Chapter 20: Your Face Showed Everything

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After the bank balance changed from negative to positive, Charles and the other two immediately moved into a large apartment from the motel that only cost sixty dollars each night. This apartment with three bedrooms and two living rooms allowed each three of them had their private room, which couldn’t be better anymore. Charles still felt like a dream that he had finally changed from a mouse that had no chance to feel sunshine to a normal person.   Mark and Robert have clearly tasted and got addicted to the feeling of being the center in the club. Don’t get this wrong. People were willing to be with them not because of their charisma but because of their money. They could go there seven times a week, and sometimes even spent the night outside. Charles didn’t care which woman’s bed they slept on, Susan, Lisa, or whatever, since he knew that the illusion that ‘I can control the world’ brought about by money was short-lived.   Plus, he now had more important things than worrying about his companions.   Charles has always been troubled by “Vision” after returning from the bar. Obviously, he had no one to talk about this but only trapped himself in his room thinking about the process of each Vision appearance, which reminded him of the doll-like Troian.   The image of Troian standing on the roof kept flashing in his mind, like an elf lost in the night, no one or anything behind her was worthy of her nostalgia.   Art. He remembered that Troian, who was pulled off the roof, said so. Charles, who murdered the word repeatedly, immediately sat up, found the phone that he threw to the floor before, and began to look up the information.   When it came to art, the first thing people think of was France. The originator of performance art was a French artist, and his representative work was “Free Fall”, which can also be seen from the name was a free fall from a tall building with open arms.   Did Troian want to imitate free fall? Charles felt like it, but he's not sure. Did Troian really want him to be a witness? Charles was quite sure that whoever fell would end up as a pool of meat sauce on the ground. No one could resist the gravity of the earth   In addition to thinking about Vision and Troian, Charles was also planning the future. After all, the money in the bank card would not automatically become double.   Charles, who completed the first mission perfectly, had greater ambitions, and he was patiently waiting for the opportunity.   Charles was dragged to the bar by Robert and Mark the next day. This bar was different from others Charles has ever been to. No harsh music, no crazy dancing crowds, no drunks, only a touch of music and fresh perfume.   Mark put his arm around Charles' neck, “Girls here are much better than other bars. Have you seen the one over there?”   Following the direction of Mark's finger, Charles found a woman who looked like a star, but it was a pity that she already had a companion, a man who was getting older and had gray hair.   When Charles looked over, the man turned his head to look at Charles as well, and the way the man looked at him made him feel uneasy inexplicably.   “If I say, anything could betray you but not money, by the way, Charles, when are we going to make the next deal?” Mark finished the rest of the glass in one sip.   Charles turned his head to avoid the uncomfortable gaze on the other side. “This is not something that can be solved in a hurry. We'd better wait patiently until the right time.”   Mark took a second glass of wine, “What do you think of what Jim has done before?” After taking a sip, Mark continued, “Actually, we can put together our own gang. You know, like what they did. Distributing the riskiest tasks and waiting at home to collect the money.”   Charles and Jim were not close, so he didn't know very well about the specific operations in the gang. He also picked up the wine glass with interest, “Tell me more.”   Mark moved next to Charles, “I mean we can hire someone else and let them do the work.”   “Hire someone else?”   “Yes, now there are such intermediaries who specialize in introducing jobs to thieves. Generally, these thieves are just coming out of labor camps or prisons with no place to live or no skills to support themselves. Only a few bucks can hire a person...”   “I didn't expect you to know so much information,” Charles praised.   “Thanks to Jim. I contacted the agency once when he was not available. I still keep their phone number. I can contact him if needed.”   Charles did not immediately give him the confirmation. “Let me think about it.”   Mark did not expect that Charles did not immediately accept his offer, but he still kept a smile in front of Charles, “Okay, you have the final say on this, you know, it’s just a suggestion. All right, I'll go dancing. See you later,” saying this, Mark stood up and went towards the dance floor.”   Watching Mark get into the crowd, Charles grabbed Robert who wanted to follow Mark to leave, “Has Mark told you anything lately?” “ “Which aspect?”   “You know, our business.”   Robert thought for a while and said, “No, but he has spent a lot of money recently and even borrowed 10,000 from me.”   Charles wanted to remind Robert to stay away from Mark in the future, but he changed his words, “Did you send money to your family?”   “Yeah, I only keep one fourth of the money.”   Charles let go of the hand holding Robert's arm. “I know it’s not my business, but bro, I still wanna say that let's settle the family debt first.”   Robert obviously didn't understand the meaning behind this sentence. He responded and immediately joined the dancing crowd. Charles couldn't help but shook his head. If it continued, Charles was not sure what Robert's future would be.   Wait a moment! Charles suddenly noticed someone standing quietly behind him, which was really wrong in a lively bar. He immediately turned his head and found that it was the couple who had just looked at him.   Charles knew that these two came for him.   The man put the wine glass down, and Charles was very surprised by what he said, “I know you are different at first glance, bro.”   “What did you say?” Charles deliberately pretended not to hear clearly.   “Have a drink together?” the man invited.   “Why not?” Charles wanted to know what the two strangers were going to do. Thinking of this, Charles also glanced at the girl next to him, who gave Charles a disgusting look.   The man glanced at the girl who immediately got what he meant. She went to the bar and asked for a private room. Charles followed the man into the room, which was quiet as soon as the door closed.   The man sat on the sofa, patted his side and motioned Charles to sit down, and said, “What should I call you?”   “Charles,” Charles couldn't help thinking of the scene when he and Troian were introduced to each other.   “And you?” Charles asked.   “Phil. The air around you is different from that of other people. you know, we met for a reason, so I wanted to talk to you,” he said frankly.   Away from the flickering lights and the hustle and bustle of the environment, Charles can finally take a closer look at this mysterious Phil.   Phil looked like in his 50s or 60s, though there was no wrinkle on his face, and his hands were white and slender. Without looking at his face, Charles even believed that they were a pair of women's hands. This reminded him of his dead father, because his father also had such hands, and he still remembered how he got proud of them.   “You can tell my future from my appearance?” Charles pretended to be surprised, but the alarm bell in his heart rang. He felt that he had encountered a liar.   Obviously, Charles would never get a Grammy if he was an actor because he simply didn't know how to act.   The girl on the side frowned, but Phil didn't mind, “I only studied it occasionally.”   “Then what did you infer from my appearance?”   “Your hair is thin, which means you can easily gain fortune, your thick beard means that you have the world in mind, and clean eyebrows mean that you are upright...”   Charles didn't know how Phil came to these conclusions. To put it simply, if Phil continued to speak, Charles would even believe that he was a born emperor.   As Charles tried to pretend to be a devout listener, Phil suddenly lowered his voice, “But...”   Charles knew it! The fox tail finally revealed.  
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