Chapter 12 - Something's wrong.

1664 Words
Nella's Point of View. I'm standing outside Analise's room. She's on the phone with her parents so I wait to knock. Reylin pops out of a room at the end of the hall and gives me a big hug and kiss. Just too adorable. He must be so stressed about this whole marriage contract. I can't imagine being told you are marrying someone and not having any say. I have been trying not to overthink everything with Reylin, although I am realistic about him running the moment he finds out about my past. Most men do, and can you blame them? The inside of my mind is a mess of trauma, and abuse with speckles of friendship. No one has ever actually loved me. How can I expect him to be the first one? I wouldn't put that pressure on anyone. Especially Reylin. Analise opens the door, letting me in. She is wearing a tube top with short shorts and wedge heels. Her makeup is done and her hair is in a messy bun on the top of her head. As usual, she looks spectacular. I am wearing Reylin's shirt with leggings and my only belt. For some reason, I couldn't bring myself to take it off. Finalizing her outfit she says "Sorry, sorry, you know my mom, talks talks talks. I'll be ready in a minute. Then you and I can go have a birthday supper. Is that Reylin's shirt" The speed at which she talks sometimes amazes me. "Yes," I reply answering her question matter of fact. She rolls her eyes "And..." I don't reply. She laughs responding "Okay okay, I know it's none of my business. As long as you are happy." My face turns serious and I ask "How do I know if he makes me happy? Like I do feel joy when I am around him, but is that what it means?" Analise turns, a tear falling down her eye before she embraces me in a hug "He does. I can tell. You are all smiles around him." She pauses for a minute, finally pulling the hug away. "I forget how you grew up sometimes. That you didn't have normal childhood experiences." There is more silence as she figures out how to answer my question. "When you are with him, you forget about your troubles. He'll make you feel safe, comfortable, and like you can be yourself, without any judgment." I smile a little and say "Oh, yeah he does. Just so you know you do too but it's different." She now leaps into my arms crying happy tears. Wiping her eyes she says "Now let's go party for someone's 19th birthday." She takes my hand and drags me out of her room. We arrive at the barestaurant in the resort. The alpine theme floods throughout. Log chairs and tables on a dark black marble floor. Various colors of white, green, red and an assortment of plaids assault the senses. The bar is built from one massive slab of wood, with fake snow lining the outside. Barstools hug up against it. There is a young woman, not too much older than us working behind the counter. It is surprisingly quiet for how busy the place is. There is a low hum of noise but people aren't talking aloud, it's almost like they are having conversations by looks. Reylin sits in the corner with Sam and a few other men. I recognize one of them from the gas station. He texted me and let me know he was having a business dinner tonight and would be in the restaurant but would not be interrupting my time with Analise. I am grateful for his understanding. This may be the last time I see her for months. Stepping into the restaurant, several of the tables stare at me. Making eye contact then staring at the ground. A man with long blonde hair, a mousey little nose, and thin lips saunters over to us. He has a little bit of a limp on one side. "Hello, you beautiful beasts. I couldn't help but notice how nice you smell." The man sniffs the air deeply around us and we both step back. "I'm Mykel. And tonight you are both coming home with me." Analise starts laughing hysterically at this man, slapping her legs. She looks over at him and says "Ohh sweetheart, you are the wrong gender babe. I like them tall, dark, and female." He sneers at her before making creepy eye contact with me. "And how about you little slut." He is now pacing around me. "I could add another shirt to your collection." Reaching over he pinches the collar of Reylin's shirt. I read his mind. This is not something I do often but for this creep, I need to know what he is thinking. Reylin, are you watching? Look at me, taunting your little human. Oh such easy bait. I wonder if he'd lose his cool if I touched her. Kissed her. I found your weakness big bad wolf. I may not be wealthy, or loved, or funny or brilliant. But I am one thing and one thing only, tough. If this man thinks I am going to be weak he has another thing coming. He flicks the other side of the shirt collar and sneers "What do I have to do, little human, to get you to wear my shirt?" He grabs my ass. I look over at Reylin who is being scolded and held down by Sam. The look in his eyes, powerful and menacing, worries me. It is almost as if he is going to come over here and beat the living s**t out of this stranger. Taking this Mykel's hand I press between the thumb and the pointer finger. There is a nerve there that when squeezed hard enough causes your assailant to fall to his knees. Mykel crashes to the floor. Standing over him I say "You do not have permission to touch me." before throwing a punch on his jaw. He writhes in pain before spitting two of his bloody teeth out into his hand. Silence fills the restaurant for a moment as fear floods through my body. I just assaulted someone in a public place. Then the restaurant erupts in cheers and whoops as Mykel's friends drag him off. Reylin looks over at me, smiling from ear to ear. Relief floods Sam's face as they both go back to their meeting. As we sit on a few bar stools my head spins and a wave of heat powers through my body burning my skin. Almost before I notice, it disappears. Analise orders us these two drinks. I have no idea what the hell it is but it's red. Fruit sticks out of the cup and there is a little umbrella. Taking a sip, I sputter some of it back out choking on the alcohol. "There is alcohol in this," I exclaim. Analise says "Yes and you are nineteen now, it's legal." Nodding and smiling I take another sip. The sweetness of the drink hides the bitter alcohol taste. We both order our meals and start to eat. My body starts to heat up, my insides burning, my cheeks red, as I finish the last sip of my drink. I had always heard that alcohol leaves a warm feeling in your body, I just didn't expect it to feel so raw. Our dessert comes, chocolate cake, my favorite. We eat, laugh, and talk. Then it hits me again another wave of that burning heat. My cheeks flush and sweat beads down my face. My chest tightens in my body as I lean on the bar in front of me. Analise waves the bartender down for a glass of water. She rubs my back "That alcohol hit you hard" She says as she places the water glass in front of me. I sip a little and it cools the heat down for a second before the fire burns back up. Resting my head on my arm I close my eyes, when I open them Reylin and Sam are standing next to me. Analise looks at them very worried. "It's her first time having alcohol" She explains. "could she be reacting?" Reylin sits on the barstool next to me. "Hey baby," he whispers softly "I know I wasn't supposed to interrupt your night but Analise waved us over." He slides his hand up the back of my shirt and strokes my back softly. The touch of his hand instantly cools my skin. "Mmmm, that feels good." I sluggishly mutter. Softly he coos "How you feeling?" Mustering a little strength from his soothing touch I reply "Hot." He chuckles a little before answering "Can you describe it?" Not in the mood I mumble "It's like my skin is burning from the inside. My brain feels like it weighs a thousand pounds. All my energy is gone." Closing my eyes and resting on my arm I sleepily listen to the conversation around me, not comprehending much of what is said. Sam says "We need to get her somewhere private, and fast." Analise pipes up "My room is just upstairs we can go there." Reylin is now rubbing my arms and my head. His touch is the only thing keeping me awake. Sam speaks again "Give me your room key, Reylin will carry her." Muttering through my intense brain fog I say "That sounds nice" wrapping my arms around Reylin's neck. He lifts me up easily, cradling me up against his body. I curl into him deeper, desperate for his touch to cool my skin. Analise screeches "Give you my key? If you think I am going to let two relative strangers take her anywhere without me, well mister, you are sorely mistaken. Where she goes, I go." Speaking up again I look at Reylin and say "I want her to come" before passing out in his arms.

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