Chapter 21 The Rogue Attack

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Sebastian I shift midair the moment I barged through the front doors, not giving a damn about taking off my clothes. Alexis is in danger. If something happens to her… I can't even think about it. She's strong and trained, she can fight back till the reinforcements come to her rescue. Kieran and Axel are running in their wolf forms alongside me. I push myself harder, I want to be with her and make sure she's not wounded. Or worse… 'Donovan, what's happening?' I ask my Gamma, hoping he's already there protecting Alexis. 'She's safe now. She got injured, but nothing serious. Just a few bites and scratches.' He's got to be kidding me. How can he say nothing serious in the same sentence with the words bites and scratches! Oh, I'm going to kill every rogue that touched her and caused her pain. ------------------------- We arrive at the given location in no time. There's blood everywhere, but Kieran's and my warriors look unharmed. That means it's either blood from the rogues or Alexis's blood. The latter has my blood boiling. I see Alexis sitting on a fallen tree near her overturned car. That sh*tface Nathan, or what’s-his-name, is tending to her injured arm. Tears are running down her cheeks. She hisses when Nathan sprays some disinfection on her wound and starts bandaging it. We shift back and put on some shorts one of my warriors gave us. 'Alexis, are you okay?' Kieran breaks the silence. Axel is running to her and when he is nearby, Alexis jumps into his arms and hides her face in his chest. 'Are you hurt? What happened?' Axel asks her while stroking her hair. She just sobs and keeps hiding in his chest. 'Nate, what happened?' Axel asks his future Gamma. 'I received a call from Alexis. When I picked it up, there was only screaming and distant growls. I knew something had happened to her, so I grabbed all the warriors that were nearby and we ran here. I located her through her phone. When we arrived, we found her car overturned, and she was nowhere to be seen. We followed her scent and found her in the forest. Two rogues were attacking her while two others were waiting nearby. Before we could come to Alexis's rescue, a black wolf emerged from the forest and threw the rogues away from Alexis. They were dead on the spot. The other two started to run away, but our warriors caught them and dealt with them. The huge black wolf stared for a while at Alexis and then ran away as well. Alpha Sebastian's warriors are still chasing him. Alpha, I think… About the black wolf...’ Nathan didn’t need to finish the sentence, we all know what he thinks. But why would Seth save Alexis? 'Alexis, I need you to answer a few of my questions. I know you are in shock, but I really need to know some things. So first, can you tell us what happened before the attack? Why is your car overturned?' Kieran asks his daughter, who is still sobbing in Axel's arms. She takes a deep breath and turns to him. 'I was driving back to the Blue Moon Pack like you told me. Somebody walked straight into my path. I turned the steering wheel, the car spun and hit a tree. When I exited the car, I heard growls and spotted four rogues in their wolf forms. I called Nathan. I was about to text him back before the accident. Then I tried to run, but they were faster than me. I dropped my phone when they caught me. And you already know the rest.' Alexis says her part of the story. 'Why didn't you shift and fight them? Or start running in the direction of the pack? Why didn't you mind-link me or Axel? We could have been there sooner to protect you.' Kieran asks her. I can see fresh tears rolling down her cheeks. She's just looking at the ground, not answering the question. 'Alexis, answer me, please. You didn't shift. Why? From the look of it, you aren't healing either.' Kieran is pleading with her now. This is the side of him reserved only for his family. The soft side. For every other wolf, he's a strong, sometimes ruthless, but always fair Alpha. We all know we won’t like Alexis's answer. There's only one reason why she didn't shift. I brace myself for the worst. 'Because I can't. I can't shift anymore.' She closes her eyes and I do the same. 'Since when can't you shift?' Kieran is pressing the matter more. 'Since the rejection. I didn't feel my wolf from the moment I rejected Sebastian.' It's like a stab to my heart. I'm the cause of her suffering, of her losing her wolf. I can't even imagine what she went through. Hell, I can't imagine how she can live like this. A werewolf without a wolf is something that no one wants to even imagine. It's like somebody ripped out half of your mind and body. A werewolf can't exist without its wolf. Sooner or later, they fall into depression, some even kill themselves. Despite all of this, she's standing here, trying to move on with her life. She's so strong. And I'm the biggest a*shole in the universe. 'Alexis, I didn't know. Why didn't you tell me?' Axel is looking at her face like he had seen her for the first time. 'I didn't know at first. I thought she would appear someday… When she didn't, I accepted that I'm more like a human now. I don't belong here, in a pack, anymore. And that's why I live with humans. Coming here was a mistake.'
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