Chapter 3

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Lana sat on top of him, hair longer than he’d seen this morning. It no longer fell down to the nape of her neck, but went just past her shoulders. Her hand was over her mouth, trying to muffle her laughter. Her gray eyes were shimmering from mirth. As if that wasn’t ludicrous enough, a resounding wail reverberated across the room. Lana sprang into action, shrugging on a long t-shirt which was most definitely his as she exclaimed, “Jaxon’s awake!” Jaxon? Tony’s eyes nearly bugged out as he watched her leave, eyes straying to an ass he always knew she had, but he’d never really looked before. “Mommy’s here, baby.” Lana’s voice filtered into his room. What the hell…? Tony turned his head and spotted a baby monitor. Picking it up, he saw a black and white image of Lana nuzzling a little baby. In the corner was today’s date. Tony nearly had a heart attack. Oh s**t, oh s**t, oh s**t! He’d just traveled six years into the future! The door banged open and Tony almost fell off the bed in fright. What now? “Daddy!!” A three-year-old boy with black hair and brown eyes identical to Tony’s bounded into the room. Tony scrambled for the bedsheet. He was naked and this little monster was making a beeline for him. “Let’s pway Daddy!!” The boy exclaimed, jumping up and down on the bed. Tony massaged his temples. No way. He had two kids? With Lana? Had he gone insane? What the hell...(that seemed to be his mantra for this entire fiasco). “David!” Lana scolded as she entered the bedroom. She held a small baby in her arms. “I told you to let Daddy rest. Weren’t you supposed to be playing with your toy cars?” David was now piling pillows, one atop the other.The toddler looked at Lana sheepishly. “I wanted to pway!” the child exclaimed. Lana’s eyes softened at her son. “I know you do, hun, but you know Daddy was just getting some sleep after coming back from an assignment. Mommy’s got patrols tonight, so he’s going to be the one staying up with your little brother.” Things just kept getting more unbelievable by the second. She was going to leave him alone with these two kids? Was she crazy? But all thoughts fled the minute Lana sat down next to him and whipped out a tit to start feeding the baby in her arms. Tony felt himself blush and avert his eyes. This was weird and uncomfortable. Hell, it was bizarre watching a girl who had always prided herself on her masculine side, sitting there doing such ... female things like nursing a baby. David was running circles around him now, chanting, “Pway cars with Daddy!” Tony’s eye twitched. “He’ll be out like a light in a few hours.” Lana leaned in and said in an undertone. “I didn’t give him any sugar after five p.m. like we agreed.” It was then, without arousal muddling his brain, that Tony picked up her signature scent of strawberries. There was a faint undertone of mint as well and her nearness was intoxicating. His wolf hummed, content at her nearness. His wolf had always liked being close to her but this... this coupled with the sparks from her touch seemed like the mate-pull. Trying to seem as if it was the most normal thing in the world, Tony lifted a hesitant hand to brush back the soft hair at the side of her neck. There it was. He’d marked her too. So then… couldn’t she feel how off-kilter he felt right now? Lana leaned into Tony’s touch, smiling softly. She looked so happy, so peaceful, and so breathtakingly beautiful like this. Is this what she always looked like when her defenses were down? Hanging out with mostly guys had given her a pretty tough exterior, but the woman underneath was so much more… Tony shook his head, trying to rid himself of such stupid emotional thoughts. “Stop worrying about it.” Lana laughed. It was softer, more carefree than he’d ever heard her be before and Tony decided the sound was wonderful, magical. “The great Tony Sinclair was bound to suffer from premature detonation one day. I’m just glad it was me that made it happen.” Lana winked at him. Tony was promptly reminded of his poor performance in bed. f**k. That was embarrassing. Lana had Jaxon on her shoulder now, and he’d fallen asleep after being burped. “I’m going to go settle him down. He’ll sleep for a few hours.” Then she was gone and Tony was left feeling alone. David jumped on his back playfully. Totally not in the mood to deal with this hyper-active kid, Tony extracted himself from the little monster and got up to go to the bathroom. He looked at himself in the mirror critically. Six years really didn’t make that much of a difference. In fact, he looked better. His face was more defined and his body looked sharper, edgier. Like he was now devoting more time to training and staying fit. Tony’s mind momentarily went to Lana’s abs and supple body. Just as Tony finished putting on a shirt and pants, he heard a loud thud from the bedroom. He