Thirty Seven (Unedited)

3165 Words
"Come on, I need to go, I'm going in! ” We've been working here for a while, I'm ready, I'm dressed, I have to go in because I've been absent from work for two days. "Leigh please, I'll be late." "Love, it's not possible, you have to stay here, until I know who chased us yesterday." I want to give it to him, but I really need to come in. Unfortunately for my co-depts, they are left with the ones I should be doing. "Please?" I looked at him, he’s smiling, his eyes were hopeful. I smiled, and kissed him. "Still a no." I saw his face turned sad, but I just laughed, and kiss him again, “Then why don't you just accompany me, you have to look after me, since it’s your fault,” he stood up, so I hug him, “You have to look after me, I know I have you. ” Looks like he was not expecting that. But he manages to give me a warm smile, "Of course, I think I was born to protect you, for my whole life." What the heck? "Corny!" He laughed and hugged me more, "Go, I'm giving you, uh," I looked at my wrist watch, "Fifteen minutes to fix yourself, drive me to work." He nodded and ran to the shower, so I laughed especially. This man. It's like a child being taken to the park. About ten minutes after he left the room, I immediately inhaled my favorite smell of perfume. He was dressed savagely hot and sexy, but he was just wearing a white fitted shirt, a black ripped jeans, and a black denim jacket, his eyes were full of emotions, he was not smiling, he’s oblivious in my presence. "Let's go." I was with him, he nodded, he al most run, I creased my forehead, "where are you fighting forward?" he did not answer, instead he opened the door, that made my lips opened a little bit, ohhh, he is trying to open the door for me, nice. He did the same to the car, "Wait, I'll just check the door." I nod in response, I grab my phone and replied to my unread messages, I’ve been out for almost three full days, the amount of messages they sent to me asking if I’m okay. I was about to reply when my phone rung, and an unregistered number appear on my screen, I decided to answer it. "You will be dead, soon." And the call died, I was frozen with what I heard. Leigh get in the car, I blinked to get my senses back, I suddenly felt numb, my heart is beating really fast, I can’t process that call. "Hey, are you okay?" I gave him a nod, for I was unable to open my mouth, I don't even know what to say, that call brings fear in me, I know it has to do with Leigh's work, someone must have known me, but I'm not so afraid about them coming after me, I'm afraid about my family's safety. "Leigh." I wasn to congratulate my self for not stuttering. “Are they mom? How are they? I haven't talked to them again. ” He didn't seem to expect my question. “Why? Did something happen? ” he asked, I just shook my head. He seems like not convince to my answer, I manage to smile and gave him a nod, assuring that I’m okay, even the truth is not, I’m not okay. "I don't want to go in, can we just go to them?" I don’t think I can get into this state, I don’t know why this is, why dangerous things always follow me. “Are you sure? Do I need to? ” he really wanted to know what’s with my sudden change of decision and mood, I felt the heaviness in my heart, I can’t let anything happen to my family. "Yes," I turned to him and smiled, "Let's visit them." He held my face and nod. "Alright, what my baby wants, she will get." I smiled, thank you. ------ “Why didn't you say you were going? I wish I could cook! ” the first thing my mother said to me, my heart is at ease now, knowing that they are safe, but I know, in no time, people who are coming after us will do everything to kill Leigh. "Suddenly my aunt came, she said she was going to come in, she didn't come in, I woke up early." There I turned to Leigh, crazy to Aww! Auntie oh! ” mama just laughed at us. "That's enough, son, take a bath upstairs, you man, downstairs, Den's older brother has clothes, I'll give them to you later, so I can finish cooking." Mom said, so I climbed up. I entered in my room, Ahhh, I miss my place. I'm doing all my stuffs here, I haven't been home for four years, my world revolves in working far from my home, I've always been full of things running to my mind, when I got my first job, I'm struggling with my bills, the apartment, my food, I was alone, and being able to go home, makes me feel calm and relax. I think I have to talk with Leigh about this, I can't hide this from him, he will eventually know about this, and besides he knows what to do, I won't take the risk for my family's safety, hindi ko kaya . I may not be too close with mama, but I can’t ignore the fact that their lives may be at stake right now. I soaked for a while in the tub, before thinking of taking a bath, I'm thinking too much, and its not good for me, I'll probably have migraine again, and its very deadly to my sleep and daily routine, I won't be able to function when that hits me, and I don't want that to happen. I went down correctly, because it was already served, so I just helped with the serving, when papa is still alive, we both do it, he is really the one in the kitchen, since he works for a restaurant abroad for