Chapter 4

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Lana woke him up in the morning with another blowjob. And Tony was a gentleman, so he returned the favor, enjoying her reactions the entire time. He’d never known a girl to look so hot while writhing under him. Oh, Goddess, how he wished he could keep her in this bed forever. There had been a moment where Jaxon’s small cries sounded over the baby monitor, but when they looked at the black and white screen, it showed that it was just noise he was making in his sleep and he settled down again into his cot. Tony promptly resumed making Lana fall apart with his hands and mouth. Afterwards, they had the most amazing shower s*x which was a first for Tony. But he was determined to make up for yesterday’s deplorable performance, when he first arrived, by making Lana come on his d**k as many times as possible. All Tony could wonder was why hadn’t he been doing this all along in the present time? He was a fool. The rest of the morning was a blur. Tony got David ready for the day and Lana handled Jaxon. He vaguely wondered if he had somewhere to be today, but decided that was future Tony’s problem. He didn’t want to lose even one second with this family. Trepidation seemed to creep up on him. He’d arrived at six p.m. last night and according to Luna Rose, he would go back after a full twenty-four hours. As morning progressed into late afternoon, Tony came to the startling revelation that truly, he didn’t want to go back. This life was perfect. He watched Lana sitting on the floor of their living room giving Jaxon some tummy time. David sat next to Tony flipping through a picture book Tony knew for a fact would only hold his attention for five seconds flat. The time for him to go back was close. “Do you remember our first kiss?” Tony couldn’t help but ask. He needed some clues. Some direction. Some way to figure out how they ended up together, so he could make sure it happened. Lana looked at him loftily as Jaxon began to fuss a little. “It was six years ago, exactly, today,” Lana commented brightly. David suddenly slipped off the couch, throwing his picture book into Tony’s lap. Tony stared at Lana quizzically. Six years ago today he was here. That didn’t make any sense at all. “But you know I don’t count that as our first kiss.” Lana looked at him sternly. “You know why.” No, he didn’t know why. Trust Lana to not give him a direct answer. The woman was infuriating, even in the future. “So what did you count as our first kiss?” Tony tried again. “Oh you know,” Lana spoke vaguely, completely distracted by David breaking an ugly puce colored vase in their foyer. She picked Jaxon up, handing him off to Tony. “He needs a diaper change.” She then turned, walking towards the foyer with a look that had put the fear of god into many a rogue Tony had seen her battle. “David Sinclair, what have I told you about playing in the halls?!” Tony could hear her reprimanding David while she instructed him to stay back, so she could clean up the mess he’d made. Frankly, Tony was happy something that unsightly had been disposed of. He was sure Lana had been the one to buy it because he’d never get something so ugly for his home. Amidst this train of thought, Tony joyfully realized he had changed Jaxon’s diaper without incident this time. The baby looked at him with eyes that were drooping closed, so Tony decided to settle him down for a nap. When he arrived back in the living room, David was playing with some toy cars. “Didn’t you have a meeting with Alpha Xavier today?” Lana queried. So he did have somewhere to be today. “Oh… I forgot.” Tony tried to improvise smoothly. In an instant, Lana’s open cheery face became shuttered. She looked more like the Lana he knew in the present time as her gray eyes became positively glacial. Those beautiful soft lips Tony had enjoyed kissing settled into a thin, grim line. She barely glanced David’s way as the child sidled away to terrorize another part of the house. “You’re from the past, aren’t you?” Lana spoke as if she had been betrayed. Tony looked at her flabbergasted. How did she know?! His expression seemed to be confirmation enough. “Dammit, Tony!” Lana cursed and punched the wall behind her, leaving a small hole in her wake. “I told you! I told you to tell me the date! When did you get here? It couldn’t have been just now, you look way too calm and collected. Was it this morning?” She looked at him as if she had been given the worst news in the entire world. “Yesterday evening.” Her face crumpled into a visage of someone who wanted to cry and tear his heart out at the same time. “You… you let me suck your d**k when we aren’t even in a relationship yet?!“ She choked the words out on a horrified whisper. “You did those things with me… like it was normal…” For the life of him, Tony couldn’t understand what she was upset about. They were mates! What did it matter if he was from the past? What was he supposed to do? Something crashed somewhere else in the house. Lana paid David no heed as he tottered by them to go hide somewhere. Probably afraid his mother would scold him for breaking something else. “You only liked me because of the time-travel, right?” Lana asked hollowly as tears welled up in her eyes. Tony saw David go hide behind a potted plant near the kitchen. “It was never because I was different, or you liked me. It was for this…” Her voice was quiet, so their son didn’t hear. She spread her arms around her, indicating their home. Tony had no idea what he was supposed to say to that. So what if it was because of the time-travel? Wasn’t it enough that he wanted this with her? Thankfully, Tony felt the pull and his world went black. Tony came too in his own living room, in his present body with a note clutched in his fist. In big bold letters it read: DON’T f**k UP WITH LANA. The kidnapped girls are— It was in his own block letter hand-writing. Seems like his future self had left him a bit of advice. But what was the line about kidnapped girls? What was his future self trying to warn him of? Tony wearily sat up, his head spinning from the entire ordeal. Truthfully, he felt a little sorry for his future self who was going to have to deal with a pissed off Lana. Just as he was trying to process everything that had happened, there was a commotion as present day Lana burst through his front door. He stood up, wondering what was going on, eyes inadvertently straying to her chest, happy to realize that she probably was hiding an amazing pair of t**s under that awful t-shirt. But when her fist met his jaw, Tony looked straight at her completely flabbergasted. “What the hell are you playing at? You can’t just come into my apartment like that, kiss me, slap my damn butt, and then run away!” Lana fumed. And it clicked. Six years ago today he’d kissed her for the first time. It had been his future-self in this body. What god-awful time loop had he just created for himself? Touché,’ future Tony. Touché’. A/N: Hello, if you are just joining the journey of the Sinclair family, please consider joining ruby's reading room. I've got so. many videos of tony and lana. And my readers call themselves tony's angels :) You be a one too!
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