6. Breakfast club

1963 Words
-Valkyrie's P. O. V.- "Did Freddy just punch me? Or was I hallucinating after the memory eraser?" - Vigo asked after my brother stormed out of our living room. - "Damn, that kid has an iron fists." - he added clumsily massaging his jaw. "He's a Morgan, of course he knows how to throw a good blow." - I commented slightly proud of my younger brother - "Could either of you tell me why the hell were you groping one another?" Vigo looked confused, like he didn't have a clue how he ended up in our condo. Memory eraser must have teleported him here. Matie however was avoiding my gaze. I know that look better than the back of my hand. The b***h is ashamed. "Alright Alistair, time to come clean. Fill me in or do I have to break your leg first?" - I said, crossing my arms. She knew damn well I was dead serious, we spoke many times about things that matters to us, so Matilda like no one else knew how important Freddy is to me and when someone's messing with my blood the blood he gets. "Nothing happened. Vigo and I were just talking. He found his Mate too, I was just consoling my sad friend." - she said while throwing her hands up. "Shhhh! That's a secret!" - mumbled Vigo in a theatrical whisper, putting his finger to his lips and swaying a bit in his spot. Ok, that guy was wasted. "Alpha Cargarough, it's time to go home. Would you manage to reach your condo on your own, or should I walk you back?" - I asked my dear Cousins, trying my hardest to not laugh in his face. "Isn't this my apartment?!" - he started looking around - "I guess not. Ok, I'll manage then." - and he started heading for the doors. Having the hardest fight of his life with the doorknob on the way out. I will laugh my ass off tomorrow. When Vigo was finally out and the sounds of him dragging his feet behind our doors got quiet I turned to Matie. "So? What exactly happened tonight? And why the hell were you on Vigo's lap?" "That's not what it looks like. I hugged him and he stumbled and fell on the couch pulling me with him." - she said, raising her hands to calm me down. Perks of being her roommate for so long was that I ALWAYS knew when she was lying, and that wasn't it. "Alright, I can see that, since he was moving like there was a storm in here. But what about Freddy?" She shrugged. The b***h just shrugged! She really wants to have permanent eye shadows tomorrow. "Matie, you know I try to stay away from other people's businesses, but that's my baby brother, so if you're not having a stroke I advise you to not shrug anymore and tell me what the hell went wrong?" "I think it was a misunderstanding. He said some unfortunate words and I may have overreacted." - she said looking at her nails. "You may have overreacted? And that's why Freddy punched our Cousin?" - she nodded, still admiring her manicure. I sighed deeply and rubbed my face - "Fine, let's talk about that one tomorrow. Now tell me what's with Vigo's Mate?" "Believe it or not, but I don't know. He came here in the state you just saw him in and started saying 'My Mate is Dark as night.' and then I hugged him and you two came in." "Wow." "Yeah 'wow'." - she repeated after me. "Fine, let's figure that one tomorrow too." I left her there and went to my bedroom. My own head was spinning a little so it's best to resolve all the problems tomorrow with a clear mind. In the morning I was surprised to find Matilda all dressed up for the day waiting for me in the kitchen with a steaming mug of coffee for me. Aa the peace offering. I'm not stupid enough to refuse a coffee, no matter how pissed I am. Not only was that strange seeing her up so early in the morning, cause usually at this time she was kicking her hook up out of the bed and turning on the other side. But what surprised me the most was her outfit. She once again chose a fitting pair of jeans and a loose black top, instead of a too short skirt to even call it clothing. Seriously, if it's not covering your ass it's not appropriate, guess she finally figured it out after two years. Better late than never. "Ready for breakfast?" - she asked excitedly. I took my time to look at myself, and my boksers and oversized t-shirt in which I slept and returned my gaze to her. "I think I might need another five minutes." "Oh. Ok, so hurry up." I gave her my best 'what the f**k' face but either way went to prepare myself for the day. I chose light grey yoga pants, tank top and hoodie since we'll be having our martial arts today and I met impatient Matie back in our living room. She looked me up and down and grinned. "Why are you smiling?" - I asked her. "Oh, I was afraid you will be all dressed up, and with that plain look I put on you might be hotter than I am, but I'm glad you chose a hobo costume and no makeup." - she said happily, sending me a wink. It's too early in the day for so much of Matie. "I want a different roommate." - I muttered to myself going for the doors. "Don't worry, if today goes better than yesterday I may be moving in with your brother soon." - she beamed. "No you won't. He's underaged." She stopped in her tracks and looked at me like she just realized