
197 Words
Prologue   17 year old, Georgina Emanuel, has been living in the same household with her father since her mother left them 6 years ago. They where such a beautiful family. They would have family walks once a week and there would be no secrets between them since both of her parents where very opened minded. But that changed when her mother left them without telling them goodbye.    Georgina never got to know the truth about her mother's disappearance since her father refused to talk about it. Her Dad, Christopher, became a new person that she didn't recognise. He started yelling a lot, making a fuse about the smallest things and always accusing her for things that she didn't even do.   She would always cry herself to sleep until the age of 15-16. She got used to her father's behaviour but that doesn't mean that it didn't get any worse since she started going out with friends more and more.   Keep on reading if you want to know how she puts up with her father and maybe a romance that she never intended to happen but... No one can control who they fall with. Or maybe they can?
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