Chapter 24 Damian's Offer

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Alexis I can't sleep. It's after midnight, and I'm tossing and turning in the hospital bed. I know Mum is right, and it's not fair to Sebastian to be bonded to me if he doesn't want to, but I can't deal with it right now. I know I won't survive the rejection. My heart is already bleeding from Seth's betrayal. There's also the problem with me losing my wolf. I can't protect myself without my wolf and when the word about me being wolfless spreads out, I will be in danger. A lot of people will try to hurt my Dad by hurting me. I need to find a place where I'll be safe. Ideally with humans, since they aren't a threat to me. I'm still trained and can take them down if necessary. But I can't go back to college. That's where Seth will search for me first. Urgh. I don't know what to do or where to go, but I can't stay here, and I definitely don't want to go home. I need to figure out something really quick, because tomorrow, my Dad will lock me up in the pack house and I will never leave the pack again. With that thought, I get up from bed, put on my clothes and sneak out of the hospital. I walk back to the pack house and start looking for Axel's truck since my car is damaged. Axel leaves the keys in the ignition, so I will be able to use his car. I'll just borrow it and when I settle down, I'll find a way to deliver him his car back. I open the door on the driver's side and am about to sit down, when a movement in the passenger seat catches my attention. I scream in surprise and then curse myself for making noise. When I look better, I can recognize Damian's figure. 'F*ck, Dame, you almost gave me a heart attack.' I scold him while still clutching my chest. 'Sorry for that, but I need to stop you from running away. Again. The same old sh*t.' 'How did you know I was going to do that?' 'Cos we know each other for like the whole of our lives? I know how your brain works.' He points at his head and looks at me like I'm crazy for not knowing that. 'Dame, I really appreciate your effort, but I really need to get going if I don't want to be caught.' I try to reason with him. 'Yeah, not going to happen.' He says without care in the world. 'Damian, I'm in the middle of a clusterf*ck situation. Maybe you already heard. Maybe you don't, but I don't have time to tell you the whole story right now. I need to be far away from here when my Dad wakes up.' 'Of course I heard. Words spread fast. Faster when it's a juicy topic and this one definitely is. And I must admit, I'm impressed. F*cking your mate's brother, that's a whole new level.' I slam my head against the steering wheel in frustration. 'Sebastian's not my mate… anymore.' I tell him quietly. 'He didn't reject you back and he didn't accept your rejection. So, basically, he's still your mate. Oh, and he definitely felt it when you were f*cking with his brother.' Damian says with a smirk. What the hell? 'If you are here to mock me, you should get out of the car.' I tell him angrily, 'You can't kick me out of the car. It's not yours. Only Axel can kick me out. You know what, I should call him and ask him if I can be in his car while you are trying to steal it and run away like a f*cking coward. Again.' Damian pulls out his phone and hovers his finger above Axel's name. ‘Stop! I'm not stealing his car, I'm borrowing it... Damian, just let me leave quietly. I just need a few more weeks to figure out what I will do with my life, and then I will be back, so Sebastian can reject me.' I say, pleadingly. 'Pf, I don't care if Sebastian accepts your rejection or rejects you back. I don't even care if he's in pain when you are f*cking another. He's just an a*shole who got lucky to be bonded to you, and he was acting like the biggest p***y in the world.' 'He isn't… a*shole, that is. And it's also my mistake. I was quick at my own conclusions before I knew the whole story.' I tell him while looking out the window. The what ifs questions are back and are constantly running through my head. What if I gave him a chance to explain himself back then? Would we be together now? I knew for a fact that if he had been there when I shifted, and I would have smelt him and recognized him as my mate, I would have been on cloud nine. He was my crush back then. Am I making the same mistake again by running away and not clearing things between us first? Of course I am. But I AM the biggest p***y in the world. I'm scared of his reaction to seeing me. I still see the disgust on his face when he found out about Seth. 'Earth to Alexis. Where are you planning on going?' Damian asks me, interrupting my train of thoughts. 'I don't know my final destination yet. But some small human town with a beach would be great.' I tell him honestly. 'And you think you belong with humans? That's bullsh*t! You are still a werewolf, even without your wolf. You are more werewolf than human. You need a pack that'll take care of you and protect you, not living alone somewhere with humans. I know you think that's your only option, but I have a perfect solution for you. You know you can't be alone, you have lived in a pack your whole life. It's how we live, it's natural for us.' I'm surprised Damian is so serious. That's not like him. 'What is your perfect solution for my situation?' I ask curiously. 'Come to our pack. It has everything you just described. It's a small town near a beach.' Damian says with a shrug. 'What? That's your solution to this clusterf*ck situation I'm in?' 'Let's call it an offer then. I'm offering you complete freedom in our pack. You can do whatever you want as long as you stay within our borders. I'll make sure you are trained and, of course, I'll make sure you complete your degree so you can have the future you choose.' 'Why are you doing this?' 'Because you are my family. And I know you need somebody you can trust and who won't treat you like you're broken. You need somebody who will walk with you to your destination, not somebody who will drag you in a different direction. So, what do you say, Alexis?'
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