almost nine years, so she is better and knows how to cook more, not that I'm not happy with mama's dish, the vibes of their cooking will be different, and as for mama, her dish will make you feel that you are home, and I love that. We ate peacefully, they were the only ones to talk, I can't join their conversation, I'm not in the mood to join them, my head hurts, I hope it doesn't continue with migraine, I'm also dizzy, I'll sleep just maybe I'll be later, I'm sleepy on the flight, because our place is also a bit far from the rest house where Leigh and I live. ‘ I haven't talked to Alex again after that call, I don't know how to approach her, I have this feeling that I fail again to protect someone dear to me, like what happened to Kim, I'll talk to her maybe when it's okay, I can't just go out because of this danger that is just there, we will be chased anytime. "Son, why don't you take him around our place, so that he can be familiar, how long will you stay here?" mama asked, as she peeled the apple. "Maybe tomorrow mom, so I can go in." I answered she nodded in response and handed the sliced apple to sam, me and even Leigh, she also took a slice left on the plate. “Okay, all right. Take him around first, we will do your brother's assignment first. ” I nod and kissed her cheeks. When they panicked mama, I looked at Leigh spinning family albums, so I approached. "That's papa." "Yes, you got your lips and cheeks on him." Many also say no when they see that, since papa is not here anymore, no one will notice if they haven't seen our family picture yet. "Let's go? Stroll? ” I nod and put my cap on, he did the same. I decided to bring him first to the nearby lagoon, it's small, and not like the ones in the tourist spot, but the water here is crystal blue, there are green tress everywhere, most of them are coconut trees, there are mini lounges in around, this place is a paradise, it's not open for the public as of now, only who's living near. "I used to hang out here, since I was a child until before I went to college, only now I'm back again," I was taken aback when he snaked his arms around my waist. "It's been a while." “Yes, I’ve be-“ he was cutted off when someone speaks beside us. “Kuya? We once looked at the source of the voice, it's a teen age girl, there's a brace hanging, used by the sellers here in our area, especially during the tourist season, it's not just because it's the mini lagoon here, actually there are many, but it's just not open to the public. “Hey brother! You haven't shown up for a long time! Don't come back here in a long time! ” my forehead automatically creased when she said that, don't come back? He’s been here? When? “Ah, yes. I was just busy. ” He answered and smile, hello? Am I not here? Won't he say what happened? How come he came here? “Who is his older brother? Is he the one you gave us what we did? ” The girl happily looked at me, now I just noticed, she looks like a foreigner with her brown curly long hair, her eyes were gray, she also has this tan skin, I’m taller than her for almost three to five inches. "Yup, that's what I used to tell you." Leigh answered and laughed, he even talked to the girl. "Ate!" she hugged me, so I was surprised, I just hugged too, "We made you a necklace before, has your older brother given it to you?" "You mean this?" I said and pulled out the necklace I was wearing. "You did it?" She nod and laughed. "Brother, I told you that's something for him!" he shouted and they apir again. The weirdness of the two of them, they look like ignorant people who are smiling, I don't understand. I looked at the necklace I was wearing, he gave it to me one week before Kim committed suicide, I can't throw this away, whether I admit it or not, I blamed myself when I left, when I left him, my emotions clouded my decision that time. "Love you tight, I'll give you something," I chuckled, this man will always be full of surprises, as if he didn't know, everyday he wants to do something new in his life, and I'm always the one who's bothered. "What now? The last time I closed my eyes, you put hot sauce on my nose. ” I answered, it’s true because my nose is always red, and instead of him helping me, he laughed at me, he even sang Rudolf the red nose reindeer, I’m not talking to him. “You, when I last closed my eyes, you left me! I still have my wallet and phone! I almost can't go home! You're getting stuck soon." I looked at him badly before finally turning a blind eye. I suddenly felt a cold metal thing on my neck. "Okay, open your eyes now." So I did, I immediately touched what she was wearing to me, it’s a gold necklace with a green something as the pendant. "What's that for?" Is there an occasion today? Why would he give me a present? "Nah, that was just a reminder, that no matter what happens, wherever life brings us, you will always be my weakness, my refuge," he kissed my forehead, "My kryptonite." I came back from my reverie when I felt his hands on my arm, mannerism, since we were, he was always like that, many people thought I was clingy, but in fact he was more clingy than me. "Who called you before I came in?" my heart beat became rapid, I didn't see it coming, I thought he wouldn't