09 The First Day

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Ivory Morning came, and I wondered where to start. My first plan was to visit the graves of Melissa and Erin. They were the only people in my past that I could speak to and see. Though gone, I needed to see their graves and have closure. The necropolis was far from my home. It wasn't a walking distance, but somehow, I knew I would have to trek it. As for my job as Brian's secretary, I will wait to hear from Brian. Bracing myself for the day, I dressed Erin up and fixed him breakfast. I made sandwiches and packed snacks and water in an old backpack I found in the closet of my former room, so Erin could eat on our way there and back. Then, I went to get ready. I hadn't looked at myself in the mirror for a very long time, and I dreaded it. Looking at my reflection would bring back memories of Cole, and I wasn't over him. I know I'd never be over him. Heading towards the mirror, I dreaded what I would find. There was no way I was still the young, attractive twenty-three-year-old Luna. Still, I decided to look in the mirror for the first time in three years. Looking at my reflection in the standing mirror of what used to be my parent's room, I realised my appearance had changed a little. I had lost weight. I had dark circles and messy, untamed blonde hair. My eyes looked haunted, the innocence gone and the pain in them evident. I had aged a bit, too, but I still looked like myself. With a little rest and care, I would get back to my old self. I was glad for Diane. Had she not been with me, I was sure I would have looked worse. Would I ever be able to erase the hurt, pain, sorrow, grief and heartbreak evident in my eyes? The stress of prison was evident on my face, and the lack of a good diet told on me. Hopefully, I will get in shape soon. My eyes drifted to Cole's mark on my neck for the first time, and I ran my fingers through it. This was why I didn't want to look in the mirror. I didn't want to see his mark on my neck. Somehow, seeing it made the memory fresh. I sat on the floor in front of the standing mirror and wept. How did it come to this? I touched his mark on my neck, and memories returned to me. Rea howled in my head. She rarely spoke. The pain was excruciating. It was a past that I could never erase. I wanted to see him, but I knew I dared not. "Get up, Ivory," Rea finally said in my head. My heart had begun to palpitate with fear, thinking I was in over my head and that I'd fail. My wolf had finally stepped in. "Get up, Ivory. We can't give up until we are dead. We are doing this for our son, Erin. You saw the graffiti. We can't leave things like this. Cole has moved on, and he is alive and well. He is safe. Melissa and Erin deserve justice, we deserve justice, and our little boy deserves freedom and respect. That is all we have left, and that is what we will fight for. Get up. If it's too much for you, I will take over, Ivory. I will carry Erin and go the distance. It doesn't matter. We will find a way. No matter what, we will have to brave the coming storm," She said. Those were the most words Rea had spoken to me in three years. I could feel her determination. There was a finality to it that indicated she wouldn't change her mind. I felt her taking over. I didn't want to lose control, so I opted to remain in control, but I was glad my wolf was with me on this. It meant a lot. I knew I would make it.
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