Chapter 3 S*x Slave

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HERMIONE'S POV "I was perplexed by Alpha Phoenix's behavior. He ordered the guards to humiliate me, and as they began to remove their pants, attempting to spread my legs, he suddenly lunged forward. He threw the two guards against the wall. The guards lay on the ground, gasping for breath. I didn't feel relieved; my teeth still fought to control my fear. Alpha Phoenix was known for his cruelty and capriciousness, and I didn't anticipate better treatment after being taken to his room. He ruthlessly denied me as his mate. Maybe, he intended to have his way with me first and then discard me to others. With that in mind, I still resisted the maids pulling at me, struggling as best as I could. But my strength was feeble... I couldn't even shift. My bruised face received another slap, blood spreading in my mouth. I glared at her with fury, only inviting greater mockery. "Damn w***e! Shut up, or you'll receive more than this." I was thrown into a cold bathtub, the maids roughly scrubbing my skin, their disgust barely concealed. I was treated like a piece of meat, sliced cruelly. Emerging from the bathtub, I was instructed not to wear anything. A piece of cloth was wrapped around me, and my hands were chained to the bed. Blindfolded, I couldn't see. I was roughly tossed onto a soft bed. My head screamed from the impact, but all I received was the sound of the door closing. Unknown terror washed over me once more. I could imagine how Alpha Phoenix would treat me! I tried to move my body to sit up, but every movement sent searing pain through my bones. "Seems you're still not obedient, still thinking about escape," a voice of cold mockery entered my ears as the door swung open, freezing my blood. "Alpha... King, I swear I haven't helped anyone escape, including my brother..." I trembled, explaining. "Shut up! I've heard enough of your excuses!" The bed sank beside me, his large hand clamping over my mouth, silencing me. I whimpered, struggling, but suddenly my lips were covered by something soft. What's happening?! "W...What are you trying to do?" I asked, trembling, my fear escalating. "You really don't know?" His throat emitted a cold laugh. His icy fingers brushed my cheek, like the Grim Reaper holding a sharp blade against my neck. I dared not move. With a tear, the blindfold over my eyes was roughly removed. I met his eagle-like, cruel gaze. His clothes were undone, revealing a well-built chest. I swallowed repeatedly, trying to ease my fear, but the allure of a mate betrayed me. Heat pooled between my legs, and I involuntarily writhed. Damn it! I was craving him, despite his rejection! "Isn't that what you want?" He observed my honest reaction, disgust evident in his gaze. I yelped when his finger pinched my n*****s, making me tremble. Tears started to accumulate in my eyes as I looked at him pleadingly. "D...Don't... I didn't , really, I didn't try to get you!" However, he didn't believe my words and thought that I was just lying to him again. He put great strength on his fingers and angrily rubbed my chest while, at the same time, playing with my n*****s, making me groan from the pain. "There you go again, lying through your teeth! You think that I would believe your lies?!" His hand roamed down from my chest all the way down to my stomach and it didn't stop. That made my chest tighten. "No... no, don't..." I pleaded to him while shaking my head. The Alpha King raised his head and sneered at me. "What? You're shy now? Aren't you a slut who wanted to be f**k by me?" I immediately shook my head at his words. "N...No, it wasn't like that... I... I just want... I am your mate..." I let out a painful cry after saying those words when he put his strength on my back. I could hear the cracking sound of my bones. How could he be so cruel? I just wanted to be recognized by him as his mate... "I told you, before I am satisfied, you will be a s*x slave forever! I never want to hear the word 'mate' come out of your mouth!" He coldly whispered in my ears as his hand slid down from my panties. I could hear the loud thump of my chest. I don't want this... I am not a s*x slave! I gritted my teeth and glared at him. "Didn't you already reject me?" Slap. A loud slap could be heard in the room that made me stop from continuing what I wanted to say to him. I could taste the blood in my mouth as I stared at him with widened eyes out of disbelief. "How dare a mere slave like you, dare to raise your tone at me! Presumptuous!" He angrily exclaimed as he started emitting killing intent. I could even feel his sharp nails digging into my belly and a liquid started to ooze from the wound that he created. This time, I couldn't stop the tears that I had been holding earlier. "Yes, I am a slave! Then what are you doing? Desiring a filthy slave?!" I yelled at him with tears falling on my cheeks to the point that blue veins appeared on my neck when I screamed it all from the bottom of my heart. This time, I don't feel fear. Rather, I felt ridiculous. I didn't give him the chance to retort and let out a sneer. "You love that woman so much? She still ran away! Eloped with a slave!" "You are a loser-" Snap-- Again, he didn't let me finish my words and directly grasped my aching cheeks from his slap and gripped it tightly, which made me groan from the pain. His eyes were bloodshot when he looked at me. "Finally, you're starting to tell the truth. Your brother took her, didn't he? Speak! Where's Miya?" I knew my protests were futile. I looked at him and suddenly burst into laughter. "Kill me then, Alpha Phoenix! You'll never get the truth from my mouth!" "Seems you enjoy being a w***e," he snorted, unfastening his own pants. I caught sight of his big c**k and involuntarily shivered. But the urgent sounds outside the door made him halt. "Alpha! There are rogues invading our territory! They claim to have seen Benjamin's presence!" What? My brother? Did he really do this? Alpha Phoenix noticed the panic in my eyes, a murderous intent gathering in his own. My breathing became labored once more. "I'll change my focus; I'll f*ck you in front of your brother's corpse." With that, he rushed out. When I felt the weight on the bed lighten, I slowly opened my eyes and saw him leave the room with a loud bang on the door that made me flinch. Yet at the same time, I felt relieved upon seeing that he left. I looked at my situation and couldn't help but cry even more. Suddenly, a tremendous force seemed to surge from within my body, and I realized what it was! I was about to experience my first transformation! The bones throughout my body seemed to shatter with excruciating pain. I attempted to hunch over to alleviate it, but the iron chains on my limbs restricted my movement. Endure, Hermione. You can do it. This pain is nothing. You can heal yourself right after, so it doesn't matter if you break your bone again. I took a long breath before I forcefully took my hands out of the chain. Crack. Crack. Crack. I could hear my bones cracking like damn fireworks. The white bed was stained with a red liquid. Until I let out another howl, the iron chains snapped from my body, and I caught sight of my wolf form in the mirror. A massive white wolf. I wasn't an omega; I was a rare and powerful white wolf! Enormous elation erupted within me, my injuries rapidly healing as calm settled back into my mind. I had only one thought: escape from here!
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