ask that. “I need to know, you won't be here all of a sudden, I know you. You hate sudden change of plans. ” Yeah, he is right, I always plan things beforehead to avoid any problems. I sighed, I think I have to say it, like what I said, I can't hide it from him for a long time, he will also know that. "It came from an unregistered number." "Hmm." His hug tightened a bit, “What did the caller say?” "He said that I'll soon be dead." He wasn’t talking after what I said, I heard him sigh, before kissing my shoulder, so I turned to him, “I want my family to be safe, Love.” He nod knowingly, he is smiling, but his eyes is telling otherwise. "I'll keep them safe, don't worry." I nod in response, “But we have to be back in Manila tonight, they might trace us here, I’ll be sending people to watch over them while I’m finding a good place for them, we don’t know if they are still safe here. ” As he said, we had to leave, so we only spent about an hour in the lagoon, and we went nowhere else, "Mom, we need to go home." I said as soon as we returned. "I thought you were leaving here tomorrow?" taking mama's question, he just got better in the room, maybe sam was put to sleep, it's already nine o'clock, we've been up all night. “I also need to do something at work, Ma. Suddenly he called, eh, I'll go with Leigh, you know the car here with us. ” There is only time for the car here, at seven pm no one is passing by, only private cars. "Anyway, all right, can I still take you to the corner?" mama offered, because sam was already asleep when we arrived. I immediately shook my head, “No, ma, there's a car, take a break, lock the door when we leave. I approached her and hugged her, before kissing her on the cheek, "Be careful here, Ma, call me when something came up, okay?" she nod. "We're leaving." "Be careful, son." ------- "Why did you lose your period gay!" Jc opened up to me, so he also looked at Amy and ran closer to our cubicle. "I just rested, I don't think my body can handle it anymore." I’m sorry, I can’t let them know what really happen to me for the past days. "Pres is looking for you, I think you have some questions." I just nodded, I was a little dizzy, maybe it was a long trip last night, because I went in right away. I almost fell asleep at almost three am, and I woke up around six am, usually seven am but because we were from Leigh's house, that explains. "All right, I'll report too, as well as mam Sofia." I said, they both nod and gave me a flying kiss, I jokingly catch that, that made them giggled. I estimate my every move because I feel like I'm going to fall, am I this stressful in my life? I just walked straight, I saw an unfamiliar face near the pres's office, "Hi." He stood up immediately and smiled, “Yes, I’m here for Sir Daniel, is he inside? I’m Dion. ” She nods, still smiling. "Yes, he's inside," he approached his table and pressed the intercom, "Sir, mam Dion is here, should I let her in?" she gave me a nod and pointed the door, so I muttered my thanks. The pile of paper in front of sir's table opened for me. "Sir." I called out his attention. He stood up as soon as he saw me. “My god Dion, good thing you’re here. These papers are killing me. ” I laughed slightly, traces of frustration on his face because of what he was doing. "I'm sorry sir, I'll just submit a letter to the accounting." I said and approached her table to arrange the papers. Almost everything on the table, needs to be fixed, some are from the investors, some need to manually input and some are in need for signatory. The amount, it looks like I need to overtime it, also a week to do it. "Don't worry, you are excused by my name, anyway, I didn't just call you for that," he said so I looked at him, "Come, have a sit." So I did, I sat across from him. “As you may remember, Jared's birthday is next  week, we fix it, so I have a lot left. ” I nod, so much work is left for us, there is no case don. "Anyway, I want you to be there, even without a gift." I just laughed because don, “I’ll be there, but can I bring someone with me?” his eyes widen, I can’t help but to laughed, this will be the first time that I’ll be bringing someone to a party. "Is that a guy?" he asked, his eyes were also small looking at me, so I nodded as my response. “Bring him! I want to meet him! ” he said, he looked pleased on my words, papa will be opposite, he's very over protected over me, but in a cute way, that's why I'm so close to tito Daniel, he has been my second father, he always looked after me. "Yes uncle," I stood up, and took some papers in front of his table, "I'll be leaving with this paper uncle, so I can start." He nod and smiled, I bid my good bye before stepping out the office. I went straight to my table and put the papers, I started to fix that, I have to get this done, maybe they Jc I’ll just find a dress since I’m not really good at choosing some dress. "Gay, are you okay?" I slightly nod, but I'm really dizzy, open your gay phone. ” I can’t comprehend completely what was really happening right now, I just felt the heaviness of my body, before everything went black. "Hey! Your girlfriend! Lost consciousness!!
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