45. Gravity of life

2503 Words

-Vigo's P. O. V.- When Val asked me yesterday to join her practice I was excited like a virgin on her wedding night, but I did my best to hide it. Although, my Cousin's teasing smile told me she knew. She always does. Valkyrie knows me too well. Aside from my own sister she always was the closest one to me in this family. Being the same age helped a lot with that, having the same fate ahead of us only sealed that deal. We went through exactly the same things growing up: great expectations, murderous workouts and constant reminders of how much responsibility will be on our shoulders. We were like twins from different parents, f**k we even look alike more than any of our own siblings does. We are the true Cargaroughs, even though she's technically a Morgan. She always had my back and I di

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