1369 Words

TYLER'S POV “She's your sister?“ “I just said that now, didn't I?“ I couldn't resist giving him a taste of his own medicine. He gave me a blank look. “I just want to be sure.“ “You know her, don't you?“ “Now, when did I say that?“ “I just thought you did.“ “So what information are you looking for on her?“ “Actually, it's not that sort of information.“ “Okay?“ “I need information on her whereabouts.“ “You don't know where your own sister is?“ He gave me a weird look. “We got separated.“ I fed him the same story I told the old man. More like the one he assumed for himself. “By an attack on our pack.“ “Is that so now?“ “Yes.“ I looked him in his one eye. "Now, what pack do you come from? Because I know you are not from here.“ “Look!“ I deflected. “Are you going to help me or n

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