Chapter 22 Seth

1180 Words
Alexis I can’t believe I was attacked. Thank Goddess Nathan could hear me calling, or else… How could he be there? I left him in Greenville. He was supposed to go back to Connance. I've never seen his wolf, so when I saw his wolf just a few minutes ago, I put two and two together. I know I can’t go back to my dormitory. I f*cked up badly. 'We will talk about your security later. There's one more question to which I need your answer. Did you know the wolf that saved you?' My Dad asks me. I can't lie to him, but saying the truth is too painful. Not just because Seth lied to me, but because Dad will be ever more disappointed with me. 'I do... His name is Seth. He's the guy I'm seeing. He told me he was a lone wolf. I met him at a party like three months ago. I was with him when Axel called. I left him at a hotel in a nearby town and drove back to the Blue Moon Pack. I don't know how he got here so fast. But I'm thankful he came, because he saved me.' I tell him honestly. I look at Sebastian who has a pained expression on his face. I bet they all already put two and two together as well and know the whole truth. 'I need to be sure. Do you have, by any chance, a photo of him?' Sebastian asks me. I'm surprised he's talking now, he seems to have just observed the cluster*ck situation I was in. But, of course, he needs to be sure about me being with his brother. 'I have one… But I bet nobody will like it.' I say with a shrug. 'Just show me!' Dad says impatiently. 'My phone is still somewhere in the grass.' Sebastian orders his warriors to look for my phone. When Donovan, his Gamma, hands it to me, I scroll through my gallery until I find the right picture. More tears are threatening to fall from my eyes when I see us in the picture. We were happy. Seth and I were lying in bed, me on his chest, my hair a huge mess, and Seth was having his hand encircled around my naked breasts. I was laughing at something he said. When he suggested we take a picture together, I looked at the camera and grinned from ear to ear. Seth was just looking at me with a sweet little smile on his lips. He later set this picture as my wallpaper, but I changed it back to my previous one. We weren't dating, so there was no reason for having him as my wallpaper. 'f*****g hell! It's my brother.' Sebastian curses and hits the air. I've never heard him curse. I'm left with my mouth open. I already figured Seth is Sebastian's older brother, the previous Alpha. Sebastian challenged him for the Alpha position and Seth lost. He was banished from the pack. I was seeing and having s*x with my ex-mate's brother. F*cking awesome! At that moment, I lost it. I start laughing uncontrollably. 'That's not funny, Alexis!' My Dad scolds me. 'No, it's f*cking hilarious if you know the whole story.' I tell him despite knowing he is right. That's not funny at all. But laughing is a better option than crying for me. 'Alexis, Seth is also the leader of the rogues!' Sebastian says like I'm stupid. 'Yeah, I figured as much.' Just then my phone starts to ring. 'Who's Mr. Bad Guy?' Nathan asks while looking at my phone. I saved his name like this because of everything we've done in his bedroom. I pay Nate no attention, contemplating if I should answer the phone. My curiosity gets the better of me and I press the answer button. 'Seth!' I greet him. I want to know what he's about to tell me. 'Baby, I know you recognized me and I know that you know the truth about who I am now, but baby, it's not like it seems.' He seems composed and that makes me angry. 'Tell me, Seth, how does it seem to you? Because to me, it seems like you knew who I was and that was why you approached me…' At the end of the sentence, my voice breaks, and I'm not able to finish it. I give up on holding my tears at bay. 'Yeah, it was like that at first, but then I got to know you and everything changed. My whole plan changed because of you. I'm doing my best to secure a place for us, a place where we can be together. I love you, Alexis. Please, baby, come back to me.' 'Are you crazy? You lied to me! Our relationship was based on a lie, Seth!' I whisper, not able to talk properly. 'I admit, I lied about who I was. But I've never lied about how I feel about you.' 'Your rogues just attacked me…' I need to change the topic. 'I took care of the ones that attacked you and the rest are dead, too. Your Dad's warriors killed them. I checked before I escaped to safety. Nobody is ever going to hurt you, baby. I swear, I didn't know what they were planning. I was about to drive away from Greenville when I got the call that some of my less intelligent warriors caught Kieran's daughter. I left everything as it was and ran to you.' Seth sounds distressed now. I can't talk to him anymore. I turn to Axel, crying uncontrollably. Everything hurts. I was trying to persuade myself I don't love Seth, but the truth is, I was slowly falling for him. His betrayal hurts like a b*tch. 'Seth, this is Alpha Kieran. I want you to forget about my daughter. Don't try to contact her ever again.' Dad is talking with Seth now. 'Well, hello there, Alpha. Is my brother there with you, too? I know he was her fated mate. But she chose me, because I love her with my whole heart and I showed her that every day. Tell him he will never have her. She is mine now. I love her and I chose her as my Luna. He broke her, he neglected the best thing in his life and never came to see how she was doing. Even if she isn't my fated mate, she is the best one for me. I was there for her when she was struggling, not because she is your daughter and other cr*p about revenge, but because I love her. I know it looks like I took advantage of her, but it's not like that. My intentions were not pure at the beginning, but everything changed for me after I got to know her. That's why I stopped the attacks. I don't want to fight with you anymore. I want Alexis by my side, in my pack. And trust me, Alpha, I will do everything to secure that future for us.'
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