°Chapter One

738 Words
Chapter One                     *Georgina's point of view* 7:15am    Thank Lord today is the start of a new week and I have school. Now you might be thinking,  why in the world would you be happy to wake up at 7 in the morning to go to school. But in my case it's a way to get out of the house and not get interrogated when I come home about where and who I've been with.    I've already gotten dressed in a plain white t-shirt, tucked in my light blue jeans with my jean jacket and a black belt. I have my hair in a high ponytail with my overgrown bangs ironed on the sides of my face and with no make-up. I'm to lazy to do it first thing in the morning plus my dad starts screaming that I'm trying to impress someone.    At 7:30 I leave for school since it is a 30 minute walk to get there. My dad won't let me have a car because as, he claims, I don't have anywhere to go.    As I reach my school right outside the gates I spot my friend group chatting and laughing. "Hey Georgina. How are you?" My friend Maya asked me. "I'm fine how are you?" I asked referring to all of them. "Well you know same old. Stressing over algebra. There is no way in hell Mr. Smith will pass me." Nicole exclaimed with a heavy sigh. "No need to stress bc he told us last week that he won't let anyone repeat the year since we are all leaving high school"  (we aren't in the same class) "Thank God because my mom would have beaten my ass" se says and we all laugh. Her mother is one of the nicest people I've ever met but when she gets angry... Find a place to hide.    At that moment the school bell rang. We said our goodbyes and headed to our classes. My first class was biology and I was sitting with Alexander. I've actually kinda liked him since middle school but my dad wouldn't like it if he knew I liked someone. Plus he has never talked to me outside of class and I am pretty sure he doesn't even remember my name.    As I head in the classroom I see that the teacher hadn't come yet so I sat and got my staff ready.    The door opened and it revealed Alexander. He has always been the social type so he said Good Morning out loud to everyone and came to sit next to me. "Hey" he said to me "Good morning" i told him without looking at him. The most smart thing to do is to avoid him. The less close we are, the less chances there are for my father to get angry for having guy friends. "How was your weeke-" he got cut off by the door opening once again by our biology teacher. He is somewhat scary so the moment he stepped in everyone stopped talking.    Today he just told us to study some pages and he would ask us questions later so lucky for me he didn't want us to work with our partners. 9:30am As I walk out of my class I see the girls coming my way. "Hey Georgina. After school we will go to the mall. Do you wanna come? Last week you said you couldn't come and we haven't gone out all together in a while" My other friend Yasmine said. "I'm sorry guys but I have my history test coming up this week and you know it's my worst subject. Maybe next time." I told them. It's a lie but it's for the best. "Oh okay. You must make your parents really proud. You are like the perfect child. You just need a boyfriend and you'll have a perfect little life" Nicole exclaimed looking at me proudly. "Haha yeah..." 3:20pm    I just finished school and I'm returning back home with my fingers crossed hoping that my father hasn't come back from work yet.    You see he usually goes at place where they bet on staff and win or loose money after work so he comes back home at around 5pm but when he doesn't go there, he comes home at 2-3pm.    30 minutes later I reach my house and I notice that the door is unlocked. That means dad is home.... I pray before going in and face the reality... - End of Chapter 1-

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