Chapter 102

1691 Words

CHAPTER 102 RAINA’S POV I heard a loud grunt, someone was hit! Gaius! Gaius! Gaius! That was the only thing that came to my mind as I scampered through the bushes and small trees that crowded the boundaries of the small village. “Dammit! I’ve been hit!” A voice exclaimed and my heart dropped with a sigh of relief. That wasn’t Gaius’s voice, it was Bazo’s. “Who is the f**k is shooting? I’ve been hit!” “Drop down! Down!” Now that was Gaius’s voice. I saw dark, blurry figures running around, but I couldn’t really spot anyone familiar. The pace of the wind beside me suddenly sharpened up and the next second, something whooshed past me with the speed of lightning. I screamed and dropped to my knees when I heard the sharp thud of an arrow’s shaft piercing into the bark of the tree right

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