that. "f**k! I keep forgetting that. And he doesn't feel the bond either." "That's right, Sherlock. So you won't be able to hypnotize him with your lady parts. Or maybe you will, I don't know. But I don't think that building relationship mainly on the power of your boobs is a wise thing to do." - I purposely pushed her buttons, and in response she glared at me knowing that I was right. " Shut up, Morgan! Let's go eat." - and she stomped away down the corridor and I followed her giggling to myself. When we reached the canteen my smile quickly faded away when I saw Freddy and Max leaving the room and I had no doubts that they came here early to avoid us. "Hey, you two already ate?" - I asked my brother and his friend to break that awkward silence between us all. "Yeah. We have a fighting evaluation first, so I didn't want to be too stuffed. And Max over here needed something for his hangover." - Freddy said, looking intensely at Matie. Geez, even I could feel the s****l tension in the air. "Oh right, that's smart. So I guess we'll see you later guys." - my brother nodded at my words and they started going in the direction of the training grounds. "Freddy, wait!" - Matie called out after him and he spun around to face her - "Can we talk later?" He sent her a sad smile and nodded once again before he returned to walking away. "Was it just me, or was it absolutely awkward?" - I teased her. "Have I told you lately that you're a b***h?!" - she said with a glare. "Not today." - I chuckled and rushed after her towards our table. We sat with our trays of food and dug into it in complete silence when we were joined by Ossy. "Hey Springer, did my Cousin make it to your condo yesterday? And where the hell is he?" - I asked when he sat in front of me. "He almost did. I found him this morning sleeping on our doorsteps." - he said with a laugh. "Oh Man! I'm sorry I missed that." - I joined Ossy in giggling. "Don't worry, after all, I would not be myself if I didn't capture it. Look." - Ossy showed us his phone with the whole gallery of Vigo sleeping in the corridor. "That's Alpha Cargarough, Ladies and Gentlemen. Future of the Surge Pack." - I exclaimed solemnly with a mocking bow. Yup, we are the best of friends, never missing the opportunity to make fun of each other. "But will he join us?" - asked Matie. "I don't think so, Sweetheart. He didn't even wake up when I kicked him, so I suppose he's in his Jezus mode." "Jezus mode?" - I rose my brow. "Yeah, he's going to be resurrected in about three days." - Ossy explained with a grin. I was just about to tell him how stupid he is when Gus showed up and joined us. "Hey, you know what I heard?" - Gus started and we all gave him confused looks - "That we'll be having a Priestess apprentice this year." "Really?! I thought no one wants to become one anymore." - I said shocked, cause that's true, lately more and more Packs resigned from the presence of spiritual guides, and most of their work such as the conduct of the ceremony was taken over by High Ranked members, just like it is back in my home. It's hard to believe that any young girl would willingly sacrifice her life like that. I remember Grandpa Burt telling me that when he was a little boy Crescent Moon had a Priestess, and she was one creepy Lady, who spent her days smoking sage and telling his father about her visions. To me it's something completely unnecessary in the modern world. "I bet she's ugly." - of course Ossy would think that. "I don't know man, she's not that bad. Maybe not to my taste, but I wouldn't throw her out of my bed." - answered Gus. "Wait, you saw her? Which one is she?" - Matie asked looking around the room like she was expecting that girl to have a sign on her back. However, I won't pretend I wasn't interested too. "This one over there." - he pointed at the shortest girl in the room. She was literally 5,2 tops and it was hard to spot her in the crowd of other wolves who all towered over her. But she definitely wasn't bad looking. She was Asian with long black hair cascading down to her waist, with fair skin and nice blush on her cheeks. She was wearing a long-sleeved midnight blue dress that hid her feet and slightly dragged after her when she was walking making her look as if she was levitating. Overall she looked cute, what made her life choice even more peculiar. "Wow, she's hot. I wouldn't mind becoming more religious for a Priestess like her." - said Osprey wagging his brows. "Ossy please, she would barely reach your elbow. That's just weird." - said Matie with a scowl. "I don't mind. Tiny chicks made my d**k look…" "Eww Ossy!" - both Matie and I yelled in unison. "What?! All I'm saying is that I don't discriminate wolves based on their height. That's not cool, Girls." - he said with a goofy grin. "Alright, I had enough. I'm heading for the classes. You're going Matie?" - I asked standing up. "Sure. I feel nauseous after this conversion anyway." - she said looking at Ossy with a dose of disgust joining me on my way out of canteen. Let's start the first day on our last year of education here.
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