10 Welcome Back To Town

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Ivory Brian's call came when I was about to have breakfast. I answered immediately. " Good morning, Sir," I said as politely as I could manage. " Good morning, Ivory. How are you?" He asked me. " Same as I was yesterday," I replied honestly, and he sighed. "Very well, I will let you settle in today. Your work will start tomorrow. Is that okay?" he asked. "Yes, sir," I replied, and he hung up. I was beginning to suspect he wasn't the patient type and tended to hang up once he was done talking. I could work with that. Erin and I finished eating. My son wasn't big, so I made a makeshift sling with old bedding sheets to carry him on my chest. It was the only way we'd make the walk. I headed out, ready to brave the distance. I touched Erin's hand and saw his bony fingers. Indeed, we barely survived, but because we were in prison and living, I was grateful. However, now that we were out and free, I could see that I hadn't done enough. I promised I would do my best. I would work hard and clear our names. Those were my goals, and I held them close to my heart, determined to realise them. When I walked through, people either shunned me or gave me mean stares. There were some that laughed. "Where did you get the bastard, w***e!" someone called out, and I didn't want Erin to hear that. I dared not stir up a fight, or I might end up in trouble. So I swallowed my pride and kept my head down while the people rained insults on me and my child. Soon, I was away from the vicinity and on a lone road that led to the necropolis. We finally arrived at the cemetery gate. The chain wasn't locked, which meant it was open. I tried to open it, and it gave way. I didn't know where Melissa was buried, but I suspected it would be in the area reserved for Ashbrooks. Glad for the peace and quiet, I let Erin down because my shoulders were a bit tired. The cemetery keeper walked towards me quickly. "Where are you heading, miss?" the man asked, and I turned to see who it was. To my surprise, it was old Riley. It took a bit for him to recognise me, but the moment he knew who I was, his eyes filled with tears. "Ivory?" he asked, and I nodded, bracing myself for the venom he might spew. "Ivory," he said again, then looked at Erin, who clutched to my side. "Heard he let you out," he said, and I was silent. "How are you holding up?" he asked concern in his voice. Could it be possible he didn't hate me? "I am fine?" I said, and the look in his eyes said he did not believe me. It was taking a lot for me not to break down at that moment. It was taking a lot for me not to cry. "Where are you going?" he asked. "Melissa's grave," I managed, and a tear rolled down his cheek. "I am sorry I can't let you. Luna Ashbrook can visit anytime, and she gave instructions yesterday that if..." he said there was no need to let him continue. "I understand. Do you know where Erin was buried?" I asked him, and the sadness in his eyes increased. "In the weedlands at the back. Where they bury traitors, Alpha had a tombstone made for him. I am sure you won't miss it. His grave is the only one with a tombstone," he said, pointing in the direction I should go. I could not hold myself, but I didn't want to cry in front of Riley, so I held myself together, carried Erin in my arms and headed towards the outlands. It was a distance from the main graveyard, but I didn't care. We finally got there. It was riddled with weeds, and most of the graves were unmarked. One particular one caught my eye because it was the only one with a tombstone. I walked towards it, my legs shaking, realising that even in death, Erin had been dishonoured. I got there, and it read, Erin Gibson. There was no word about his achievements, his office, or who he was. It was as if everything had been erased, and seeing the place he was buried. I suspected he had been erased. I sat in front of the grave, lost for words and wept. "I am sorry I couldn't prove our innocence, Erin. I am so sorry. Forgive me," I cried. I sat on the floor with my son beside me and watched Erin's grave. I realised that if I, too, had died, they would have put me here too. There was nothing to say. All I did was just stare at the tombstone and weep. Memories of Erin flooded my mind. He was our friend. He was loyal and true. He loved and obeyed Cole. He didn't deserve this. He didn't deserve any of it. I sat there and wept. Knowing Erin might be hungry. I handed him a sandwich, and he happily collected it, oblivious to his surroundings. "You are shameless, you know?" I had a familiar voice behind me, and I turned to see Gamma Olsen.
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