Chapter 10 The First Shift

890 Words
Alexis I cannot stay here any longer. I'm pretty sure I'm about to shift. My body hurts, and the pain is worsening with every passing minute. Axel helped me to stand up and is now carrying me bridal style to the yard behind the pack house. Axel mind-linked Mum and Dad. I see Mum rushing down the stairs through the French windows in the stairwell. Dad is barking orders for everyone to clear the garden, so I can shift without the prying eyes of every pack member. Bri, Damian and Finn are running with us. We are almost in the middle of the garden, when suddenly a strong pain shot through my back. I cry out loudly and Axel lay me on the ground while whispering me words of encouragement. My Mum is with me now and is telling me to not fight it and let the beast in me spring free. I'm in so much pain I can hardly hear her. Bri is rubbing my back. Dad and the guys turned their backs to me, giving me privacy and waiting for me to fully shift, so we can all run together for the first time. 'Mum, it hurts so much. Let it stop!' I whined with tears in my eyes. 'You are doing great, my princess. You are strong, I know you can do it. Let your wolf take control. Don't fight it.' Dad is encouraging me with his back still turned on me. 'Easier said then done.' I bark at him. 'I didn't know you'd shift so soon after midnight. Usually it takes some time. It seems your wolf is eager to make an appearance.' My Mum comments. Suddenly, my bones break and rearrange themselves. My muscles stretch, my nails elongate and fur starts to cover my body. I'm half shifted now, and the pain is even worse. My clothes are stretched to their limits and some parts of them are torn. The pain is unbearable, and I want to just die and be done with it. 'I can't take it any longer.' Tears are running down my cheeks like waterfalls. 'Stop whining, you little baby. We all went through it and did you hear anyone of us b*tching about it?' Damian is his encouraging self. That's it, he will pay for treating me like sh*t. In a second, I'm fully shifted, and I find myself lunging at Damian. I manage to tackle him to the ground. I am standing above him on all my four paws, my teeth barred and a furious growl escapes my mouth. 'Nice to finally meet you, little wolf.' Damian smirks at me. That's when I understood what he was after. He was provoking me so he could trigger my shift and help me with my suffering. Sometimes, anger is the best catalyst. I lick his face to express my gratitude to him. 'Ew, gross Alexis. Your breath stinks. Did you already eat some dead animal or what?' Damian pretends to gag. 'You are gorgeous, princess.' I turn to face my Dad, who is looking at me with pride in his eyes. I look at my paw and my chest, so I can see my color. 'Dark brown, almost black.' My Dad understood my movement and told me what I wanted to know. The higher the rank of the wolf is, the darker the color of it is. He then run his hand through my fur. Both Axel and Mum hug me and Mum lay her head on my back while telling me 'I love you so much, my precious girl. You were doing really great.' 'Okay, let's run together for the first time. Let the whole pack know my daughter shifted.' My Dad commands. They all take off their clothes and shift. There are four black beasts in front of me. Bri has a shaded yellow wolf while my Mum has a dark red wolf. My Dad lets out a powerful howl, and we all join him. Throughout the whole pack, the howls can be heard. It's like they are all greeting me. Axel and Damian take off to the forest and I follow close behind with Bri running by my side. Finn soon joins the guys in the front and I can see my parents running behind us. Soon, a few of the warriors I'm training with join our group, as well as Alpha Darius and Alpha Flynn. Only Sebastian is missing, which is bothering me for some unknown reason. The tradition says the children of the Alpha have to run along the whole perimeter of the pack after their first shift. It feels so good to be surrounded by my family and friends while running in my wolf form. I'm glad they are all here and are accompanying me during this unforgettable experience. I'm really happy these people are in my life. I feel loved and protected. ------------------------- After encircling the entire perimeter of the pack, the adults and the warriors left, leaving us playing for a while. Damian tackled me from behind, returning my previous attempts to fight him. Axel then threw him off of me and they both start to spar for fun. Finn just rolls his eyes, which is f*cking hilarious in his wolf form. Once we are all tired, we go back to the pack house.
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