came out from the adjoining master bath, hoping everything was alright, to see David sitting on the floor sniffling, trying his best not to cry. “That’s why we don’t jump on beds.” Tony couldn’t help but sneer. What a stupid kid. David promptly burst into tears. Lana rushed in, scooping David up into her arms. “It’s OK, my big strong wolf,” she crooned and began peppering his face with kisses. Tony promptly wished he’d fallen off the bed too. Lana walked over, depositing David into his arms. “Put him to bed while I get ready to go for patrols.” She then disappeared into the bathroom. “Daddy.” David pressed his face into Tony’s chest happily. Tony felt something deep in his gut as David’s small arms came around his neck. This kid was looking at him as if he was the coolest guy on the planet. “Wanna tell me where your room is kiddo?” Tony queried softly. He had no clue which was the nursery and which was the toddler’s room. It was surreal, feeling like a stranger in your own home. David laughed, his cheeks dimpling like Lana’s. “So funny!” David squealed and pointed in the direction of it. As Tony helped David get ready for bed, he couldn’t help but take in the Cars themed decor. And, as Tony helped him into his Batman pajamas, he was pleased that his son had the good sense to like the right superheroes too. The kid wasn’t half-bad to be honest. “Story time!” David clapped his hands together. Tony looked around stupidly before David grabbed the book for him. With a huge sigh, Tony resigned himself to reading The Ugly Duckling to his son, who smiled and laughed at the funny voices Tony was used to doing. He would be turning twenty within a month and his youngest sibling was seven. He’d done his fair share of story time with the kids. But this was different. This was his son. His son who was basically the spitting image of him and looked to him for all his wants and needs. So as Tony pulled the covers over a sleepy David and received a sloppy kiss on the nose from the three-year-old, a hollow ache blossomed inside his heart. Tony realized this was around the time he’d be getting ready to go out and find some random girl to take home for the night. But this life... this life he built with Lana was so much more. It was full of love and laughter and happiness. How did they get here? He could get used to this. It was a nice life. Tony walked aimlessly around, looking at the pictures decorating his halls. Pictures of him and Lana. There was one of what looked to be the day of their mating ceremony. She wore a simple white backless dress with straps, and her neck showed his mark proudly. She looked beautiful and what’s more, they both looked so happy. There was another picture that looked like it had been done professionally after Jaxon’s birth. They all wore matching black shirts and blue jeans while Jaxon was wrapped in a blue and black blanket. Then Tony wandered back into his room to be met with the sight of Lana rubbing some shimmery lotion all over her naked body. Oh, this he could definitely get used to. She kneaded the lotion into her breasts and Tony’s mouth ran dry. “You still owe me from earlier.” Lana shot him a look that made his member throb painfully. She went back to rubbing lotion into her stomach before starting on her butt cheeks. Tony was a goner. He was a man, not a saint. “What are you doing?” Lana exclaimed as Tony crept up behind her and began kneading her butt. His hands ghosted the slit between her legs. She wasn’t wet, but he could work her up to it. “Trying not to owe you.” His voice was low and hot against her ear as he dipped his head to place a kiss over his mark. Lana shuddered. “I have patrols in twenty minutes.” Lana’s feeble protest was trumped by the smell of her arousal. Tony smiled triumphantly as he kept working her from behind. “I love a challenge.” He bit her earlobe. Lana gasped, allowing him to pull her towards the bed. “Please, Tony.” Lana moaned. She was suddenly on all fours, offering herself up to him, and it was the hottest thing Tony had ever seen. He entered her with a deep groan of satisfaction, letting himself loose, allowing some of the darker fantasies he’d had growing up to play out now. Because, if he was honest, there had definitely been a few times growing up he’d thought about Lana. It was around the time they’d hit puberty, and she’d still been running around with her shirt off with all of them. He was pretty sure there had been a direct correlation to the days he jerked off in the shower in the evenings and the days he played outside with her. “Ohpleaseohplease!” Lana moaned out. Tony sped up. “Baby, please!” Lana wailed. Tony had no clue what the hell she wanted. He realized that future Tony, who was probably in the body of his past self right now, probably did something to help her along. But what? He let his hand, resting on her hip, snake around and down to rub her