet and beautiful as autumn leaves."   Tagore again? Why damn Tagore couldn't say something positive?   Charles tried to get her down, "Tagore also said that it's better to live than to die. How about you come down and have a drink with me? Or I'll jump down with you!"   While speaking, Charles moved forward slowly. Troian was stunned by what Charles said, "Has ever Tagore said this?"   Where could Charles know this? At this critical moment, what he only cared about was if he could save this poor Troian from jumping off the building.   As Troian tried to search clues about the sentence, Charles had rushed to hug her thigh and pulled her off the parapet. Troian screamed and then fell to the ground at the same time as Charles.   Charles almost fainted when he was thrown to the ground, but he didn't dare to let go of Troian no matter how she struggled and cursed.   "Let me go, let me go!"   "No way!" Charles replied firmly, while hugged Troian's thighs tighter.   "You son of b***h!"   "I'm saving you! It doesn't matter if you die, but don't suicide in front of me!" Charles finally let this out.   "Suicide? What do you mean? I’m not killing myself! Let me go! Or I will call 911!"   Charles lifted his face on Troian's ass and asked in surprise, "Aren't you going to commit suicide?"   "Me? Why should I commit suicide?" Troian asked breathlessly.   "Aren't you dumped by someone?"   “Who told you this? A man worthy of my suicide hasn't been born yet! Let me go! Right now!”   Troian’s behavior reminded Charles how high he was holding his arms. He hurriedly got up but still blocked in front of Troian to prevent her from climbing the parapet again.   Troian sat up on the ground, rubbing her sore knees.   Charles inadvertently saw the bottom of Troian's skirt, then he couldn't move his eyes for what he saw anymore. "Do you know the consequences of jumping? You will fall apart like a watermelon, and it’s even worse if your head falls first. A beautiful girl like you will lose her face after death. How terrible it is. Tagore also said that love is an alias for understanding. Keep in mind! Never give up your life for anyone.”   Troian was surprised to hear Tagore’s poem from Charles. She hurriedly got up from the ground, "I told you, I am not suicide."   "Then what are you doing standing there? Are you going to fly?" Charles asked puzzled.   "This is art. I bet you don’t understand."   Charles choked immediately. In his understanding, art could be crazy or complicated at times. But in Charles' narrow understanding, abstract art was always related to obscenity, blood, or violence. Since when acting like suicide at the top of the building in front of a stranger is named art? Charles couldn't understand, so he made a conclusion that there might be something wrong with the girl in front of him.   But what made him even more frustrated was that all the scenes he had imagined before became bubbles.   Troian had no intention of explaining what her artistic behavior means since she has been accustomed to such blank expression. In her eyes, explaining art to people who didn't understand it was equivalent to playing the piano to a cow.   "Forget it. Would you like to go down to grab e a few drinks? It’s on me," Troian made another suggestion.   Drink? Charles bet this was a way for her to express her gratitude, although her art was destroyed by him.   "Okay," Charles replied helplessly. Now that it’s doomed that he couldn't get anything from this girl, it’s not bad to get some more drinks.   Deliciated Troian returned to the club again following the way which they passed by, while Charles walked behind. Frustrated. However, after two glasses of wine, Charles felt his chest be heated again. His body moved and twisted to the beat of the music.   "Do you want to dance?" Charles invited Troian.   Looking at Charles's hand that kept reaching out, Troian wanted to refuse, but she agreed for some reason she didn’t even know, "Sure. Let's go."   This crazy couple rushed to the dance floor to mix in the crowd. Following the music, they danced, panting, sweating, and enjoying themselves. The man and woman who met for the first time and who had experienced absurd ‘suicide’ got closer to each other.   This was the heartiest night for Charles in his life. It was not until the club was closed that he remembered that he hadn't seen Mark and Robert all night. There were three missed calls from Mark two hours ago on the phone. Charles stood on the side of the road, calling them back.   The phone was picked up. Charles heard Mark's voice, and there were some faint female voices in the background. "We called you, but no one answered, so we came back first."   "What about Robert?"   "He is with me. No worries."   "Robert also..." Before Charles finished his words, some beep sound passed from the receiver. Charles couldn’t believe it, looking at the phone. Fine, he could accept that Mark could hook up with a girl successfully, but even Robert? He felt a little frustrated thinking of his failure.   When Charles was stunned, a red sports car stopped in front of him, and Troian's face was seen after the window was lowered.   "Aren't you leaving? Where are you going?"   Charles circled the sports car for a while, and then he asked surprisedly, "This is your car?" A beautiful girl like Troian, who can drive a sports car like this, either had a rich family behind or a sugar daddy behind.   "Or what? Are you going home? Where do you stay? I can drop there.”   Charles naturally wouldn't refuse, but he still wanted to tease Troian, "Are you sure you want to give me a ride? Don't you worry that I will do something bad to you?"   "You?" Troian obviously didn't believe Charles, a man who had been teased in the bathroom but dared not say a word, would do anything bad to her. Besides, Troian still remembered that he tried to stop her from committing suicide.   Charles sat in the car, staring at Troian's bare thighs, "I have to warn you. I'm not a good person." He was telling the truth because he was really not a good person in the traditional sense.   "If you dare to do anything, I will make you unable to 'do' it for the rest of your life. You can try it.”   Charles immediately felt his little brother twitch in the pants. He should have learned his lesson. Girls under a soft look were always more difficult to handle.  
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