Chapter 11 - The Contract

1361 Words
Reylin's Point of View My father and Alpha James better have a damn good explanation for interrupting me. My beautiful Nella wanted to suck my c**k. I had to leave her wanting. To deal with this bullshit. All my thoughts are consumed with her. Her little giggle, her smile, the way she stares at me. Everything about her is completely perfect. Sam leans over and says "You want me in the room?" I grunt my answer as my frustration seeps through my tone. We make it to my room and I swing the door open. My father sits in his chair, Alpha James leans against the dresser. For some reason he brought Mykel. I hate Mykel, he is a weasely little Alpha with a big mouth and little respect. He leans back on the wall his arms crossed. Alpha James says "Now you need to understand Prime, Christella will be marrying your son. You signed the contract and you will keep your end of the bargain." I clear my throat. Alpha James stares at me. A calm cool wave of authority powers over the room. "That is your problem, James. You and my father here signed the contract. Not Christella and I." "This doesn't involve you Reylin." He snaps. Sam steps forward placing himself between me and James. "His name is PRIME Alpha. And you will show him respect." Sam growls. James rolls his eyes "Step away Beta, you are nothing to me." Then the man does one of the few things I consider unacceptable he puts his hands on Sam, attempting to push him backward. Now Sam may not be the biggest wolf on the planet but he is an exceptionally trained fighter. All it takes is a simple nod from me and Sam has James pinned face first on the dresser, one hand behind his back. "You will respect your Prime Alpha and you will respect me" He snarls in James' ear before letting him go. James steps back rubbing his wrist. "Alpha Reylin, what are you going to do about your Beta assaulting me." I step forward, my arms crossed on my chest. "You should be thanking him. If I had come over there your head wouldn't be attached to your body anymore." Everyone in the room knows this is not a threat, but a promise. Now that I have their attention I say "You are going to cancel the contract between me and Christella. If you don't I will have you so wrapped up in litigation that your great-grandchildren will need lawyers." James, the stupid bastard drops his claws and says "Now little boy, if you don't do as the grown-ups ask I'll cut your old father's neck and watch him bleed out." Sam moves like lighting to protect my father. "Little boy?" I question. Swinging one of my feet I trip him causing him to fall and smack his head on the edge of the dresser. Blood pours out of it, staining the carpet. He's an Alpha wolf, that cut will heal in about fifteen minutes. "That is what I can do to you in one move. You disrespect me again and I'll show you what I can do with two." He lies on the floor Mykel at his side, holding him. My father sighs and complains "Great Reylin, now we have to pay extra to get the floor cleaned." Mykel speaks for the first time "Don't worry Elder Prime, Reylin knows one of the little human sluts, I'm sure a little d**k suck and she'll clean it right up for you. Hell, I might even give her a ride. It seems she has a thing for wolves." Uncontrolled my aura starts to flood my body. Sam runs out of the room. As a Beta wolf, he would be compelled to cower to my aura. My father lowers his head in respect. Alpha James attempts to stand but is unable to resist. A wave of fear floods his face as he realizes just how powerful Barrow is. Mykel slides out of the room and runs as fast as he can down the hallway. I opened the door slowly, and my claws retracted. Humans don't matter, nothing matters right now except killing the man who called my mate a slut. Stalking down the hall I follow, there is no need to chase after him. Barrow scented him and we will be able to find him. We walk up to the penthouse suite where I find a locked door. My foot deconstructs the lock with a forceful slam shaking the floor. Mykel is cowering in the corner, protected by his mother. He whines to her "Don't let him hurt me. Please" Christella joins them, slightly less scared, but screams at her brother "What the f**k did you say?" He whispers "I called his little human plaything a slut and he went mad." She smacks her brother upside the head and says "That's his mate you dipshit." Mykel pushes out the words "Oh s**t" before using his sister as a human shield. Christella points to the desk "The contract is on the desk. Hidden between two pack alliances." Her mother whimpers "No Christella. He'll know it was you." Sauntering over Alpha James joins us, he guards his family. The look he gives his daughter would terrify anyone except me. I tear up the contract destroying all remnants of our arranged marriage and throwing the pieces all over the room. Sam finally arrives as I rein in Barrow a little. All authority, I say "Get Christella to safety. Her father and brother are not to see her or speak to her." Christella knowing what lies ahead with her father quickly follows Sam. I tread over to where Alpha Barrow is standing, easily shoving him aside. Mykel is still cowering with his mother in a corner. She tries to protect her son. Calmly I say "He didn't just call my mate a slut. He said he was going to sleep with her." Understanding his mother lets him go. I pick him up by the edge of his shirt and say "If you so much as think about her again I will eviscerate you and feed your entrails to the ravens while you scream for mercy." I toss him casually into the wall, which crumbles as he falls. Little bits scatter the floor. The only reason I didn't kill him is because I can smell Nella in the hallway. How would I explain to her that I killed a man for calling her a slut. Her scent overwhelms my body, calming me almost instantly. Barrow wants to see her, mate her, protect her. In his mind, his mate is walking around unmarked without him. He doesn't really understand that she is a human and he may never get to mark her. Looking at Alpha James, who for the first time is actually scared, I say "I am Prime Alpha, you bow to me." He lowers his head a little "Good little puppy," I reply patting him on the head. "If you need a reminder of my status, look in the mirror and remember that you are alive. I spared you." "Weakling" I hear Mykel mutter. Had the roles been reversed he would have killed me "Stupid slut makes you hesitant." His mother smacks him across the head, telling him to shush with her fingers. I look over at her and reply "Mykel should thank her because if it wasn't for my mate he'd probably be dead." I leave to see Nella standing outside Analise's room. She is wearing my shirt with a belt around her waist and leggings. She turns to me, smiles, and waves. Approaching her I put my arms out for a hug. "I need you, baby," I say as she wraps her arms tightly around my waist. Leaning up she plants a soft kiss on my lips "Go spend time with your family and friends. Tonight is for me and Analise. I'll miss you. Mate." Giving her one more kiss I walk off as Analise opens the door. Barrow trots around cheerily in my mind. She called him mate.
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