clit. “Can I come?” She ground against him, chasing his d**k, clenching around him furiously. And the revelation that she let him dominate her like that made Tony’s pumps stutter to an agonizingly slow pace before he suddenly began pounding into her more furiously as lust roared through his veins. “Stop teasing me,” Lana whimpered. “Come for me.” Tony grunted the words as he felt himself near the edge. She came under him just as he fell apart over her. “You’re amazing.” Tony breathed the words out next to her and Lana chuckled. She placed a kiss on his cheek and made to get up, but Tony pulled her down, capturing her lips in a soft, sweet kiss. He let his hands run through her hair and couldn’t help the words tumbling from his mouth as she moved to pull away and get ready. “I like your hair longer like this.” “So you’ve told me.” Lana spoke the words dismissively, as if she couldn’t be bothered to care much about her hair. She wrinkled her nose as she got dressed. “You know, Brad is going to be able to smell you all over me and know what we were up to.” Tony perked up at the mention of his younger brother who was only twelve right now. “Brad?” Tony asked. Lana looked at Tony just as she was about to leave. “I have patrols with the pack gamma tonight,” Lana stated. Her brows furrowed in confusion. “I thought I told you.” Tony shrugged noncommittally, as if to say he must have forgotten. “Jaxon will be up in an hour. You’ll need to change him before giving him a bottle. There’s pumped milk in the fridge. Formula too, if you need to supplement.” Tony’s eyes widened in alarm. Was he going to have to clean baby poop tonight ? Oh hell! Once Tony had taken a quick shower, keeping an ear out for Jaxon’s wailing, he emerged feeling a little better. A little more confident at being able to handle a baby. It was just one baby. How bad could it be? As if on cue, Jaxon started crying. An hour later, Tony had wasted ten diapers and the goblin had peed on him... twice. Why did he have kids again? How stupid was he to subject himself to such torture? Jaxon cried while being changed, he cried between bottle feedings and only shut up when Tony rocked him. Tony couldn’t help but grimace when he realized Jaxon had just spit up milk all over both of them. This kid had to have been an accident. In what world would he subject himself to this torture willingly? As Tony cleaned himself off, Jaxon crying the entire time to be held, he decided that if he did end up with Lana, they’d just have to remain celibate. Finally, around two a.m., Jaxon was cleaned up and on his third bottle. How old was this baby? He’d sleep for at least three to four hours now, right? Just as Tony settled his spawn into the crib, the child grabbed his index finger and cooed sleepily. Unbidden, Tony smiled down at the gesture. Jaxon gave him a sleepy toothless smile that made each and every moment of diaper changing torture seem like a grain of sand in the face of such an adorable grin. “Night, night, little guy.” Tony peered down at eyes that looked exactly like Lana’s. “You’re gonna be a ladies man, girls love guys with dreamy eyes,” Tony whispered conspiratorially. As if he understood every word, Jaxon cooed again before falling asleep with a smile on his face, still gripping Tony’s index finger. Tony simply stared down at the baby, surprised at his own reactions. That’s how Lana found him when she entered the nursery. “You know you do things to my ovaries whenever I see this side of you with the kids.” Lana spoke with a smirk as she pulled him into their bedroom. “You’re back early,” Tony commented. She’d only been gone for six hours instead of the entire night. He watched Lana change into one of his oversized t-shirts. Why did he find that so appealing? “Don’t you remember? I cut back my hours since Jaxon’s only two months old.” “You’ve got a hot body for someone that’s two months postpartum.” Tony couldn’t help blurting it out. Female werewolves snapped back quick, but Lana had abs and a defined cut to her lithe body that was a testament to how hard she trained. It took six months to have a baby and it took most she-wolves six months to get back into a body shape they felt comfortable in. Lana laughed like this was something he’d said thousands of times before. She came to nestle into his side, fitting perfectly into the crook of his arm. His woman gave him a strawberry flavored kiss before murmuring, “I love you.” Lana fell asleep instantly, not even waiting for a response from him. Tony fell asleep encased in the scent of strawberries and mint. Her soft hair tickled his collarbone throughout the night and he woke up a few times to sneak a few more kisses, to make sure she was still next to him, and to make sure he was still in the future. Nevertheless, it was the best night’s sleep he’d had in a very long time.
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