Chapter 21

1597 Words
I was dragged into a car, still struggling even after I was thrown into the car.
“Knock her out. She won’t lay low.” One of them said.
Before I could make any other move, my neck was hit hard, and I blanked out.
I became conscious, and found myself in a different room. I was on a queen-sized bed, and a plate of fruits was placed on the bedside table. I sat up, still wondering where exactly I was.
“That man tried to rape me, and I was saved by an interruption.” I said, but then I gasped as I covered my mouth, in shock. “Tony Deaton.”
The door opened wide, and a man, dressed in a black suit, walked in. I moved backwards on the bed, timidly, and then Tony Deaton, walked in. What was he going to do to me?
“Good day, Ariana.” He said, with a smile.
But I couldn’t respond as I kept staring at him, in fear.
“Oh, I’m sorry for the manner in which you were brought here. Pardon me. I am Tony Deaton.” He said, then he walked over to me. “Next time, if anyone is trying to take advantage of you, in any way, here is my contact card. Do well to reach out to me, and I’ll get you out of the problem.” He offered, handing his contact card, over to me.
“Tha…Thank you. I appreciate.” I said, feeling a bit relieved.
“Alright. So, what would you like to eat? You look pale. Is Drake giving you enough food to eat?” He asked.
I couldn’t respond to that as I wouldn’t want to get into trouble, for replying the wrong way.
“Oh…Oh. It’s fine. Your master sure has a good eye. I’m certain you’ll like to leave, right now.”
“Yes. I have been gone for too long.” I managed to speak.”
“Alright, I understand. Lionel, escort her to Drake Phillip’s estate.” He said to the man beside him. “I think that’s alright. He wouldn’t see you, if you are dropped at the estate, instead.”
“Y…yes, thank you.” I appreciated him.
I was escorted to the estate as Tony Deaton ordered, and I thanked his man, too.
“My boss asked me to give you this.” He said, handing over a package to me.
I was reluctant in collecting it, but then, that seemed to be what would save me from Drake Phillip’s wrath, this evening.
“Thank him for me.”
I walked into the estate, feeling a bit happy. That was the first time in a while since I was treated like I was important. I was beginning to have second thoughts on Tony Deaton. He didn’t seem to be as bad as they painted him, and if I were to return the favour, he did for me, today, it was best to tell him what Drake Phillip was planning against him, and I am certain that he would protect me.
I got to the mansion, and as I expected I met Drake Phillip, sitting on a sofa, with his legs crossed.
“And where are you coming from, by 5pm? Why the hell did you go out, in the first place!” he lashed out on me.
I fidgeted, and became nervous, but I had to think of something quickly, to get myself out of this trouble.
“I apologize. I know I ought not to leave, but I did, to look for a way to impress you, and show you the results of the training.” I managed to restrain my voice, from shaking.
There was a possibility that he could tell if I lied.
“What do you mean by that?” He asked.
Then I brought the package forward to him, and the contact card, which Tony Deaton gave to me.
“I was able to get this much from him, without asking. Although, I don’t know what exactly is inside the package.” I said, hoping these gifts were going to save me from torture.
“Michael, check them out to be certain that there are no bugs, attached to it.”
I watched as Michael opened the package, and to my surprise, it was a new phone. Drake Phillip glanced at me, and then looked back at the phone. There was a short note, which Michael read aloud.
“You can contact only me, on this phone, in case your master checks your phone. This would be our secret way of conversing, and I will love to see you again.”
Drake Phillip let out a loud laughter. He seemed pleased, and I didn’t know that I would find joy in his pleasure.
“Our plans just booked an airplane ticket. Now, you will do as he says, but always give back to me, reports, and tips, needed to destroy him. Now, text him. You will meet with him, tomorrow.” He said, and then I nodded.
I did as Lord Drake Phillip asked me, and I went back to my room. Although, it hadn’t been long since I knew Tony Deaton, but the kindness he showed me, would not allow my heart, make me do this.
The next day, I dressed up, and left for Tony Deaton’s house, as he insisted that I come to his house, instead. While waiting in his sitting room, I felt I needed to use the restroom, and I did, but I heard muffled sounds, coming from a particular room. I checked it out, and to my surprise, there were children who were probably between six years to 12 years old. They were tied down, with price tags on their head.
I left immediately, and went back to the sitting room, fidgeting. I didn’t think I could tell him anything about Tony Deaton’s plans, seeing as he was into something like this, and I could not totally trust him, again.
Days passed with me, giving tips to Drake Phillips, and I could tell that he wasn’t satisfied yet, with what I was giving to him, and I was scared that he was losing his patience. Tony Deaton on the other hand, was treating me differently from Drake Phillips, and each day, I wasn’t feeling at peace as I gave Drake Phillip, tips. My conscience pricked me daily, and I wished I could find a way to get myself out of it, but it was impossible at this rate.
“Uhm… Ariana, I need you to see me, this afternoon, at this hotel.” He said, showing me a flier.
“Royals hotel?” I exclaimed, in disbelief.
“Yes. I’ll come over to see you, after my meeting. I have something I’ll like to share with you.”
It was weird that he asked me to see him at a hotel that was beneath his standard, but it was fine. Afterall, it seemed like it was something juicy he might have, to tell me.
I waited at a restaurant, until it was 2pm when I went to the hotel, and checked in. Just a minute after I got to the room, I heard a knock on the door.
“Mr. Tony?”
I opened the door, but to my shock, it was a stranger, who pushed me to the bed.
“I will have my way, with you.” He said, harshly, and was able to unbutton my shirt.
But before he could take my pants off, Tony Deaton appeared. I felt relieved that he was going to deal with this man, but he gave me an expression of distrust.
“What?” He exclaimed, in disgust.
“It’s not what you think.” I spoke hurriedly, with my voice breaking.
But he left, and then I kicked the stranger between his legs, while he was carried away with the situation. I buttoned my shirts, and ran after Tony Deaton, but he had gotten into his car, and driven off.
“Taxi!” I hailed a cab, and made the driver, follow Tony Deaton’s car, to his house.
Immediately I got to his house, I was given free entry, and I met him in his sitting room, drinking.
“I never knew you are someone like that.” He said.
“Trust me, I would never do that. He tried to rape me.”
“The position I met you guys in. I can’t seem to believe that. I would have no choice than to report you to your master. Even if I’m not totally on his good side, I feel he has to know about this. You have changed my perspective about you.” He said.
I ran to him, and knelt down, rubbing my palms together.
“Please don’t. He will kill me.” I pleaded, with tears, running down my cheeks.
“Do you mean you are attesting to it?”
“No…No. I swear it. I didn’t do it.”
“Look. To earn back the trust, you’ll have to do something.”
“Yes… Yes…To show that this is a misunderstanding, I’ll do it.”
Then he smiled, and leaned over to me. “I want you to keep tabs on your master, and report to me, every single thing that I need to know.”
My eyes widened in shock. I had played right into my target’s game, and was now in the midst of their war ground.

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