Chapter 11: Escape

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After the door was reopened, two young men came in, one tall and one short. The scars on their faces seemed to tell Charles that they could hack them to death at any time without any reason.   "Damn, what the hell are you crying? Shut up now, or I'll hack you to death right now," the tall man yelled angrily as if to verify Charles was right.   "No! you have no idea what happened! Listen to me! She’s not feeling well! You better call an ambulance, or she will die."   "Really?” The two young men who heard what Charles said was not panic at all but laughed out. “Are we that lucky? If so, this will save us lots of time.”   "She's a policewoman, do you really want to kill the police?" Charles growled.   Generally, no matter how wicked people were, they would not hurt or kill the police or the officer at will. Sure enough, the two men seemed a little at a loss when they heard that Dylan was a policewoman.   According to the rules MadNine mentioned before, Charles felt that MadNine was quite principled. Plus, what the thief really wanted was always the money, not human life, let alone the life of the police.   While the brothers seemed undecided, Charles immediately said, "Bro, MadNine certainly doesn't want to be targeted by the entire police for killing a policewoman. Why don't you give MadNine a call?"   Seeing that Dylan was in a coma, the short young man stepped forward and touched Dylan's forehead, "s**t. He’s right. This chick is at a high temperature. She won’t die, will she? What should we do now? Give MadNine a call?"   "s**t. I’m not gonna call him for this.”   The two looked at each other for a while, then walked out of the room, and within a short while, Charles heard someone talking. The short young man was calling someone.   "MadNine, the policewoman is dizzy, probably she's going to die soon."   The short young man said only this sentence and did not talk anymore, as if he had been listening to the instructions from the other side. About three or four minutes later, Charles heard the voice of the two young men.   "What did MadNine say?" The tall guy asked.   "MadNine said we better leave now. As for the two in the room, we can leave them there. It’s not our business if they are dead or not.”   "Huh? Wait a moment! You mean MadNine is leaving?" The tall guy smelled something strange.   "I guess so. He’s somewhere quite noisy, like a train station. Oh, right! He also said that he left a sum of money for the gang, and he let you and me manage it.”   "How much are you talking about?"   The short man gave a number.   "What! We’re gonna be rich!" The tall young man immediately raised his voice, "Tommy, listen to me! With that money, we can live a so much better life…"   Charles desperately moved his body to the door, hoping to get some useful information if any, but he couldn't hear anymore.   "Are you sure about this?" The short young man asked suspiciously.   "Shhh! Quiet! Do you want the whole world to hear what we’re discussing?"   Then there was silence again.   Ten minutes later, the door was opened. Two young people with different expressions returned to the room. The tall man smiled wickedly, while the short man was a little nervous and seemed to be worried about something.   Charles had no idea what was waiting for them, so he asked frankly, "What do you want to do?"   The tall man smirked. As he knelt down in front of Charles, he grabbed one of his legs. Charles was startled and asked loudly, "What do you want?"   "Calm down. You don’t have to be too nervous! I am not interested in your legs. Now! Straighten your legs! Let me see where they can reach."   Charles had no idea what he really wanted, but he still stretched his leg as there’s no other choice left for him.   Looking at Charles' stretched legs, the tall man stood up and walked a few inches away. After he seemed to have found a satisfactory distance, he took out a key and threw it at his feet, saying, "Bro, I put the key here. Whether you can get it depends on your own ability."   What did that mean? Charles was taken aback by the sudden change.   The tall young man continued, "MadNine told us to kill you, but you know, I am a kind person, and my bro was kind. Since we don’t really know you, I didn’t see any necessity to harm you. Plus, MadNine is leaving for LA, and we’re leaving too, so we decided to give you a chance. The key is here, and you can get it in your own way. Good luck, bro."   Based on the conversation he heard before and what he was told by this tall guy, Charles immediately understood what had happened They didn't want to kill anyone, so they kept the key within a safe distance where Charles could not get the key immediately. Even if he got it, they would have escaped long ago.   Charles thought he was treacherous enough, but he didn't expect to compare with these two, he was like a kindergarten student!   When the two young men left, Charles immediately stretched his legs to reach the key on the ground, but no matter how he changed his position or stretched his legs, there was still more than one inch between his toes and the key.   At this moment, Dylan's face was already like white paper, and her breathing seemed to be paused.   Just as Charles almost gave up, he lowered his head to find the wire used to unlock the handcuffs before. Charles, who had no clue in his head, picked up the wire, only to find that the wire was more than 10 inches long.   More than 10 inches? Something suddenly came into Charles’ mind. He first took off his shoes and socks, and then hung the folded iron ring on his toes. After all, this was done, Charles began to try to hook the key with the wire.   As he imagined, with the extension of the wire, Charles smoothly hooked the key closer.   After he reached for the key and opened the handcuffs, Charles gently pushed Dylan, "Dylan, are you alright? Come back to me!"   Dylan opened his eyes slowly, this simple gesture seemed to drain her energy. Although she was very happy to see the handcuffs being opened, she couldn't make any response.   Charles wiped Dylan's forehead with the back of his hand again, and found that it was still hot, "Dylan, we can't stay like this. I'm going to ask for help, you must hold on. Have you heard of me?"   Charles strode out the door, but then ran back in less than thirty seconds. It turned out he took off his jacket and put it on Dylan. The moment he got up, his attention was attracted by the corner of Dylan's wallet that was exposed in her pocket. Charles   After confirming that Dylan was still in a coma, Charles stretched his guilty hand into Dylan's pocket.   This was an ordinary lady's wallet, in addition to money, there were bank cards and ID cards.   With trembling hands, Charles pulled out the ID card and turned it to the front. After all, this was the first time he checked the police's ID card since it was always the other way round. It said: Dylan, female, born on September 19XX...   Looking at the information on the ID, Charles couldn't help feeling that what an unfair world! She was only two years older than him, and she was already the detective in the police station, while he still lived like a rat in the sewer.   Putting the cash into his pocket, Charles put the wallet back in Dylan's pocket before leaving the room hastily.   As Charles had expected, the place he was in should be an abandoned village, and the houses in his sight were very dilapidated. Obviously, this place had been abandoned for a long time. Charles guessed that because it was too remote, all the residents should have moved out.   Charles strode out of the ruins, not even a single person could be seen on the wide road, the strong sunlight projected down, the ground seemed to be on fire with the heat rolling everywhere.   Charles searched around and unexpectedly found that there was a kiosk in the distance, and there were magazines on the shelf outside. There must be someone there!   Charles rushed to the kiosk like a rocket. After walking in, he discovered that the newspapers outside were covered with dust. He could see that the business was very miserable, and it was sooner or later that it would be closed.   There was an old man lying on his back, snoring. Charles picked up the public phone and dialed 120 first, saying that someone was seriously ill and asking for an ambulance.   After hanging up the phone, he immediately dialed 911 again, saying that a police officer was abducted by criminals and was dying. When 911 heard that the police had been hijacked by some gangsters, they naturally took it seriously. After they got the address from Charles, they requested the caller’s name, in response, Charles immediately hung up the phone.   Charles looked around and was surprised to find that there were cigarettes on the top shelf. I hope it hasn’t expired; Charles muttered to himself.   After taking the cigarette and throwing the cash on the counter, Charles quickly ran to the shade.   Charles did not return to the house where Dylan was, but waited for the ambulance at the intersection. After he smoked three cigarettes in a row, an ambulance finally came into his sight.   Charles led the ambulance to the place where Dylan was imprisoned, and when he saw the nurse and doctor carrying the stretcher into the house, he slipped away silently.   He didn't want to go to the police station ever again, no matter for what
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