Chapter 23 Talk with Mum

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Alexis After the phone call, I was brought to the pack hospital. I didn't want to, but Dad and Axel insisted that I get checked since I wasn't healing. The doctor gave me a few stitches and made me stay the night at the hospital. I protested, but Dad insisted. Now I'm lying in a hospital bed and my brain is working overtime. I can't believe Seth is Sebastian's brother. I was stupid, I thought he loved me. We were great together. The s*x was great, better than anything else before. But he was only using me. Suddenly, there is a soft knock on my door. 'Come in.' I say loudly, so the person on the other side could hear me. The doors are slowly opened and my Mum's head pops up. 'Hey, you are awake. I thought you would be fast asleep after… well, everything.' Mum says with a pity in her eyes. 'I can't sleep. Too much is going through my head.' I say honestly. 'Your Dad told me everything.' Mum confesses. 'Of course he did. He can't keep anything from you.' I tell her with a small smile. My parents have a beautiful relationship, one that I envy. They overcame Dad's past mistakes and together became stronger. Axel and I always wanted the same for us. I guess Axel is on the right path. Me, on the other hand, I f*cked up like a champion. 'Is Dad pissed at me?' I ask her with a small voice. 'He is pissed, but not at you.' She answers after a while. 'Why did he never mention Seth's name? Nobody ever said his real name. They were always calling him names. I didn't know Sebastian's brother was Seth. I feel stupid for not realizing it.' I spill out everything that is bothering me. 'They look different.' 'They ARE different. And I'm not talking about the appearance.' I say while playing with my tattoo again. 'Mum, I f*cked up badly.' I tell her and break down into tears. Mum hugs me, leaving scolding about my language for another time. -------------------------------------------------- I cried hard for about half an hour. Mum held me tightly, whispering words of encouragement. But she never tried to stop me. She knew I needed this. 'Mum, I don't know what to do now. The whole situation is a mess. Axel told me Sebastian felt pain every time I was intimate with another. I didn't know, I swear. I thought the bond was broken. I caused him so much pain. And the thing about his brother. It's so f*cked up. But I can't bear to be rejected now. I know I'm selfish, but with Seth… it looks real!' I try to tell her how I feel about him after I'm done with crying and sobbing. 'You liked him.' Mum states like it's nothing. No big deal. 'I liked Seth a lot. I was falling for him slowly. He was… He never gave me a reason to think anything bad about him. He was perfect, helping me and taking care of me. I can't believe I fell for his trap. I was so naive!' 'Maybe it wasn't a trap. Maybe he fell for you and is really in love with you, Alexis.' 'It doesn't matter now. I can't see him anymore, not after everything that happened. He has too many secrets for my liking. Plus, he was the one attacking our packs for years! Even if he talked about the change in his plans or that he wanted to be with me, it's still not enough for me to trust him. Can you imagine what Dad would say about us being together?' 'Don't think about Dad, think about yourself. I will respect your decision. If you love him, and you can imagine being with him, you can choose him. It's your happiness that matters to me, not your Dad's opinions. He is biased against Seth.' 'I don't know, Mum. After everything, I started to think I was holding back from dating Seth, because deep down I knew there was something... I don't know. It was too good to be true, I guess. I thought he was just a one-night stand. I didn't think about being with him when I first met him. He was just a distraction from my situation. But he won me over in the end. And for what?' I ask even if I don't expect an answer. 'You will figure out how you feel about him. Take your time. And remember I will support your decision... Alexis, there’s also the thing with Sebastian.' Mum tries softly. 'I know Mum, but I can't right now.' I tell her pleadingly. 'Why Alexis? What do you feel towards Sebastian?' 'I'm not sure.' I tell honestly. I wanted to be angry with him and hate him, but some part of me can't do that. He was my first crush after all. And it turned out he was also my fated mate. 'You two need to talk to each other. This can't go like this longer. You need to clean up your mess. Either severe th bond entirely or accept each other.' Mum says sternly. 'I can't right now. I just need a few more weeks to get on my feet again. Like I said, I can't bear the pain of rejection right now.' 'Are you sure he will reject you?' 'Mum, I was sleeping with his brother. Even if he didn't reject me back then or didn't try to find me to complete the rejection before, he will definitely do now. I saw his expression when he found out about Seth. He was disgusted.' 'These are all your speculations. You don't know for sure. He waited for you for six months. Give him a chance to explain himself. Even if he rejects you, you still have us. You have Axel, Dad and me. You have your friends. We are all here to help you and support you. Sebastian deserves to have a say in this matter. He deserves to be free from the mate bond if he chooses so. But maybe he won’t, even after everything he found out. And if you feel like giving him a chance... My point is, you need to talk to him. Sometimes, you are just like your Dad. Too quick with your decisions, too proud and too stubborn. Thank Goddess Axel is not like you too, because Freya would have her hands full with balancing him. I have my hands full with your Dad. But I love him endlessly, despite his flaws.' Mum says with love in her eyes. 'You should think about everything we discussed. You will have a lot of time for that. You know, your Dad wants you back in the pack. I can't argue with him this time. You are not safe in Connance anymore, Alexis. But don't worry, we will find a place for you where you will be safe and happy. You can do whatever you want, choose whichever profession you like. I'm here for you and I will help you with putting your life back together.' Mum tries to reassure me, but to me, it seems like prison.
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