Chapter 4 ESCAPE

1593 Words
HERMIONE'S POV I took a deep breath and stealthily made my way out of the Alpha King's house. However, upon spotting a sharp sword on the table, I strapped it to my back. Fortunately, there were no guards on patrol; they had all gone to confront the rogues. This was the reason it was relatively easy for me to leave. I had reverted to my human form; the first shift had drained me considerably. My wolf was already fast asleep. I guessed that one of the reasons was my lack of proper training as an omega for so long. Once I stabilized, I was determined to put in the effort to strengthen my limbs, making my wolf even more powerful! However, just when I was about to leave the territory and go to the forest, I happened to meet a guard. "Where are you going at this hour?" He asked while holding a large sharp sword in his hands. Looking at the sword in his hand, it seemed like he had just gone back to fighting with some rogues or something given with the red liquid that still kept on dripping on the steel. I raised my head and looked up at the guard's eyes. Seeming like he only treated me as an ordinary member of the pack, and it looks like he doesn't know me...That's understandable since guards were rarely allowed into the city center, especially when I was washed cleanly by the Alpha King's maids. I let out a sigh of relief and boldly looked at him with a shy smile. I even tried to squeeze my blood up to my cheeks to make it look redder and acted like a teenager who was in an unrequited love. "Ah... actually, I... I'm going to find the Alpha King..." I said shyly, looking at him with a sweet smile. "But Alpha King has just left the pack to confront the rogues. Why would you go find him?" the guard inquired. My eyes darted around as I continued, "Are you doubting me? Can you imagine me, as his lover, deceiving you while his scent lingers on me?" "I..." The guard was taken aback by my assertion. I raised my voice firmly once more, "I just received a message from other warriors. They reported sighting the traitor Benjamin again near the borders. If you delay me delivering this information, you can surely imagine what awaits you!" I noticed the guard shiver and approach another guard, whispering, "Do you think she could be the sister of that traitor?" "Impossible! I heard from the maids that the traitor is currently bound to a bed with iron chains by the alpha. There's no way she could escape!" Though they were a hundred meters away, my senses had sharpened after my first transformation, allowing me to hear every word clearly. Suppressing my excitement, I waited for their clearance. "Then just be careful. I can't accompany you outside. Alpha King's orders are clear; we must guard the pack's gates and not let anyone in," the guard said, nodding satisfactorily. I nodded understandingly and immediately sprinted in the direction of the border. I knew a hidden path that perfectly avoided all patrols. I had practiced it hundreds of times after completing all my chores. Finally, I was about to taste freedom! The moment I stepped my foot out of the Alpha King's territory, the weight on my heart had vanished in an instant. Looking at the dense forest in the night where only the moonlight serves as my light to take the path, I couldn't help but tremble a bit at such a mere sight. I gulped down my fears and started walking. I didn't let my guard down for fear that I would meet a rogue. However, while I was in the middle of walking in the forest, I happened to see a familiar figure standing on the lake. He seemed like he was cleaning his sword and the mystic lake had been dyed red. I can't be mistaken! "Benjamin!" I called out his name and hurriedly went over in his direction. Although we aren't close to each other, and we basically treated each other as a stranger despite living on one roof back when our parents died, there's no way that I could be mistaken by my brother! After all, blood flows thicker than the ocean. However, my loud voice had attracted the rogues. Four rogues had appeared in front of me at once, making me flustered as I tried to look behind them to see if my brother was still there. Yet, he had already disappeared. Making it seem like I was just hallucinating because I was brainwashed by the Alpha King about Benjamin's whereabouts. "Wow, a sexy lady with a nice figure..." The first rogue, with a lustful smirk, said while looking at me from top to bottom while he whistled at me twice, making my face crumple and looking at him in disguise. Another one also laughed and he was the same as the other one. "Well, before we kill her, it would be better to f**k her instead. Let's take turns." However, another one disagrees with them. "You shouldn't let your lustful selves take over you. Just kill her directly!" The first one sneered. "Pretend to be holy, are we? Who was the person who raped the daughter of Alpha Ravis?" In the end, the third one who tried to stop them, heaved a sigh and chose to remain silent, which made the others smile with satisfaction. While they were lost in their own conversation, I had already prepared to run away and hide from them but I was caught by the fourth rogue instead. "Ah! Let go of me! Let go of me!" I wailed the moment I felt his arms wrapped around my waist. The fourth rogue chuckled in my ears and playfully said, "Just relax and we will do the rest. We will pleasure you." I looked at her in disgust and used my strength to push him away. After I managed to get out of his grasp, I took the opportunity and slammed my foot on his balls, making him scream from the pain. The other rogues reacted and were about to go in my direction, but I pointed my finger at them while gritting my teeth in anger. "Go on and dare to touch my body! I'm telling you, I am the mate of the Alpha King! The moment you touched my body, the Alpha King would feel it!" I mixed the truth and lies through my teeth. Of course I was just kidding when I said at the latter of my words. Yet, instead of believing my words, the four of them let out a loud laugh at and shocked the birds that were resting on their nest and they flew away. "The Alpha King's mate? You?" They chuckled while looking at me from top to bottom. "Are you the one called Mia then? Judging from the fact that you left the Alpha King's territory without guards around you, it seemed like you were not important to the Alpha King." I gritted my teeth in anger and glared at him. Although his words aren't lies, their faces really irritate me. When I saw them start walking towards my direction, I looked at my left side and took the fallen branch, then pointed to the sharp edge of the branch. Their underestimation of me was my best opportunity to proceed with my plan of escape. Without hesitation, I dashed towards their direction and stabbed the first rogue in his stomach, to the point that it went through his back. I stared into his disbelieving eyes as his three remaining companions cursed and charged at me again. I couldn't afford to relax in the slightest, my focus solely on their incoming assault. The awakening of the white wolf had made my body agile, but I realized that these rogues were likely not well-trained. Judging by their speed as they lunged at me, they were inferior even to the pack's omegas! Their advantage lay in their numbers. I needed to concentrate, find an opening to escape. I couldn't afford to stay entangled with them any longer, or else the sounds of the fight and the scent of the rogues would inevitably attract Alpha Phoenix. I was encircled in the center. I spotted a wounded leg on one of the rogues to my left. I planned to break through from there, but I couldn't reveal my intention. My gaze shifted to the rogue who appeared to be their leader. I glared at him and feigned a charge in his direction. Just as he lunged at me, I swiftly darted to the left, leaving my sword embedded in the other rogue. The wolves behind me collided due to the force of my movement. Their cries of pain echoed, but I dared not look back. I sprinted with all my might, losing my sense of direction. As I saw the edge of a cliff in front of me, I managed to halt my steps just in time. But as I turned to backtrack, the infernally familiar voice of Alpha Phoenix pierced my heart. "Hermione?" My blood froze, and I nearly tumbled off the cliff. Yet, before he could transform and pounce on me, I summoned all my strength and started sprinting again, one thought in my mind: I couldn't allow Alpha Phoenix to capture me again. Otherwise, it wouldn't be just hell awaiting me!
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