Chapter 10: Trapped

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Dylan was solely responsible for this arrest. Recently, there have been successive burglaries in the city, all of which were related to MadNine, so she attached great importance to this arrest.   After receiving the call from Charles, she immediately issued the order to act. The policemen who had been hidden at various intersections attacked at the same time, and within two minutes, they rushed into the courtyard. But even so, MadNine still escaped.   Dylan immediately led people to chase them out of the secret road. In order to expand the search area, she had to disperse the police. Thankfully, she heard the movement and caught up with MadNine.   Dylan pointed the gun at the person Charles named MadNine, and yelled, "Don't move! Raise your hand!"   Dylan was satisfied with Charles' performance to be able to find the target in such a short time. She waved to Charles, while Charles who knew the meaning immediately jumped over MadNine and ran to Dylan.   MadNine raised his hands as Dylan requested, but he kept looking around, looking for an opportunity to escape. Dylan took out her handcuffs and threw them to Charles, "Go get him handcuffed."   Although Charles was full of reluctance, he had no choice but took the handcuffs and walked to MadNine. He said guiltily, "MadNine, I'm sorry."   MadNine just snorted. Although he didn't speak, Charles shivered, thinking that although MadNine was caught today, he would be released in the future, and he would not be able to spare him.   When MadNine was handcuffed, Charles immediately stepped aside.   Dylan walked over and checked that the handcuffs were okay, so she put the gun away. But at this moment, Charles saw a blade flipped out of MadNine's mouth and couldn't help but shouted, "Watch out!"   Almost at the same time, MadNine, who had originally turned his back to Dylan, suddenly turned around. Dylan was shocked. Under the dim streetlamp, she saw a sharp cold light flashing from MadNine's mouth. She couldn't help but let go of the hand grabbing MadNine.   MadNine took the opportunity to lift a kick and just kicked it on Dylan's stomach. Dylan had a pain in her abdomen, and her body lost balance, and immediately fell to the ground.   After all, Dylan was an armed policeman with super-react capability. She took out her gun again the moment she fell to the ground, but what she didn't expect was that MadNine was faster than her and had already stepped in front of her, kicking the gun away with one kick.   The gun flew into the darkness with a bang.   All this happened in the blink of an eye. Charles felt that it took only two or three seconds from Dylan walking to MadNine to being overturned to the ground, or even less. Dylan held back the sharp pain in her abdomen, rolled over and got up from the ground, but keenly noticed the cool breeze in her chest.      What happened? Has she got injured? She immediately looked down and found that although she was not injured, a cut was made on the chest of the police uniform.   MadNine did not continue to attack Dylan but spit the blade on the ground. He ironed, "Young girl, I bet you just got out of the school. You'd better go back to school and get trained for a few more years."   Listening to MadNine calmly educating the policewoman in front of him, without a trace of fleeing or fear, Charles couldn't help becoming more anxious. He knew that if MadNine could not be caught this time, the difficulty of future tasks would definitely be higher.   No, no, Charles felt unbearable when he thought that he would have to hide like a sewer rat in the future.   Seeing Dylan rushing up again, Charles also picked up the stick on the ground and followed behind. Up to now, in order to prevent everything, he envisioned from coming true, the only way was for the two of them to work together to subdue MadNine.   But something unexpected happened to Charles even more. He saw MadNine's hands shaking behind, and then the shiny handcuffs fell to the ground in the next second.      MadNine was definitely at master level speaking of unlocking technology.   Immediately afterward, MadNine took a few steps back, raising his hand, and the air was immediately full of rich fragrance.   It's knockout drugs! Charles immediately held his breath and covered his nose and mouth with his hands, but it was too late. First was Dylan falling in front of him, and then the light in front of Charles' eyes was replaced by darkness, and he also lost consciousness.   Charles was kicked awake by Dylan, and when he opened his eyes, he found himself and Dylan locked in a chaotic room.   He straightened up desperately, hoping to find a chance to ask for help through the window. Unfortunately, it was obvious that MadNine would not give them this opportunity.   Outside the window was empty land, without any buildings or people, only blue sky, and faint clouds. From this, it can be judged that the place where they were trapped should be very remote, and this was also very reasonable.   Charles and Dylan's hands were handcuffed together and fixed to the heating pipe.   "Anyone’s here? Help! Help!" Charles cried out for help. Although he knew it would be foolish to ask for help in an enemy's territory, he couldn't sit and wait for death. Unfortunately, Charles called for a long time, and no one came to save them or kill them.   After calling for more than ten minutes, Charles finally accepted that no one would pass by this place where even no birds flew over. He relaxed his strength and leaned on the heating pipe, but when he looked up, he realized that something was going wrong since Dylan was pale and there was a fine layer of sweat on her forehead. He couldn’t pretend to be blind, "Hey? Are you all right? Dylan?"   "I'm fine." Dylan's voice was very low, looking very weak.   "Are you injured?" Charles hurriedly tried to check Dylan's body for wounds or bleeding. Fortunately, he didn't find any blood, except for the hole in her chest. The hole in the police uniform cut by MadNine revealed Dylan's red underwear. With snow-white skin and bright red underwear, Charles only found it very attractive.   "I'm not injured. It’s hypoglycemia. No worries. I’m already used to it," Dylan didn't realize where Charles' eyes were looking, and continued, "Can you open the lock?"   Charles came back to his senses and answered decisively, "No, I don’t know how to open the lock."   "What? I bet you’re the stupidest thief in the gang!" Dylan glared at Charles and then turned around to look for something to open the handcuffs in the pile of debris next to them.   Compared with the busy Dylan, Charles not only did not get irritable for being trapped but silently appreciated the more skin exposed due to her movement.   After searching tirelessly, Dylan finally found a wire from the debris. As soon as she turned her head, she saw Charles' gaze before he could turn away. The police's vigilance immediately let her know what happened.     "Satisfied with what you saw?" As soon as she spoke, Dylan regretted it immediately. She should slap him directly instead of asking him as if she was flirting.     "What? What do you mean?" Charles began to play stupid and turned to escape from Dylan's eyes.   "Be careful, or I will gouge your eyes out!" Dylan warned him.     He was right before! She was exactly a tigress. Covering his eyes in a hurry, Charles turned his face away, not daring to look at Dylan again.   Dylan was very satisfied with Charles's response. She stopped struggling with the lecherous Charles and instead focused on unlocking the handcuffs.   She inserted the wire she found before into the keyhole, but no matter how she shook the wire, the handcuffs showed no sign of being opened. To make matters worse, her physical condition was getting worse and worse. In addition to sweating, she also felt cold. She threw the wire to Charles and said weakly, "You try it."   Charles turned his head, and when he reached out to take the wire, he inadvertently touched Dylan's hot hand. He looked up and found that her face was paler than before.   "Are you okay?" While talking, Charles reached out to test Dylan's forehead, only to find that it was hot enough to fry eggs. She must have a fever.   No matter how Dylan wanted to push Charles' hand away, the truth was she couldn’t move a little bit. The heat seemed to take away all her strength.   "You have a fever," Charles said nervously.   Dylan leaned against the wall and closed her eyes.   "Anyone is here? Help! Help!" Charles yelled a few more times. Seeing that no one responded, he had no choice but returned to the handcuff.   Although Charles was a thief, he has never been exposed to such things as unlocking. No matter how hard he tried, still nothing happened to the handcuffs.   Seeing Dylan who was dying, Charles felt a panic he had never had before, and when he was at a loss, the brakes came out.   Following was the step sound getting closer and closer. Judging from the sound, Charles guessed there were at least two people.   "Help!" Charles shouted out.  
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